139 results found for: demo day

10+11月份的 appWorks Startup Mixer 來囉!!! 活動頁在此:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=157258597643095 由於 appWorks 將於 11 月底舉辦大型 Demo Day 活動,讓參與第一屆育成計畫的 11 個團隊,有機會向全世界介紹他們六個月來努力的成果,所以10/11月份的 appWorks Startup Mixer 將合併舉辦。 九月份的 Mixer 碰到滂沱大雨,但大家仍然踴躍出席,讓我們十分感動。當天看到很多新的朋友,包括許多創投先進與創業人,甚至還有電影圈與時尚圈的朋友,以及不少對申請第二屆 appWorks 育成計畫有興趣的團隊。雖然大多僅能簡單聊上幾句,有些甚至被人海淹沒,沒能有機會交談,但凡走過必留下痕跡,你們的面孔我們都記得,所以這次千萬不要害羞,請主動來跟我們打招呼。;) 這次的活動的主題是歡迎入選第二屆育成計畫的團隊們,這些是從 42 個申請隊伍中挑選出來的菁英,即將在 12 月進駐 appWorks 育成中心,到時候請大家跟我們一起恭喜他們。 另外,為了讓大家常保新鮮感,我們決定再次更換場地,移師到大安區,以好吃的熱狗和薯條聞名的 BCDog cafe。而我們的固定班底 — 第一屆 appWorks 育成團隊也都會到現場,他們的訓練已接近至尾聲,大家可以來跟他們聽聽這五個月以來的心得,還有他們用心研發的成果。此外,Jamie 在內的五位 Team appWorks 成員也都會在場,幫大家解決關於創業、創投等的各種疑難雜症。 地點:BCDog cafe (台北市大安區光復南路346巷48號) 時間:11/4號(四)18:30-21:30 這次的活動一樣不收門票,歡迎大家來跟我們同樂,一同推廣網路創業的精神。 另外要在這邊感謝 ezTable 協辦,他們的網址是:http://eztable.com.tw/ 。 最後,提醒大家,根據過去幾次的經驗,活動應該會非常爆滿,請大家先到活動頁預約。 點我點我:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=157258597643095 咱們到時候見啦!!!

The intersection of AI and web3 represents one of the most exciting frontiers in technology today. While many projects chase the latest trends, few founders bring the combination of proven execution ability and deep market understanding needed to build something truly transformative in this space. That’s why we’re excited to support Kevin Mintaraga, a third-time founder with two successful exits under his belt, as he builds By then, an AI-powered platform that transforms static NFTs into dynamic 3D avatars, enabling new forms of digital expression and interaction. From Counter-Strike Pro to Serial Entrepreneur: Kevin’s Journey Kevin’s path to entrepreneurship began far from the world of tech startups. In his early … read more

Motorcycles dominate the streets of Indonesia, a nation of 284 million people with over 137 million two-wheelers in circulation. With that many vehicles, riders often struggle to find safe and accessible parking in dense cities, fueling widespread illegal parking and worsening urban congestion.  On the other hand, most parking lots in the Thousand Island Nation still rely on outdated systems and manual approaches, leading to significant revenue leaks—an ongoing pain point for owners. These losses, coupled with operational inefficiencies, make it difficult for landowners to scale operations and expand. This creates a vicious cycle: limited parking spaces, rampant illegal parking, and worsening congestion that ripples across the urban landscape. That … read more

By Sophie Chiu, AppWorks Principal Taiwan Equity Market: Huge, Liquid, and High Multiple Taiwan’s equity market, with a market cap of US$2.6 trillion, ranks as the 4th largest in APAC, just behind China, Japan, and Hong Kong. It overshadows both Korea and Australia, standing at 4x the size of  major equity markets in Southeast Asia. While not the largest, Taiwan’s equity market has been the best-performing in the world this year, buoyed by strong fundamentals and investor sentiment around AI and related technology sectors. (For this, Bloomberg’s Editor-in-Chief wrote an article on 16-October about some of the fundamental supports behind the performance: Taiwan Outperforming World with Tech Halo.) This market … read more

  Founded in 2010 by Jamie Lin, AppWorks Accelerator is a startup community created by founders, for founders. We are committed to fostering the next generation of entrepreneurs in Greater Southeast Asia, accelerating the region’s transition into the digital era.  Every six months, we welcome founders trailblazing on the frontiers of AI, web3 and Southeast Asia, equipping them with the necessary resources, mentorship, and guidance to get their ventures off the ground.  We know there are many considerations for founders when applying to an accelerator. That’s why we’ve created an FAQ page to help you decide whether or not AppWorks is the right fit for your startup.  As of October … read more