Warren Hu
Warren joined AppWorks in 2023 as an Analyst under the Beacon Funds arm. Prior to AppWorks, he was a Hong Kong-based investment banking analyst in the Asia Healthcare Team at Goldman Sachs, where he worked on high-profile corporate M&As, sponsored buyouts, and IPOs for companies across various healthcare verticals. Warren holds a master’s degree in financial analysis from London Business School and a bachelor’s degree in finance from National Taiwan University. Beyond indulging in the world of finance, Warren enjoys golf and binge-watching comedy series.
於 2023 加入 AppWorks 擔任分析師,服務創業者,以及協助 Beacon Fund 相關業務。加入 AppWorks 前於香港高盛擔任投資銀行部分析師,參與執行多項備受關注的企業合併與收購案、私募股權槓桿收購案、及香港上市發行案。擁有英國倫敦商學院財務分析碩士學位、台灣大學財務金融學士學位。金融專業外,享受打高爾夫球和不節制地追劇。
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