Alyssa Chen
Alyssa is a Principal leading the Accelerator Arm of AppWorks, overseeing products including AppWorks Accelerator, Wistron Accelerator and management of communities ranging from accelerator alumni to mentors — “a lab that helps startups build their rockets,” as she puts it. She interned at AppWorks for a year during university. After graduation, Alyssa started her career at Huashan 1914, Taiwan’s pioneering cultural creative park. In 2016, she returned to AppWorks as an Analyst, became an Associate in 2019, and most recently assumed the role of Principal in 2022. She holds a Master of International Communications and a B.A. in German, both from National Chengchi University. On a personal basis, Alyssa is an advocate for female power, and has an undying passion for flowers and wine.
加速器事業負責人,經營包括 AppWorks Accelerator、Wistron Accelerator 等服務,以及 AppWorks 校友、Mentors 等社群。樂於陪伴創業者打造出屬於自己的火箭,大學時期曾於 AppWorks 實習,碩士畢業後加入華山文創園區,負責新銳文創品牌的招商與媒體合作。2016 年回到 AppWorks 擔任分析師,主要負責加速器,2019 年升任經理,2022 年升任協理,期間帶領 AppWorks Accelerator 持續成長、區域化,2018 年重新定位為專注於 AI、區塊鏈加速器,2020 年起隨疫情轉型為 Hybrid 加速器,2021 年成功與緯創合作推出 Wistron Accelerator 垂直加速器。在工作之外,喜愛插花、品酒,熱衷推動女力,喜愛與創業者走心。畢業於政大德文系、政大國際傳播所。
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We love entrepreneurs and we are passionate about helping them. We believe in Internet’s ability to keep reinventing the world and make it a better place. We want to set an example for a decent venture capital firm. We are on a mission to push Taiwan and Southeast Asia forward. We’re always striving to do better. If you’ve got the energy, attitude, and appetite for making a difference, join us!