Davidd Liu
Davidd helps younger founders think about how to make the best use of AI and data as well as provides expert analysis on AI-related investment opportunities. Davidd with two D’s is a serial entrepreneur. In 2011, Davidd and friends began their first startup journey at CHOCO TV, while part of the AppWorks Accelerator. They were successfully acquired by LINE through Mirai Fund in 2018. Davidd acted as the CEO of LINE TV until 2020, then left his position to become a supporting shareholder. Now, he returns to AppWorks, as well as to refresh and recharge himself to get ready for another “PLAY”. He graduated with a BS from the Department of Statistics at NCKU as well as a Master’s degree from the Institute of Business and Management at NCTU and is a triathlon enthusiast. He has completed cycling around Taiwan and Wuling three times.
負責引導創業者思考大數據與 AI 應用,並提供 AI 相關投資案的專家觀點。兩個 d 的 Davidd 是連續創業者。2011 年從 AW#2 出發,與黃崇傑及翁瑞廷創辦 CHOCO TV,透過大數據 與 AI 購買版權、投資廣告與自製劇,以相對有限資源在台灣線上影視服務產業崛起,2018 年為 LINE 旗下 Mirai Fund 千萬美元併購,改名 LINE TV,並擔任執行長。2020 年離開 LINE TV 轉為純股東持續支持,並重回 AppWorks 這創業起點,以第二屆學長和創業八年經驗回饋這個「大家庭」,並重新充電、吸收大地精華,期待再次啟航。成大統計系、交大經管所畢業,熱愛三鐵,單車環島武嶺各三次。
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We love entrepreneurs and we are passionate about helping them. We believe in Internet’s ability to keep reinventing the world and make it a better place. We want to set an example for a decent venture capital firm. We are on a mission to push Taiwan and Southeast Asia forward. We’re always striving to do better. If you’ve got the energy, attitude, and appetite for making a difference, join us!