Bill Hsu
Bill is an Analyst covering cryptocurrencies. Prior to joining AppWorks in 2023, Bill was an analyst at Kronos Research’s venture capital arm, where he explored blockchain technologies that can create value for platforms, brands, and products. Before falling into the crypto rabbit hole, he had four years of experience in global tech stock research and investment, focusing on healthcare technology, fintech, software, and internet industries. Bill received his Master’s in Finance from National Taiwan University. Outside of work, he is a science fiction enthusiast and a dreamer, who aspires to travel to space on a nuclear fusion-powered rocket, live on Mars, and pay for everything with crypto. He even hopes to one day freeze himself to await the arrival of the AI singularity.
覆蓋 Web3 領域。2023 年加入 AppWorks 前,曾在加密貨幣造市商 Kronos Research 創投部門擔任分析師,熱愛與創業者思考 Web3 科技如何為平台、品牌、產品創造價值,在踏入 Web3 領域之前,有 4 年的國際股票研究、投資經驗,專注在醫療科技、金融科技、軟體、網路產業。畢業於政大財政系、台大財金所。喜歡科幻但不是星戰迷,夢想是搭乘使用核融合技術作為動力的火箭去太空旅行,在火星上用加密貨幣生活,若有機會,希望可以讓自己進入冷凍冬眠,等待 AI 奇點到來時再甦醒。
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