Nathan Alexander
Nathan joined AppWorks in 2024 as an Associate in the Southeast Asia Arm, dedicated to meeting and supporting founders in the region. He brings forth over 7 years of experience in startup advisory, investments and M&A. He started his career at PwC Indonesia where he was first exposed to the investment world and developed his initial acumen for analyzing companies. In 2021, Nathan moved to the venture capital industry, taking on the position of Senior Analyst at Alpha JWC. In his most recent role, Nathan served as the Head of Investments for Telkomsel Ventures where he focused on sourcing startups and underwriting investments for Telkomsel, Indonesia’s largest telecom operator. Nathan majored in Finance at Prasetiya Mulya University, graduating with a Bachelor of Economy. Outside of work, he enjoys watching football (soccer) matches and fostering meaningful connections with friends.
Nathan Alexander
2024 年加入,擔任 AppWorks 東南亞事業單位投資經理,負責協助輔導東南亞地區的新創團隊。加入 AppWorks 前,已累積超過 7 年的新創投資與併購經驗,曾擔任普華永道 (PwC) 諮詢公司位於印尼市場的資深經理,負責併購交易;2021 年,Nathan 轉戰創投領域,先後擔任 Alpha JWC 的資深分析師,和印尼最大電信公司 Telkomsel 創投部門 Telkomsel Ventures 的投資總監。Nathan 畢業於印尼的 Prasetiya Mulya 大學,擁有經濟學士學位,主修金融。工作之餘,喜歡觀看足球賽,結交各領域的朋友。
Are you a passionate perfectionist? Join us!
We love entrepreneurs and we are passionate about helping them. We believe in Internet’s ability to keep reinventing the world and make it a better place. We want to set an example for a decent venture capital firm. We are on a mission to push Taiwan and Southeast Asia forward. We’re always striving to do better. If you’ve got the energy, attitude, and appetite for making a difference, join us!