Jun Wakabayashi
Jun is a Principal leading the Beacon Funds Arm, that is in charge of meeting, helping, collaborating with, and investing in emerging venture capital GPs to grow the startup ecosystem in Southeast Asia and web3. By immersing himself in local markets and engaging with both founder and investor communities across SEA, Jun has been able to establish an extensive network that keeps AppWorks top of mind for startups seeking funding, community, and support. Prior to AppWorks, Jun attended NYU Stern where he received a B.S. in Finance, and spent the following years conducting sector-based market research at Focus Reports. Outside of work, Jun is an avid meditator and invests an inordinate amount of time maintaining both his physical and spiritual wellness.
Beacon Funds 事業負責人,主導結識、幫助、投資區域與 Web3 新興創投基金經理人,並與他們充分合作。2017 年加入 AppWorks 擔任分析師、2022 年升任經理、2023 年升任協理,長期經營東南亞新創社群,贏得創業者、投資人、生態系建立者信任,使 AppWorks 成為區域內創業者尋求各種創業支持首選。擁有紐約大學史登商學院財務學士學位,曾任職於 Focus Reports 完成多個深度市場研究。工作之餘熱衷冥想以維持平衡身心。
Are you a passionate perfectionist? Join us!
We love entrepreneurs and we are passionate about helping them. We believe in Internet’s ability to keep reinventing the world and make it a better place. We want to set an example for a decent venture capital firm. We are on a mission to push Taiwan and Southeast Asia forward. We’re always striving to do better. If you’ve got the energy, attitude, and appetite for making a difference, join us!