Kuo Yo
Joining AppWorks in 2024 as a Fellow focused on the F&B industry, Kuoyo is a seasoned founder with multiple ventures. In 2013, he launched 17support (AW#6), an agricultural social enterprise, followed by BetterMilk in 2015, a sustainable milk brand that transformed Taiwan’s dairy market and sold in over 7,000 stores. Believing that “the power of business can change the world,” he aims to help Taiwan’s industries expand globally. In recent years, Yo’s focus has shifted toward nurturing potential CEOs, empowering 400+ leaders through training programs. Kuoyo holds a Statistics degree from Fu Jen Catholic University and is pursuing an MBA at National Chengchi University and an EMBA at the National University of Singapore.
2024 年加入 AppWorks 擔任餐飲產業專家,協助創業者制定成長策略、強化品牌體驗,並建構全球銷售渠道,實現企業使命,給消費者最棒的五感體驗。郭佑為連續創業者,2013 年創辦農業及社企電商平台 17support 並加入 AW#6。2015 年與兩位合夥人創辦鮮乳坊,於 2020 至 2023 年擔任執行長,革新台灣乳品市場,從 FamilyMart 到頂級超市、手搖飲品牌到咖啡名店,全台逾7,000 間門市皆有鮮乳坊產品,成為近十年最成功的乳品新創之一。他堅信「商業的力量能改變世界」,期望運用其全域的銷售渠道經驗助力台灣各產業開創新可能。近年,他投入CEO輔導,透過完整訓練課程,賦能超過 400 位CEO與經理人。畢業於輔大統計、政大 MBA,目前正就讀於新加坡國立大學 EMBA。
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We love entrepreneurs and we are passionate about helping them. We believe in Internet’s ability to keep reinventing the world and make it a better place. We want to set an example for a decent venture capital firm. We are on a mission to push Taiwan and Southeast Asia forward. We’re always striving to do better. If you’ve got the energy, attitude, and appetite for making a difference, join us!