AppWorks Demo Day #16 驚艷登場,28 支國際新創聲勢驚人!AppWorks 生態系總估值破 17 億美金,持續整合大東南亞市場

亞洲最大創業加速器 AppWorks Accelerator (之初加速器) 在 6/6 舉辦 AppWorks Demo Day #16,共計 28 組新創登台,吸引超過 1,200 位投資人、業界代表出席。

位於台北的 AppWorks Accelerator,本屆出現兩組來自美國、一組來自比利時的團隊,顯示加速器觸角已擴及北美與歐洲,加上來自台灣、香港、新加坡、印尼等大東南亞區的優秀新創,讓 AppWorks Accelerator 的國際化版圖再次擴大。本屆創業主題包含最熱門的 AI 與 Blockchain,持續發燒的 IoT、社群電商、數位行銷、O2O 等多元領域,展現大東南亞的數位版圖創業活力。

促進新創國際交流、投資、商務媒合,是此次 AppWorks Demo Day #16 的主要目的。本次活動,吸引多位重要產官界人士蒞臨,包括立法委員余宛如,以及由外交部國際合作及經濟事務司司長李新穎接待的 15 位印尼新創代表。此外,CID 華威國際、國泰金控、中信金控、台新金控、永豐金控、新光金控、華南金控、開發國際、群益創投、華晨投資、中盈投資、遠傳電信、台灣大哥大、中華電信、聯合報系、緯創資通、台達資本、104 等逾百位國內外創投與企業代表,也紛紛到場參觀,尋求投資、合作標的。


Cubo 智慧寶寶攝影機創下每分鐘賣出 5.5 台佳績

42 Race 打造東南亞最大線上路跑社群 、MOOIMOM 位居印尼母嬰品牌電商第一


在 AppWorks Accelerator 多年努力經營,以及眾多校友企業傑出表現的證明,有越來越多商業模式已獲成功的新創團隊,選擇進駐 AppWorks Accelerator,進一步擴大營運規模與市場版圖。

Cubo 是由一群熱愛寶寶的創業者所組成,成功推出全球第一支智慧寶寶攝影機。Joanna 與同是創業夥伴的先生,一直渴望擁有自己的寶寶,經過 6 次人工受孕才終於如願。但新手爸媽經驗不足,深怕嬰兒睡著時,會被棉被覆蓋口鼻,導致 Joanna 得到產後憂鬱症,夜半經常緊張驚醒。因此決定籌組團隊,結合 AI 技術以及小兒科醫師葉勝雄的專業經驗,開發出智慧寶寶攝影機,今年 5 月,產品在群眾募資網站嘖嘖上架,創下 30 分鐘內集資破百萬、2 小時內破 300 萬新台幣、平均每分鐘賣出 5.5 台的好成績。

Cubo 是由一群熱愛寶寶的創業者所組成,成功推出全球第一支智慧寶寶攝影機。

來自新加坡的 42Race,是東南亞最大線上路跑社群平台。跑者在 42Race 平台上,除了能夠記載自己的跑步記錄並與跑友們比較,42Race 更將實體馬拉松虛擬化、遊戲化,使跑者可以隨時隨地參加,在自己喜歡的地點與路線完成比賽,贏得實體獎牌,42Race 團隊的熱情與行動力,使他們在 2016 年成立之初,即獲得 Quest Ventures 領投天使輪,2 年至今累計超過 7 萬名付費用戶,累積營業額超過 200 萬美金 (新台幣 6,000 萬元),今年,更與運動大廠 Reebok 合作,在包括台灣在內的大東南亞各國推出最自由的虛擬馬拉松競賽。

「酒後駕車」一直是台灣公共安全的惡夢,TWDD 台灣代駕則希望透過數位科技來解決。TWDD 是全台第一家可以用 App 和線上呼叫的代駕服務平台,24 小時提供酒後代駕服務,讓人們能開心喝酒、平安回家。自 2016 年 6 月上線以來,已累積超過 5 萬次服務,除了解決台灣嚴重的酒駕問題、提供數萬名代駕司機就業機會,也創造餐飲消費成長,帶動整體生態鏈更健全的發展。

MOOIMOM 是印尼最大的母嬰電商品牌,7 年前,看上印尼經濟爆發性的成長動能及電商市場未來潛力,創辦人夫妻 James 與 Carolyne 舉家落地印尼,開始電商創業旅程。走過艱辛的創業之路,MOOIMOM 成功打造出自己的品牌價值,主打親民價格、歐美時尚設計。至 2017 年底,除了電商之外,另外在東南亞設立 20 家實體門市及 200 家通路經銷,每年營收成長達 100% ,回購率高達 40%。為尋求拓展國際市場及產品線,MOOIMOM 在台灣設立研發中心,欲結合台灣科技、人才及製造實力,目標五年內攻下泰國、越南、馬來西亞及新加坡等東南亞高潛力市場。

近年台灣刮起的「生酮飲食」旋風,背後推手 FB 社團酮好,也在 AW#16 團隊之中。創辦人 James 本來就熱愛運動與健身,卻苦惱一直瘦不下來。自 2016 年從國外網站接觸到生酮飲食後,在短短 3 個月內就瘦了 12 公斤,且原來空腹血糖高、吃完飯會昏睡等糖尿病前期症狀也達到改善。James 於是在臉書成立「酮好」社團,2 年內累積超過 10 萬成員,致力生酮飲食的研究與推廣,幫助一般大眾了解生酮飲食、調整體重、改善健康。



新加坡 Novelship 搶攻東南亞時尚流行商品電商版圖

香港 Branch8 開發跨境電商新利器


隨著大東南亞地區的數位經濟蓬勃發展,有越來越多國際新創選擇加入 AppWorks Accelerator,希望藉由豐富的校友網絡以及創業資源,拓展在這塊市場的新商機。

大東南亞地區的年輕族群,是孕育電子商務快速成長的重要市場。來自新加坡的電商網站 Novelship ,由兩位熱愛時尚流行商品的大男孩 Richard 和 Chris 共同創立,由於大東南亞地區中產階級興起,流行商品市場起飛,但盜版商品猖獗,消費者難辨真偽,一不注意就可能買到盜版商品,Novelship 親自為消費者把關,提供經濟實惠價格的正版潮牌商品給消費者。來自比利時的 My Room Abroad 團隊,則看準大東南亞地區 200 萬國際交換學生的租房市場,推出線上訂房服務,2017 年 2 月上線至今,已開發超過 1500 間房源,今年 3 至 5 月,訂房數成長 132%。

來自比利時的團隊 My Room Abroad 推出線上訂房服務,瞄準大東南亞地區 200 萬國際交換學生的租屋市場。

大東南亞地區電商發展多元,不同的國家市場內,各有不同的主流電商平台,來自香港的 Branch8,則提供電商賣家一站式商品上架服務,包括 Amazon、天貓、Lazada、蝦皮、 eBay、Qoo10、Shopify 等不同平台,都能在 Branch8 上一次上架,並協助賣家管理存貨與訂單。同樣來自香港的 Easychat,開發對話式銷售軟體,即時掌握消費者在網路商店的行為,主動向消費者進行對話銷售,電商轉換率最高可增加 300%,包括 91APP、WACA、EasyStore 等開店平台,都已成為技術夥伴。來自新加坡的 Cardable,協助電商與銀行,推播商品折扣碼或信用卡促銷資訊,已成功在新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、菲律賓、香港等五個大東南亞的市場落點開展業務,重要客戶包括 Lazada、Zalora、、KLOOK、agoda、匯豐銀行、花旗銀行、美國運通等。

運用創新技術,從事社群廣告與行銷的手法不斷翻新。來自香港的 OrderLOOKs 點樣,針對企業或個人,提供能在各種社群平台上使用的客製化動態貼圖,讓客戶產品或服務輕鬆達到曝光的效果。來自美國的 dipp,開發 AI 技術的 SaaS 平台,讓品牌廠商自動生成橫跨各種社群平台、尺寸的行銷視覺素材,目前已獲得 FILA、聯合新聞網、早餐吃麥片、ISPO 等客戶青睞,用在社群的行銷推廣上。

來自美國的團隊 dipp,開發 AI 技術的 SaaS 平台,讓品牌廠商自動生成橫跨各種社群平台、尺寸的行銷視覺素材。


Velodash 單車團騎 3 個月突破 6 萬公里

Charge Smith 宅電顧問 建立台灣最大電動車充電服務品牌


除了海外團隊亮眼的表現外,本屆來自台灣的團隊,表現也不遑多讓。Velodash 推出單車團騎 App,今年 3 月上線至今,已紀錄里程突破 6 萬公里 (可環島 70 次)、總爬升高度超過 10 萬公尺 (等於 200 座 101 大樓)。Charge Smith 宅電顧問致力提供電動車主各式充電解決方案,除了開發「充電站地圖」App,並在一年內,協助超過 240 位車主於自家安裝充電站,市佔率 40%、客戶滿意度 94%,均是目前台灣的第一品牌。動區動趨 是台灣專門提供 Blockchain 相關資訊的社群網站,去年 11 月上線至今,在今年 4 月單月瀏覽人次已突破 20 萬,對提升台灣大眾掌握 Blockchain 趨勢與新知功不可沒。

「動區動趨」 是台灣專門提供 Blockchain 相關資訊的社群網站,致力提升大眾對新技術、商業模式的理解。

AppWorks 創辦合夥人林之晨在活動開場時提到:「經過 8 年的努力,今年是 AppWorks 生態系大放異彩的一年。」成績包括:活躍新創累積到 300 個、共 860 位創業者,所有企業的加總年營業額來到 19 億美金 (約為 570 億新台幣),較去年同期大幅成長 140%,員工數 7,209 位,年增高達 94%,生態系累積募資金額為 4.9 億美金 (約為 147 億新台幣),年增率達到 78%,全體 300 家活躍企業的總估值突破 17 億美金 (約為 509 億新台幣),較去年此時大幅增加 93%。

展望未來,林之晨特別指出,當 AI 與 Blockchain 正在全球各領域吹響顛覆的號角,2018 年份的創業者,應該善用 AI 與 Blockchain 兩股巨浪背後的機器學習、深度學習、分散式交易網路、去中心化加密體系等技術,解決社會現存的大型問題,以建立長期偉大的新科技巨人。

AppWorks 創辦合夥人林之晨指出, 為了帶頭鼓勵更多優秀的年輕人投入 AI、Blockchain 創業,AppWorks Accelerator 從第 17 期 (AW#17) 開始,限定招收 AI、Blockchain 團隊。

為了帶頭鼓勵更多優秀的年輕人投入 AI、Blockchain 創業,AppWorks Accelerator 從第 17 期 (AW#17) 開始,限定招收 AI、Blockchain 團隊。林之晨說:「AI 與 Blockchain 所帶來的衝擊,將如同 80 年代的 PC、90 年代的 Internet、2000 年代的 Mobile Internet,是改寫未來 30 年商業與生活的巨型典範轉移。」它們不僅是技術革新,更是在工作型態、交易過程、人際溝通、企業運作等面向上,從底層徹底改變既有的結構與模式。AppWorks #17 團隊將於 8 月正式進駐,預計招收 30 支團隊加入。

歡迎 AI 與 Blockchain 新創團隊,申請加入  AppWorks Accelerator

Introductions to the startups pitching on AppWorks Demo Day #16

AppWorks Demo Day #16 將於今天 (6/6) 下午隆重登場,無法親臨現場的朋友,可以到 AppWorks Facebook Page 觀賞本次活動的實況轉播。

若你也想登上 AppWorks Demo Day 的千人大舞台,展現自己的產品與商業模式,AppWorks Accelerator 現正招收 AI / Blockchain 團隊,歡迎加入我們。

以下是將在 AppWorks Demo Day #16 出場的 28 支新創團隊簡介:

AppWorks Demo Day #16 will take place this afternoon. If you’re unable to physically attend the event, you can catch the livestream on AppWorks Facebook Page.

If you are an AI / Blockchain startup and also excited about the opportunity to pitch your product and business idea to over a 1,000 people on the AppWorks Demo Day stage, join us by applying to AppWorks Accelerator. We look forward to receiving your application!

The following are brief introductions of the 28 startup teams at AppWorks Demo Day #16:


Cubo is an AI smart baby monitor. A third eye for new parents, it proactively keeps your baby away from danger in real-time. The world’s first AI+IoT team to build an AI smart baby monitor that will disrupt the baby monitor market.

單康寧 | [email protected] |


42Race motivates people to run via their virtual running games. They have achieved 50,000+ runners and S$1+ million in revenue within 18 months.

Zhou Mi | [email protected] |


Keybot helps property managers automate access for rental showings, maintenance, and short or long term renters, without wifi.

Divyesh Panchal | [email protected] |


A messenger for e-shops to increase conversion rate by real-time visitor discovery, analysis, selling, and customer service. Asia’s first SaaS live chat messaging technology company. Focused on sales and customer service. A young, energetic, and innovative team.

Alan Chen | [email protected] |


They create animated cartoon faces for users (Emoji in GIF), customers just need to provide photos and then checkout on their website. They can share the GIF in Line & FB.

Edward Tse | [email protected] |


The first designated-driver service app in Taiwan, targeting safe and professional service. From service online, they served more than 10,000 customers.

Zack Liu | [email protected] |


Cardable is an e-commerce startup which consolidates the best promotions and coupons on their platform to help consumers save on their shopping.

Ray Ow | [email protected] |


An A.I. visual marketing platform delivering high-performing creative to improve brands’ digital marketing ROI, and to help brands sell the right products to the right people with the right content.

Jennifer Chen | [email protected] |


Sellers want to sell on as many marketplaces as possible, but it comes with additional work. Branch8 helps online sellers list and manage their products on multiple e-commerce marketplaces.

Matt Li | [email protected] |


Largest online health community in Taiwan for low carb ketogenic diet. Over 300 people regained their health or reversed type-2 diabetes in just 1 year.

撒景賢 | [email protected] |


A maternity and baby products e-commerce platform that is currently the biggest lifestyle maternity brand in Indonesia.

James Chou | [email protected] |


An online store for baking ingredients & supplies that helps consumers seamlessly meet all their baking needs.

Ken Chen | [email protected] |


An online blockchain media platform devoted to the development of the blockchain industry. They first aimed at investors, and then extended to all stakeholders exploring this technology.

郭家綸 | [email protected] |

14.My Room Abroad

A housing rental platform connecting international students with certified landlords in Greater Southeast Asia.

Vincent Mechele |  [email protected] |


A dating app that focuses on engaging more fruitful conversations by combining gamification, games, and dating.

Danny Yao | [email protected] |


Poweather is a community where people crowdsource local weather conditions.

Tim Chen | [email protected] |


Velodash Group Ride is an all-in-one group ride app that tracks and exchanges everything a cyclist needs to know during a group activity, from individual location, live stats, real-time distance, to team ranking. Built by a team of cyclists, designers and developers, Velodash solves problems with technology to make cycling fun and safer.

Molly Huang | [email protected] |


Novelship is a buy and sell platform of exclusive fashion, coveted products for Southeast Asian consumers, and ensuring authenticity.

Chris Xue Yu | [email protected] |


A telephony integration service and app.

Henry Lin | [email protected] |

20.Saver In The Box

Saver In The Box makes iPhone repair easier. They offer a DIY kit that contains everything you need to fix it yourself, as well as an on-demand repair service.

李唐韶 | [email protected] |


A selling tool helping companies easily set up referral / group programs.

Jeff Sun | [email protected] |

Provides plug-and-play recommendation engines and unified APIs enabling businesses to develop their own recommendation engines.

Daniel Huang | [email protected] |


They cooperate with local farms, food material suppliers, and local restaurants to provide an eco-friendly lunchbox booking service online.

傅爾健 | [email protected] |


A social travel sharing platform aimed at generating 50 percent in cost savings for all travelers.

Sean Huang | [email protected] |

25.The Eater

A platform which helps restaurants and bistros make their marketing impression more precise. They built a chatbot for users to search restaurants they want, while analyzing their preferences.

Tobby Kuo | [email protected] |

26.Charge Smith

A platform that provides an end-to-end charging solution for electric vehicles.

Andy Chen | [email protected] |


A SaaS platform for data science solutions. Using Decanter AI engine as its core technology, MoBagel enables businesses to combine their domain knowledge with AI to build fully automated data science solutions that is tailored to the respective industry and specific applications of each business.

Samantha Chen | [email protected] |

28.Bank of Culture

Bank of Culture is a event planning and creative marketing company which focuses on traditional culture. They aim to solve the problem of culture loss.

邵璦婷 | [email protected] |

AppWorks Demo Day #16 感謝以下合作夥伴:

AppWorks Demo Day #16 is coming on June 6th

AppWorks’ highly anticipated semi-annual Demo Day brings you to the cutting edge of the region’s rapidly developing tech industry.

At the upcoming AppWorks Demo Day #16, 30 startups from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, US, and Belgium will be showcasing their groundbreaking new products and services in verticals such as AI / IoT, Blockchain / FinTech, e-commerce, and O2O.

Whether you’re looking for opportunities to invest, to collaborate, or to stay abreast of the latest trends in digital technologies, this is an event you definitely don’t want to miss.

半年一次,AppWorks Demo Day 帶你看見數位經濟最前緣。

本次 AppWorks Demo Day #16 將有超過 30 支團隊輪番登台,這群優秀的大東南亞創業者分別來自台灣、香港、新加坡、美國、比利時等地,開發的服務內容則涵蓋了 AI / IoT、Blockchain / FinTech、電商、O2O 等垂直領域。

無論您是想找投資機會、合作夥伴,或是想掌握數位經濟的脈動,這都是一場不能錯過的盛宴。當天台上的 30 支潛力新創團隊,極可能是未來主宰全球經濟舞台的要角,想提前掌握未來局勢的你,務必持續關注這股新興勢力。

AppWorks Demo Day #16

  • [Date] Wednesday, June 6th, 2018
  • [Venue] 台北萬豪酒店 Taipei Marriott Hotel, 5F Grand Ballroom (台北市中山區樂群二路 199 號 No. 199 Lequn 2nd Road, Taipei)
  • [Agenda]
    • 12:30 – 13:00 Opening Remarks
    • 13:00 – 14:30 Demo Batch I
    • 14:30 – 15:00 *Break*
    • 15:00 – 16:30 Demo Batch II
    • 16:30 – 17:30 Open Floor

AppWorks Demo Day #15 火熱登場,AI 智能新創比例創新高、社群電商成主流,AppWorks 生態系總估值破 16 億美金,加速大東南亞市場整合

AppWork Demo Day #15 火熱登場 25 支國際新創驚艷台北 (1)

亞洲最大創業加速器 AppWorks Accelerator 今 (11/9) 舉辦 AppWorks Demo Day #15,共計 25 組新創登台,吸引超過 1,200 位投資人、業界代表出席。

位於台北的 AppWorks Accelerator 本屆首次出現兩組來自南韓的團隊,加速器觸角擴及東北亞,加上來自台、港、星、馬等大東南亞區的優秀新創,讓 AppWorks Accelerator 的國際化版圖再次擴大。本屆創業主題包含最熱門的 AI、漸成主流的社群電商、持續發燒的 FinTech,以及物聯網、O2O 等多元領域,展現大東南亞的數位經濟創業活力。

AppWorks Demo Day #15 的目的為投資與商務媒合,本次活動除投資人、業界代表,也吸引不少政壇要角與專家蒞臨,包括立法委員余宛如、許毓仁、新北市經濟發展局長張峯源、PTT 之父,同時也是台灣人工智慧實驗室創辦人杜奕瑾。此外,CID 華威國際、Mesh Ventures、比翼資本、台新銀行、如海投資、美商中經合集團、國泰金控、開發國際、新光金創投、遠傳電信、群聯電子、聯訊創投等逾百位國內外創投代表,也紛紛到場尋求投資、合作標的。

香港團隊打造 ORII 聲控智慧戒指,國際群募 7 小時達標

近年,越來越多國際團隊帶著他們精心打造的產品,跨海來台加入 AppWorks Accelerator,除了吸取更多創業知識和經驗,也和各國創業者深入交流。隨著大東南數位經濟圈的逐漸成形,團隊的創新服務也有了更大的市場和發揮空間,不管是台灣或東南亞團隊,在站穩當地市場後,均積極向海外拓展,希望能利用網路無遠弗屆的特性,快速進軍整個大東南亞。

Cytron Technologies 是馬來西亞最大的電子零件商務平台,用戶超過 5 萬人,年營業額突破 150 萬美金,銷售範圍遍布海外 17 個國家。網站同時提供讓 Maker 相互切磋的資訊平台,目前已上傳超過 400 篇文章,深受眾多資深 Maker 支持,此外,還有超過 2000 款的初階商品,供入門者購買、組裝,計畫性培養忠實客戶。

由香港新創公司 Origami Labs 研發出的 ORII 聲控智慧戒指,是全球第一只採用骨傳導技術 (Bone Conduction) 的智慧戒指。戴上戒指後,只需把手指按在耳邊,透過震動就可以講電話、傳訊息、聲控 Siri,輕鬆掌握所有訊息。ORII 已於國際性群眾募資平台成功募得近 40 萬美金,達成率高達1100%,第一批產品將於明年 2 月送達消費者手中,客戶分布美、日、英、台灣與香港。

開會時的腦力激盪叫人大呼過癮,會前會後的資料整理卻讓人筋疲力竭。為了解決商務人士的困擾,新加坡團隊 Micepad 精心研發出的無紙化會議軟體一站式客製化服務,可在開會前將所有資訊數位化,寄送給每一位與會者,會議中還能即時修改、上傳投影片,或即時顯示投票結果。會議結束後,可立刻刪除會議資料,防止機密外洩。目前,Micepad 已經成功在紐約、北京、首爾、雅加達等全球 15 個城市為兩百多場會議提升效率。

螢幕快照 2017-11-28 下午4.50.39
一指特務!香港新創 Origami Labs 研發出的 ORII 聲控智慧戒指,是全球第一只採用骨傳導技術的智慧戒指

AI 應用大躍進 聊天機器人智慧與人性兼具 全面提升使用經驗

2017 年,AI 話題持續發燒,多種創新應用讓人目不暇及,無人車、人臉辨識、自動盤點系統、人性化 Chatbot ,在在宣示 AI 將為人類生活帶來各種新的可能 。

Botimize 堪稱 Chatbot 的 AI 引擎,團隊利用機器學習與自然語言處理的技術,幫助開發團隊針對 Chatbot 的流程、對話內容等細節,進行分析與優化,讓客戶企業也能擁有自己的 AI 智慧服務。目前,在美、星、韓及以色列都已有他們的客戶,許多台灣公司也與 Botmize 合作,提升與客戶互動的品質,近一步提供更具效率且人性化的服務。

利用 Chatbot 處理私訊留言不稀奇,Mr.Reply 的 Facebook AI Chatbot 近一步將服務擴大到貼文回覆,只要消費者在商家臉書上貼文留言,系統便會即時以私訊回覆預設訊息,且開信率高達 90%。透過與消費者的留言互動,提升粉絲專頁的自然觸擊率,大幅降低客戶的廣告預算。如此優異的行銷效果已幫他們吸引到許多大型企業客戶,其中包括香港印刷界龍頭 e-banner,以及香港最大網路生鮮食品快遞 Ocean Three

阿諾標記是由專業語言學者組成的繁體中文標記文本分析團隊,四位年輕女創業者結合語言學與新科技,讓標記後的語意分析幫助 Chatbot 理解反諷語詞,正確判斷使用者的情緒,並即時給予回覆。充滿人性的回應,讓人機互動更有溫度,大幅優化電商及線上客服的客戶體驗。 團隊目前已與台達電、台灣大學及資策會等大型企業和學術單位進行合作。

螢幕快照 2017-11-28 下午6.11.28
阿諾標記結合語言學與新科技,讓標記後的語意分析幫助 Chatbot 理解反諷語詞,正確判斷使用者的情緒

軟性主題鎖定指尖經濟,留言「+1」 便能完成購買

台灣的電子商務市場產值連續 10 年正成長,除了電商網站,有越來越多消費者透過更方便的臉書購買商品,FBBuy (FB 購物+1 整單系統) 便是專門針對臉書購物所設計。消費者只要在賣家的商品貼文中留言「+1」,即可完成購買,賣家則能透過系統的資料彙整,輕鬆管控訂購情形。只靠臉書,不用廣告,一個月便可為賣家創造上千萬業績,遠遠超過賣家自有官網的營業額。FBBuy 於 2016 年 5 月正式上線,至今已吸引上千賣家,訂單成交金額突破 10 億。FBBuy 現正積極拓展東南亞市場,第一步就是在馬來西亞插旗,再逐步擴增據點。

Codibook 是韓國最大時尚服裝搭配購物平台,提供超過 50 個韓國服飾品牌、8 萬多件流行商品,只要消費者動動手指、點選衣物,就可看到搭配後的模樣,創造個人專屬的韓風時尚。目前,全球 App下載量已達 170 萬,每月營業額逼近 50 萬美金,在美國、日本、香港、加拿大、澳洲和台灣都已培養出忠實買家。


美字冠軍葉曄老師自創的「葉書體」連續兩年登上金曲獎大螢幕,呈現舞台字幕,其所經營的 Facebook 粉絲團「葉曄×夜夜寫字」在現代人返璞歸真、追求美感的心靈需求下,更是擁有超過 20 萬的粉絲。WriteTime 手寫時光整合強大的社群實力與電子商務,於線上販售寫字相關商品,如鋼筆、字帖,以及主題性寫字課程,透過文化軟實力,成功打造出包含港、澳、中國和星馬等國的大東南亞經濟舞台。

仲介平台虛實整合 房價查詢幫你聰明購屋 數位資產交易迎接數位潮流

樂居科技立志成為最好用的房價查詢及實價登錄網站,使用者只需輸入街道或社區名稱,即可快速瀏覽基隆到新竹之間 26,541 個社區的大樓房價,網站上線僅 8 個月便衝破 140 萬月瀏覽量。現階段,他們致力幫消費者以最有效率的方式了解房市行情,建立專業品牌形象,未來將計畫性的與建商和代銷公司合作,進一步創造廣告收益。

當你成功建立、經營出一個流量不錯的網站後,可曾想過要將其銷售變現?FlipWeb 是亞洲唯一的數位資產仲介平台,可以幫助使用者進行 App、網域、 Web、FB 粉絲團等數位資產的交易。上線至今僅三個月,接受委託的案件總值已突破千萬。

螢幕快照 2017-11-28 下午6.17.09

印尼培養出三大科技公司獨角獸,蝦皮母公司新加坡 SEA 已赴美 IPO
AppWorks 持續扮演大東南亞入口,協助網路新創跨國發展、創趁勢起飛

蝦皮母公司 SEA 在 IPO 說明書中,將東南亞 11 國和台灣合稱為大東南亞市場 (Greater Southeast Asia Market / GSEA Market) ,清楚說明了台灣與東南亞在數位經濟發展的密切關聯。印尼培養出三大科技公司獨角獸之後,也證明這個擁有 6.6 億人口市場的成長潛力。

AppWorks 創始合夥人林之晨在活動開場時提到:「經過 7 年的努力,AppWorks 生態系的活躍新創累積到 323 個、共 780 位創業者,所有企業的加總營業額來到美金 13 億元,較去年同期成長 65%,員工數 5,696 位,年增 53%,生態系累積募資金額為美金 4.3 億,年增 57%,全體 323 家企業的總估值突破美金 16 億,較去年此時大幅增加 75%。」

螢幕快照 2017-11-28 下午6.03.39

林之晨進一步表示:「隨著我們的生態系不斷茁壯,AppWorks 也根據眾多校友的需求,持續演進我們提供的新創服務。AppWorks Accelerator 從本屆 (AW#15) 開始改採 Cohort 制,把加入的新創分為『Seed (種子期)』、『Consumer Growth (成長期消費服務)』與『Enterprise Growth (成長期企業服務)』等三組,再針對三種族群的需求,量身訂製加速內容,更能有效幫助不同階段的團隊。AppWorks Funds 創投基金明年初將完成 30 億台幣的 AppWorks Fund III 募集,讓 AppWorks 藉以支持新創的資本大幅成長 160%,可以從種子輪一路投資到 B 輪。此外,AppWorks School 將持續開班訓練 iOS 工程師等數位人才,再加上 AppWorks 的多個校園、校外招聘活動,預期可讓 AppWorks 新創在搶人大戰上維持優勢。最後,AppWorks Landing Pod (之初落地艙) 近期已於雅加達展開,協助 AppWorks 新創進入印尼市場,未來將擴及大東南亞各主要市場,加速 AppWorks 成長期新創成為區域級成功企業。在大東南亞數位經濟快速起飛,AI、機器人、區塊鏈、物聯網、AR/VR 等巨大典範轉移接連到來的今日,AppWorks 看好未來 30 年創業者顛覆既得利益的機會,將持續扮演最佳配角,幫助台灣與東南亞地區的新創發光發熱。」

螢幕快照 2017-11-28 下午4.47.40
AppWorks Landing Pod 近期已於雅加達展開,協助 AppWorks 新創進入印尼市場,期望加速 AppWorks 成長期新創成為區域級成功企業

AppWorks Demo Day #15 出場團隊簡介


AppWorks Demo Day #15 將於今天下午隆重登場,無法親臨現場的朋友,可以到 AppWorks Facebook Page 觀賞本次活動的實況轉播。

若你也想登上 AppWorks Demo Day 的千人大舞台,展現自己的產品與商業模式,AppWorks Accelerator #16 現正開放申請,歡迎加入我們。

以下是將在 AppWorks Demo Day #15 出場的 25 支新創團隊簡介:

AppWorks Demo Day #15 will take place this afternoon. If you’re unable to physically attend the event, you are welcome to join us on AppWorks Facebook Page for the live streaming of the event.

If you are also excited about the opportunity to pitch your product and business idea to over a 1,000 people on the AppWorks Demo Day stage, join us by applying to AppWorks Accelerator #16. We look forward to receiving your applications!

The following are brief introductions of the 25 startup teams at AppWorks Demo Day #15:

上半場 Batch I

1. Origami Labs

Origami Labs developed an IoT wearable device, smart ring “ORII”, which puts voice assistants on our hand. As an IoT platform, ORII opens up new “real estate” for delivering enhanced voice AI capabilities in personal communications, B2B hospitality applications, telecom, and contactless payments.

Kevin Johan Wong | [email protected] |

2. FBbuy

FBbuy has created a order collection system on Facebook, painlessly bridging the social community with an e-commerce platform. Using their system, sellers operating e-commerce businesses with Facebook fan pages can easily collect orders through consumers’ comments.

Ivy Yang | [email protected] |

3. Booqed

Digital marketplace connecting businesses and users needing a place to work, meet, or have an event, with space owners that have excess or unused spaces they can monetize. Mobile app combined with web platform for real-time booking, a management interface for “hosts” to manage their listings, and a secure payment gateway.

David Wong | [email protected] |

4. 樂居科技

樂居科技 focuses on real estate marketing. Their web platform organizes the government’s open data and delivers real estate knowledge through articles and videos, while providing targeted marketing services based on user behavior data collected from potential buyers and sellers of houses.

李奕農 | [email protected] |

5. Codibook

Codibook is an online customized shopping service that boasts the most members and content in South Korea’s fashion sector. It painlessly bridges content and e-commerce allowing users to seamlessly stay on top of the latest fashion styles. They started international shipments in 2016, and will launch full-scale service in Taiwan in 2017.

Matthew Lee | [email protected] |


JIBAO is an education platform, where teachers, experts, and textbook publishers can exchange teaching resources and learning materials, while sharing best practices. JIBAO optimizes the platform through data analytics, providing tailored recommendations for users based on their usage behavior and preferences.

Tony Hsieh | [email protected] |

7. Qourier

Qourier is an online platform that connects businesses or individuals to a network of crowdsourced freelancers for deliveries. We focus on same day local deliveries within Singapore, and also offer international deliveries (export from Singapore to anywhere in the world) by partnering with DHL Express. Qourier is available on iOS, Android, and web.

Elston Yee | [email protected] |

8. 阿諾標記

阿諾標記 is the one and only linguistics-based company in Taiwan that focuses on “semantic analysis” and provides “high quality annotations.” Major products include sentiment API, chatbots with humanity, and a multi-quality control annotation platform. Through their technology, they aim to streamline natural language processing between humans and machines.

黃資勻 | [email protected] |

9. Gowifi

Gowifi provides travelers convenient Internet access services. By simply renting their wifi router, travelers can conveniently enjoy the world’s 108 international Internet access services. Gowifi also integrates passengers’ data and travel information to provide tailored recommendations for tourism products and related peripherals, with the eventual aim of creating a cross-border advertising marketing platform. Until now, they have served roughly 20,000 travelers monthly.

Bogi Huang | [email protected] |


SHOUHAN is an online Korean language education service platform. It provides comprehensive video lectures (Drama, TV Show form) and 1-on-1 tutoring services (Native Korean tutor). Starting from language education, they are going to expand into a universal content platform for Korean culture.

Jason Hong | [email protected] |

11. StickerHD 百變怪貼紙

StickerHD 百變怪貼紙 is a customized sticker printing platform. Using a simple online operation and minimum of 5 pieces per order, you can have high-quality, anti-UV, and waterproof custom stickers ready to be delivered within 7 days to customers all over Asia.

張育誠 | [email protected] |

12. WriteTime 手寫時光

WriteTime integrates e-commerce with social community, selling handwriting products including fountain pens, copybooks, and topic writing courses on their online marketplace. Their high-volume fan page “葉曄 X 夜夜寫字” boasts over 200,000 subscribers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, and Malaysia.

竺佳慶 | [email protected] |

13. PPAV

PPAV is a porn search engine. With their service, consumers can can immediately find their favorite porn video simply by using an AV girl’s name or image.

唐子軒 | [email protected] |

下半場 Batch II

1. Micepad

Micepad is an event management and audience engagement platform, designed to deliver a great experience for every digital interaction. From pre-event to post-event, by increasing interactivity and making events more measurable, our users increase the productivity of their event stakeholders and demonstrate event ROI with data to improve all subsequent events hosted.

Tan Jie Hao | [email protected] |

2. Botimize

Botimize is designed to optimize human-bot conversation. With advanced Chinese and English NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, we make machines understand human language, and let brands gain actionable insights of their own customers. We help acquire, grow, and retain users through optimizing conversational interactions in marketing, customer support, and sales targeting.

郭冠宏 | [email protected] |

3. E-Record

E-Record has built an accounting software to help accountants, accounting firms, and bookkeepers improve the efficiency of filing taxes.

王建偉 | [email protected] |

4. Mr.Reply

Mr.Reply offers a marketing chatbot platform, helping marketers/small business owners set up marketing chatbots on Facebook without coding to enhance leads generation and conversion.

Kenny Lim | [email protected] |

5. Tsai Tung

Tsai Tung is an online vegetable marketplace for restaurants and farmers. Restaurants purchase vegetables directly from farmers through Tsai Tung’s platform. Once a transaction is made, Tsai Tung picks up the designated volume/variety at the farm site and delivers it directly to restaurants’ doors.

李昱德 | [email protected] |

6. Cytron Technology

Cytron Technology provides an electronic components marketplace for makers. We provide online guides/tutorials and workshop for makers to learn how to build IoT products, and a shopping platform featuring a comprehensive offering of electronic components, IoT building blocks, and equipment.

Tan Eng Tong | [email protected] |

7. Arisan

Arisan has built a cloud video IoT management platform named CLiO. CLiO is a B2B Management Platform for security service providers and system integrators. They can use the platform to serve their customers without having to worry about server and software maintenance.

唐國倫 | [email protected] |

8. 望月女子谷慕慕 Good Moon Mood

Good Moon Mood is committed to improving the menstrual life of Taiwanese women.
Already processing large volumes of business through their fan page, they are also
currently developing a special line of menstrual underwear for Asian women. By using
breathable, comfortable, and reusable materials, they aim to replace the traditional
disposable sanitary pad so every female in their menstrual period can maintain a good

史文妃 | [email protected]

9. Growth Marketer Academy

Growth Marketer Academy is the 1st Growth Marketing School in Asia to provide actionable growth training and build a growth community. They offer offline workshops and online courses via web & chatbot.

Tim Chan | [email protected] |

10. 好痛痛

「好痛痛」provides information to remedy for your sports injury. Through collaboration with physiotherapists,「好痛痛」brings easy-to-understand, applicable sports concepts, as well as physiological knowledge to the public. They also integrate online medical information as to help sports lovers find suitable medical resources in no time and simultaneously connect the physiotherapy clinic to their customers via online.

黃威傑 | [email protected] |

11. CoverGo

CoverGo is an independent tech platform that helps insurance advisors manage their clients’ policies and improve customer engagement and experience through a dedicated mobile app.

Allan Wan | [email protected] |

12. Flipweb

FlipWeb is the 1st shopping platform to buy and sell digital assets in Taiwan, providing a secure marketplace for buying and selling websites/domains/apps/fan pages, with the ultimate aim of removing frictions for sellers and buyers.

Tina Lin | [email protected] |

AppWorks Demo Day #15 感謝以下合作夥伴:


