Xixi Huang
Born and raised in Taipei, but XiXi speaks fluent Hokkien, which truly represents his spirit of embracing tradition and innovation. XiXi takes charge of guiding founders on applying blockchain technology, and providing expert opinions to the fund on making blockchain-related investments. XiXi’s startup was in AppWorks Accelerator #17, with which he strived to find the perfect application of blockchain technology in gaming. Known as the “Fish King”, XiXi is well respected and loved by founders in the blockchain community. Before he joined AppWorks, XiXi led a team that developed more than 10 DApps, including “Fish Joy” and other well-known games. Not long after launching “Fish Joy,” it generated an in-game trading volume of over NT$ 100M in just one month. He loves to take his Grandma to Japan for sightseeing and is passionate about experiencing all forms of water sports. He received his Bachelor of Computer Science (I.M) from the National Taipei University of Business.
負責引導創業者思考區塊鏈的應用,同時提供區塊鏈相關投資案的專家觀點。在台北出生長大,卻說著一口流利的閩南話,傳統與科技的混血兒。AW#17校友,持續追求區塊鏈科技與遊戲最完美的結合,在鏈圈人稱魚王,是非常受到尊重與喜愛的區塊鏈創業者,加入 AppWorks 前帶領團隊建立 10 款以上的 DApp,包括柚子打魚等著名遊戲,曾在遊戲上線後短短一個月內,創下新台幣破億等級遊戲內交易量。熱愛帶著阿嬤去日本旅遊以及一切海洋運動。畢業於國立台北商業大學資管系。
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