Chairman & Partner
Jamie Lin
Jamie started AppWorks in 2009 and has been a Partner since. He is on a mission to give the Greater Southeast Asia region a big push so we stay on top in the increasingly digitalized and automated 21st-century world. Jamie gave up his green card and moved back from New York to pursue this mission. He is a founder all his career and loves helping younger founders. Jamie co-founded his first e-commerce startup, Hotcool, in 1999 and later on, Intumit, and Muse Games. He began coding and building his own computers since the age of 10. Jamie received his BS in Engineering from National Taiwan University and MBA from NYU Stern. His blog, MR JAMIE, has provided inspirations to millions of readers in the venture community since 2009.
2010 年放棄綠卡與美國生活,專程回台創辦 AppWorks,為了推動台灣產業升級,成為 21 世紀的數位經濟強國 。1999 年份網路創業老骨頭,曾先後在台北與紐約參與哈酷、碩網、Sosauce、Muse Games 等四家公司的創辦。中間也曾投身創投,在 All Asia Partners 與 HSS Ventures 等基金管理公司歷練。十歲開始寫程式,國中動手組裝電腦,高中時撥接上了 Internet,從此迷上這個窮人的原子彈。熱愛幫助 AppWorks 創業者思考策略、解決問題、認識好的合作夥伴。紐約大學史騰商學院企管碩士,台大化工學士輔修經濟。是台大男籃一員,籃球之外喜歡閱讀與思辨。
Are you a passionate perfectionist? Join us!
We love entrepreneurs and we are passionate about helping them. We believe in Internet’s ability to keep reinventing the world and make it a better place. We want to set an example for a decent venture capital firm. We are on a mission to push Taiwan and Southeast Asia forward. We’re always striving to do better. If you’ve got the energy, attitude, and appetite for making a difference, join us!