128 results found for: demo day

AppWorks’ highly anticipated demo day is ready to bring you once again founders who are working at the forefront of AI / IoT, Blockchain / Crypto, and SEA. COVID-19 interrupted our usual semi-annual showcase earlier this year, so AppWorks Demo Day 2020 will look to bring you the best of both AppWorks #20 and AppWorks #21. This particular demo day will feature 23 startups, with many pioneering innovative digital solutions for working and living under the “new normal.” Among these rising stars, we’ll also have international teams joining us from Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Sweden and Guatemala. This batch also features the youngest founder ever to join AppWorks Accelerator at … read more

AppWorks Accelerator, the region’s longest-running accelerator with a focus on AI / blockchain, presents Demo Day #19, a showcase of 18 founders from Greater Southeast Asia (ASEAN + Taiwan), who are pushing innovations in AI / IoT and Blockchain in a US$ 3 trillion region.  This founder-focused showcase underpins the case that Taiwan as a startup hub is an integral component of this growth region. Within only 18 months, AppWorks alumni have expanded their presence in GSEA 1.6x, testimony that the accelerator and the country are a launchpad for founders driving business change in a region where population growth is rising 3.5x the pace in Greater China.  The 18 founders … read more

大東南亞 (GSEA,東協 + 台灣) 最大創業加速器 AppWorks Accelerator (之初加速器) 在今日 (11/26) 舉辦 AppWorks Demo Day #19,共計 18 組加速四個月有成的 AI / IoT 與 Blockchain 新創登台,吸引超過 1,200 位投資人、業界代表出席。 自 AW#17 (2018 年 8 月進駐、2019 年 1 月畢業) 起,AppWorks Accelerator 開始限定招募 AI / IoT 與 Blockchain 團隊,至今已是第三屆。AW#19 團隊自今年八月正式進駐,經過三個月密集加速,於 AppWorks Demo Day #19 登台,尋求媒合投資人與企業合作夥伴的機會 。 本屆 Demo Day,18 支登場團隊中,11 支新創以 AI、3 支以 IoT、4 支以 Blockchain 為創業主題。這群潛力新創中有 12 組國際團隊,比例高達 67%,分別來自印尼、新加坡、香港、美國、加拿大、法國、紐西蘭等地。這群未來之星中,有出身自 Google、Qualcomm、Samsung、聯發科技、Agoda 的高管,以及《端傳媒》的創辦人。 觀察 AW#19 新創團隊,可發現兩個重要趨勢。第一,AI / IoT 與 Blockchain 這兩個巨大典範轉移已經成為主流,吸引全球最優秀、經驗最豐富的創業者投身其中。第二,成立超過 9 年的 AppWorks Accelerator,校友網路發展蓬勃且區域化,持續扮演支持創業者長期成長的重要平台,因此吸引越來越多國際優秀創業團隊進駐,繼續引領大東南亞地區創業生態前進。  促進新創社群的國際交流、投資、商務媒合,以及更多的可能性,是 AppWorks 每年舉辦兩次 Demo Day 的主要目的。本次活動,共有來自產官領域逾百位高階主管與代表到場參觀,尋求投資、合作標的。包括國家發展委員會、富邦金控、台灣大哥大、國泰金控、宏泰人壽、UDN、緯創、遠傳電信、Amazon AWS、Nvidia、中信金控、華南金控、兆豐金控、統一國際開發、中華開發資本、台新金控、花旗銀行、基石創投、義美食品、光寶、宏碁、友達、瑞昱、華碩、佳世達、瀚宇彩晶、阿里巴巴、Facebook、Google、Line、KKday、雄獅旅遊、Nokia、Razer、台灣大車隊、資誠聯合會計師事務所等,都派經營、投資團隊出席。 潛力新創亮眼登場! Telepod 電動滑板車與換電系統,獲評全球最值得關注微型移動企業 SELF TOKEN 發行全球首部 Blockchain 主題的華語電影《聖人大盜》 來自新加坡的 Telepod,是大東南亞地區領先的電動滑板車廠商。除了銷售滑板車與電池外,也佈建自有的電池交換站,目前,服務網絡遍及美國、新加坡、馬來西亞、日本、印尼、印度、智利等國家,2018 年獲得新加坡公共運輸集團 SMART (Singapore Mass Rapid Transit) 種子輪 50 萬美元投資,預估 2020 上半年,營收將突破 600 萬美元,並被科技專業媒體《The Information》評選為全球最值得關注的八家微型移動 (Micro-Mobility) … read more

AppWorks Demo Day #19 將於今天 (11/26) 下午隆重登場,無法親臨現場的朋友,可以到 AppWorks Facebook Page 觀賞本次活動的實況轉播。 若你也想登上 AppWorks Demo Day 的千人大舞台,展現自己的產品與商業模式,AppWorks Accelerator 現正招收 AI / IoT 與 Blockchain 團隊,歡迎加入我們。 以下是將在 AppWorks Demo Day #19 出場的 18 支新創團隊簡介: AppWorks Demo Day #19 will take place this afternoon. If you’re unable to physically attend the event, you can catch the Livestream on the AppWorks Facebook Page. If you are an AI / IoT or Blockchain startup founder and also excited about the opportunity to pitch your product and business idea to over 1,000 people on the AppWorks Demo Day stage, join us by applying to AppWorks Accelerator. We look forward to receiving your application! The following are … read more

AppWorks’ highly anticipated semi-annual Demo Day is ready to bring you once again founders who are working at the leading edge of rapidly developing technologies in the AI / IoT and Blockchain economies. AppWorks #19 consists exclusively of AI/IoT & Blockchain startups. At this Demo Day, there will be 20 startups pitching, with 16 focusing on AI/IoT and 5 on Blockchain, and including 12 international teams joining us from Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, Canada, the UK, and the US. More than half of the founders in this batch are serial entrepreneurs, with many hailing from established tech companies and accelerators like Google, Qualcomm, Samsung, MediaTek, Agoda, Initium Media … read more