AppWorks Demo Day 2020 is Coming on October 15

AppWorks’ highly anticipated demo day is ready to bring you once again founders who are working at the forefront of AI / IoT, Blockchain / Crypto, and SEA.

COVID-19 interrupted our usual semi-annual showcase earlier this year, so AppWorks Demo Day 2020 will look to bring you the best of both AppWorks #20 and AppWorks #21. This particular demo day will feature 23 startups, with many pioneering innovative digital solutions for working and living under the “new normal.” Among these rising stars, we’ll also have international teams joining us from Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Sweden and Guatemala.

This batch also features the youngest founder ever to join AppWorks Accelerator at the age of 17, alongside founders that tenured at Google, Microsoft, and MediaTek, as well as several serial entrepreneurs with multiple exits under their belts.

Please reserve your time and join us live on AppWorks Demo Day. Whether you’re looking for opportunities to invest, collaborate, or stay abreast on the latest trends across AI / IoT, Blockchain / Crypto, and SEA, this is an event you definitely don’t want to miss!

*As COVID risks persist, social-distanced seatings will be implemented at the event and therefore it will regretfully be changed to by-invitation only dedicating to investors & corporate representatives. If you are one & need an invite, email us at [email protected]

久等了!AppWorks Demo Day 讓您看見區域數位經濟最前緣,這一次,我們將再次帶給您專屬於 AI / Blockchain / SEA 新創的一場盛會。

和過往一年兩屆、半年一次的 Demo Day 有所不同,受疫情影響,這次的 AppWorks Demo Day 2020,將從今年 AppWorks #20、#21 兩屆團隊中,精選 23 支優秀的團隊輪番登台。這群未來之星中,除了台灣團隊外,另有來自香港、新加坡、印尼、瑞典、瓜地馬拉等地的團隊;有出身自 Google、Microsoft、聯發科的高管;有成功被併購出場的連續創業者;還有今年 17 歲,創下 AppWorks Accelerator 歷年紀錄、目前最年輕的創業者。

歡迎您預留時間,於活動當天,參與我們的線上直播。無論您是想找投資機會、合作夥伴,或是想追上 AI / IoT、Blockchain / Crypto 與東南亞的最新脈動,這都是一場您不能錯過的盛宴。

*由於疫情尚未結束,本次 Demo Day 現場必須採梅花座,容量大幅減少,因此被迫改為邀請制,限定投資人與企業代表參加。如果您是上述人士,尚未收到邀請,請 email 到 [email protected]

[Date] Thursday, October 15, 2020


13:00 – 13:30 Opening Remarks

13:30 – 15:00 Startups Demo

Want to pitch on the stage of the next AppWorks Demo Day? Want to join the largest founder community in Greater South East Asia?Check out more info about AppWorks Accelerator on our website, and leave your contact information if you would like to get a notice of when we start taking applications for AppWorks #22 in November >>AppWorks Accelerator