AppWorks Launches Internal Promotion Track, Promoting Two New Partners and Associates

As of today, AppWorks has promoted two new partners, Jessica Liu and Andy Tsai, and two new associates, Alyssa Chen and Ching Tseng.

Jessica Liu graduated from the University of Southern California’s (USC) Marshall School of Business and has been working with AppWorks for nearly five years. She was responsible for several important AppWorks portfolio, including Carousell, the region’s leading C2C marketplace, ShopBack, the largest cashback platform in Greater Southeast Asia, KKday, the leading travel experience platform in Asia; and 91APP, one of the largest digital commerce enabler in Asia. Moving forward, she will be responsible for leading AppWorks’ expansion plans in Southeast Asia, with a particular emphasis on Indonesia.

Andy Tsai, another new partner, has more than 10 years of venture capital experience with leading firms such as the CID Group and China Development Industrial Bank, Before joining AppWorks in 2018, and will now lead the management of AppWorks Funds.

Newly promoted Associate Ching Tseng will be mainly covering the region’s burgeoning blockchain ecosystem, while the other newly promoted Associate Alyssa Chen will continue spearheading AppWorks Accelerator.

With these promotions, we’ve marked a new milestone in AppWorks history. This the first time that AppWorks partners have been promoted from within. Moreover, at 30 years old, Jessica is the now youngest partner at AppWorks. The two new associates, Alyssa and Ching actually started their careers at AppWorks together as interns in college, joined full-time as Analysts after graduation and are now ready to tackle the next stage in their careers.

The founding partner of AppWorks Jamie Lin said, “I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time. Congratulations to Jessica, Andy, Alyssa and Ching. I hope that you will continue to train the next generation and enable AppWorks to create an even bigger impact in the next 10 years.”

Andy Tsai (left), Jessica Liu (right) become the first internally promoted partners at AppWorks since its inception

This is the first time AppWorks has carried out internal promotions since our establishment in 2009. It not only demonstrates our ability to cultivate quality talent from within, but also puts in place an institutionalized system for aspiring junior VCs seeking long-term career development and upward mobility. We recognize that the younger generation is the region’s lifeblood and will be largely responsible for taking the startup ecosystem both in Taiwan and SEA into its next phase of development. This is why we’re looking for similarly like-minded and passionate individuals to come on board as Associates and Analysts at AppWorks—both of which are paid according to their professional experience and performance.

AppWorks Associates’ salary range for 2019 will hover between US$ 73K and US$ 140K, whereas Analysts’ will range from US$43K and US$83K. The salary is complemented by benefits including unlimited vacation days, flexible working hours and location, an annual full-body health check, and an annual company retreat, among other perks.

We believe talent is the most important asset of 21st century enterprises, and this mantra is not merely a slogan, but a core pillar of our DNA. In addition to competitive compensation, we are committed to creating an environment where decisions are open, transparent, and consensus-driven. Every single AppWorks colleague has equal say in pending discussions and prospective resolutions, from the operation of AppWorks Accelerator to investment decisions to overall company policies. Team members are not confined to the boundaries of their job title or description and are encouraged to provide insight into or communicate differing opinions on any matters of interest to them.

Newly minted partner Jessica remarks, “AppWorks is not just a startup accelerator, but also an employee accelerator. Looking back at AppWorks over the past five years, I constantly found myself in the face of new challenges and hurdles, forcing myself to learn and grow at an accelerated pace. I am very pleased that the company has welcomed me into the partnership and entrusted me with more responsibility. I look forward to continue helping entrepreneurs achieve their ambitions, as well as leading the AppWorks team forward into the future.”

Our team members were not only the only ones to experience substantial growth. By the end of 2018, the AppWorks Ecosystem encompassed a total of 328 active startups and 925 founders. Collectively, all companies generated an annual turnover of US$ 2.5 billion, increasing 90% over the same period last year, while creating 9,586 jobs, an annual increase of 67%. The cumulative amount of funds raised was US$ 806 million, growing 82% YoY, with a total valuation exceeding US$ 3.6 billion, a significant uptick of 127% compared to 2017.

Looking forward to 2019, AppWorks Accelerator will continue driving the exploration and adoption of AI / blockchain technologies among Greater Southeast Asia’s emerging startups through our 6-month equity-free AI/ blockchain accelerator. Meanwhile, AppWorks’ US$ 100 million Fund III will complete its first closing in 1Q19, equipping us with the necessary resources to tap into the next phase of growth in SEA. Finally, with the new internal promotions and initiatives set in stone, we look forward to becoming an influential platform for more young, outstanding talent to amplify their impact. “Welcome to join us and write the next chapter of Greater Southeast Asia’s digital economy,” comments Jamie.

交棒年輕人!AppWorks 啟動內部晉升引擎,首波拔擢兩位合夥人、兩位經理,並擴大人才招募

大東南亞創業加速器龍頭,同時也是本區指標性創投的 AppWorks,今 (22 日) 宣布啟動內部晉升引擎,正式開始交棒年輕人。首波內部晉升包含兩位合夥人、兩位經理,其中 30 歲的劉侊縈 (Jessica) 升職後,成為 AppWorks 歷來最年輕的合夥人。此外,AppWorks 同時擴大招募,邀請優秀人才加入,與 AppWorks 一起輔導、投資大東南亞新創團隊、串接東協與台灣生態系,推動台灣成為區域數位重鎮。

新年初始,大東南亞校友規模最大的創業加速器、同時也是台灣與東協區域最活躍創投之一的 AppWorks 宣布共有四位團隊成員獲得內部晉升。包括兩位新晉合夥人 (Partner) 劉侊縈 (Jessica)蔡欣翰 (Andy),以及兩位新任投資經理 (Associate) 陳敬旻 (Alyssa)曾意晴 (Ching)

對 2009 年創立至今的 AppWorks,這波內部晉升共寫下三個第一次,不僅顯示 AppWorks 內部培育飛輪成功啟動,建立起人才向上流動的機構制度,同時也期待透過晉升賦予下一代成員更大的舞台與挑戰。第一個第一,這是 AppWorks 首度透過內部拔擢,產生新的合夥人;第二個第一,是 30 歲的劉侊縈 (Jessica),成為 AppWorks 歷來最年輕的合夥人;第三個第一,是陳敬旻 (Alyssa) 與曾意晴 (Ching) 兩位在學生時期,都曾擔任過 AppWorks 實習生,歷經 AppWorks 工作、內部訓練獲得長足成長,成為首批從 AppWorks 實習生一路晉升的投資經理。

Andy 蔡欣翰 (左)、Jessica 劉侊縈 (右) 成為 AppWorks 自創立以來,首度透過內部晉升的合夥人 (Partner)。

未來,隨著新角色,除了原本就負責投資案之外,四位團隊成員也將在 AppWorks 扮演更重要的角色。新任合夥人的 Andy 蔡欣翰,擁有政治大學財務管理碩士學位,2018 年加入 AppWorks 前,擁有超過 10 年 CID 華威國際等創投經驗,未來將督導 AppWorks 創投基金的管理;另一位新任合夥人 Jessica 劉侊縈,畢業於南加州大學 (USC) 商學系,在 AppWorks 服務近五年,負責 AppWorks 多項重要投資案,包括台灣最大虛實融合新零售解決方案供應商 91APP、亞洲旅遊體驗平台龍頭 KKday、大東南亞網購反饋平台龍頭 ShopBack,以及大東南亞行動拍賣領先平台 Carousell (旋轉拍賣),未來將負責主導 AppWorks 在印尼的拓展計畫。Ching 曾意晴將負責 AppWorks 的 Blockchain 相關計畫、Alyssa 陳敬旻則將負責 AppWorks Accelerator。

除了團隊成員晉升,展望 2019 年,AppWorks 也展開擴大徵才,邀請對 AI、Blockchain、大東南亞數位經濟等領域有興趣,希望透過輔導、投資新創團隊,推動台灣成為大東南亞數位重鎮的好手加入。

目前亟需人才加入的職務主要為投資經理 (Associate) 分析師 (Analyst),兩者皆按專業能力與工作表現敘薪,投資經理 2019 年薪將在 220 萬至 420 萬新台幣間 (US$ 73K ~ 140K)、分析師在 130 萬至 250 萬新台幣間 (US$ 43K ~ 83K),此外還有年假無上限、不限制工作時間與地點、年度健康檢查、年度員工旅遊等福利。

由於長期輔導新創團隊,對 AppWorks 來說,「人才是 21 世紀企業最重要的資產」不是口號而是 DNA,在各個環節,皆展現對人才的重視。除了提供在業界具有競爭力的待遇,也致力打造資訊公開、制度透明、人人皆平等的環境。例如,從每一支進駐 AppWorks Accelerator 的新創團隊、各個投資案,到 AppWorks 內部的政策與制度,每一個 AppWorks 的下一步行動,皆採取共識決議,每位成員皆不受限於職務而有提供建議、表達不同意見的平等權利,藉由大鳴大放的溝通與交流,讓擁有不同專業與工作內容的每一個人,都能因為認同、共同參與團隊的所有決議,一起朝同個目標、方向快速前進。

AppWorks 創辦合夥人林之晨 (Jamie) 表示:「期待這一天很久了,非常興奮 AppWorks 終於能啟動交棒計畫,恭喜 Jessica、Andy、Alyssa 與 Ching,期許你們承先啟後、持續培養下一代,讓 AppWorks 的第二個 10 年更精彩、發揮更大的 Impact。」

剛升任合夥人的 Jessica 劉侊縈也表示:「AppWorks 不只是新創加速器,也是員工加速器,回頭看加入 AppWorks 的這近五年,發現自己無時無刻不在面對變化、挑戰,也因此被迫更快成長。很高興公司在此刻賦予我更大責任,非常期待在新職位繼續幫助創業者,同時帶領 AppWorks 團隊前進。」

Jamie 林之晨同時指出,在 2018 年,AppWorks 生態系展現了大幅成長,328 家活躍企業加總年營收超過 700 億新台幣,已經跨越規模門檻。展望 2019 年,除了旗下的 AppWorks Accelerator 將持續領跑大東南亞 AI / Blockchain 新創加速,30 億新台幣的 AppWorks Fund III 也即將在第一季完成 First Closing (第一階段募集),AppWorks 將有更大能量,可以協助大東南亞新創的成長。在此刻,內部晉升有助於推動各項新計畫,AppWorks 也期待成為更多優秀年輕人才放大影響力的舞台。

截至 2018 年底,AppWorks 生態系活躍新創累積至 328 家、共 925 位創業者,所有企業的加總年營業額來到 25 億美元 (約為 769 億新台幣),較前一年同期大幅成長 90%,員工數 9,586 位,年增高達 67%,生態系累積募資金額為 8.06 億美元 (約為 248 億新台幣),年增率達到 82%,總估值突破 36 億美元 (約為 1,107 億新台幣),較 2017 年大幅增加 127%,種種優異的成長數字背後,皆來自 AppWorks 團隊與各個新創團隊共同努力,Jamie 林之晨說:「歡迎加入我們,一起來寫大東南亞數位經濟的下一個篇章。」