AppWorks Demo Day #19 將於今天 (11/26) 下午隆重登場,無法親臨現場的朋友,可以到 AppWorks Facebook Page 觀賞本次活動的實況轉播。
若你也想登上 AppWorks Demo Day 的千人大舞台,展現自己的產品與商業模式,AppWorks Accelerator 現正招收 AI / IoT 與 Blockchain 團隊,歡迎加入我們。
以下是將在 AppWorks Demo Day #19 出場的 18 支新創團隊簡介:
AppWorks Demo Day #19 will take place this afternoon. If you’re unable to physically attend the event, you can catch the Livestream on the AppWorks Facebook Page.
If you are an AI / IoT or Blockchain startup founder and also excited about the opportunity to pitch your product and business idea to over 1,000 people on the AppWorks Demo Day stage, join us by applying to AppWorks Accelerator. We look forward to receiving your application!
The following are brief introductions of the 18 startup teams at AppWorks Demo Day #19:
1. Telepod
Urban mobility with a network of swappable battery kiosks.
Jin Ni Gan | [email protected] | https://www.telepod.co
2. Dent&Co
Medical AI chatbot.
Steve Chu | [email protected] | LINE ID : @dentco
3. Mellow
Mobile finance solution for kids and parents.
Chester Szeen | [email protected] | https://www.mellowapp.io/
4. Matters
Shared Infrastructure for content creators on blockchain.
Annie Zhang | [email protected] | https://matters.news/
5. Beseye 雲守護
AI Video analysis platform for security cameras.
Shaq Tu | [email protected] | https://www.beseye.com/tw/home
6. Blyng
Conversational AI chatbot for real estate.
Julien Priour | [email protected] | https://blyng.io/
Integrating entertainment and Blockchain technology.
Jack Hsu | [email protected] | https://selftoken.co
8. Fluv 毛小愛
Pet care platform for local sitters and pet parents.
Candace Chen | [email protected] | https://www.ifluvyou.com
9. WeavAir
Smart sensor and predictive analytics that helps building owners and service providers save energy, improve indoor air quality & prevent equipment failure.
Natalia Mykhaylova | [email protected] | http://weavair.com
10. portto
Make blockchain simple and accessible for everyone.
Hsuan Lee | [email protected] | https://portto.io/
11. KaChick
An AI-powered platform that connects travelers with local photographers and experiences through business partnerships in Asia.
Peggy Cheung | [email protected] | https://www.kachick.com/
12. Arical
AI real estate investment predictive analytics platform.
San Wong | [email protected] | https://www.arical.ai/
13. Dapp Pocket
Crypto wallet app for Dapp lovers.
Anderson Chen | [email protected] | https://www.dapppocket.io/
14. FourCons
One-stop solution for heavy equipment needs.
Felix Hartantio | [email protected] | https://www.fourcons.com/
15. Gigvvy Science
AI platform for science research publishing.
Lisa Hsu | [email protected] | http://www.gigvvy.com/
16. OnMyGrad
AI career learning platform.
Anthony So | [email protected] | https://www.ongrad.com/
17. SparkAmplify
AI-powered PR service.
Chien Lee | [email protected] | https://www.sparkamplify.com
18. Whoopee Robot
AIoT controller for robot arm in the service industry, like a turn-key robot arm solution for Cafe Shops.
Morris Lu | [email protected] | http://bit.ly/whoopeeRobot-Video