137 results found for: demo day

Sophie Chiu, Principal (邱敬媛 / 協理) Sophie is a Principal leading the Southeast Asia Arm, that is responsible for meeting, helping and investing in great founders in the region. She joined AppWorks as an Associate in 2020 and was subsequently promoted as a Principal in 2023. Prior to AppWorks, Sophie had 10 years of public equity experience. She was part of the portfolio management team at Neuberger Berman, focusing on emerging market opportunities. Prior to that she served as a research analyst at Credit Suisse, JPMorgan, and London-based Autonomous Research. Sophie holds a Master of Finance with distinction from Warwick Business School and BS Finance from National Taiwan University. Her … read more

Photo taken during a panel event in Jakarta, where Sophie discussed the current fundraising winter with industry peers. Panel speakers including Tania Shanny Lestari from Openspace and Chelsea Hartanto from Alpha JWC Ventures joined us on the VC panel, while Steven Wongsoredjo from Aplikasi Super (YC W18), David Setyadi Gunawan from EdenFarm, and Moehammad Ichsan from Octopus Indonesia participated on the founder panel. Sophie Chiu, Principal (邱敬媛 / 協理) Sophie is a Principal leading the Southeast Asia Arm, that is responsible for meeting, helping and investing in great founders in the region. She joined AppWorks as an Associate in 2020 and was subsequently promoted as a Principal in 2023. Prior … read more

Communications Master, Communication Master Antony is a Master specializing in advising AppWorks startups on public, media and social media relations and communications matters. He joins Team AppWorks with over 18 years of media experience under his belt, having been a part of the very first batch of reporters to cover the Internet industry in Taiwan. He’s since held various senior level roles at prominent publications including Vice Chief Editor at Business Next Magazine, Senior Associate Managing Editor at Cheers Magazine, and Chief Editor at SmartM. Antony received his Bachelors in Management Science from National Chiao Tung University, and has tracked closely the evolution of media. Seeing himself as an “Internet … read more

Antony Lee, Communications Master (李欣岳 / 媒體公關總監) 負責媒體與社群溝通相關輔導。加入 AppWorks 前有 18 年媒體經驗,是台灣第一批主跑網路產業的記者,先後任職《數位時代》副總編輯、《Cheers 快樂工作人》資深主編、SmartM 網站總編輯。畢業於交大管科系,長期關注媒體產業變化,熱愛閱讀商業與科技趨勢、企業與人物故事,樂於與人交流分享,期許自己當個「Internet 傳教士」。 大企業與新創合作,是最近幾年大企業提升創新能量的顯學,而緯創資通是最具代表性的指標之一。緯創除了積極鼓勵內部創新外,也透過與 AppWorks 策略結盟啟動 Wistron Accelerator 緯創垂直加速器等多種方式,更大規模、更有系統的與外部新創展開合作,在這過程中,隸屬於技術長辦公室下的價值創新中心 (Value Creation Center,以下簡稱 VCC),是背後的推手單位之一,透過各種穿針引線的引導,將內部與外部的創新能量進行橫向連結,促成各種創新的可能性發生。在與新創合作上,VCC 提供設計服務 (ODM) 以及外部資源連結 (Outreach Business),讓處於創業 Idea 到試產、產量在 10K 以下的早期新創,可獲得完整的協助,同時,也協助新創串接緯創內部各個單位,獲得更大能量的支持。 AppWorks 特別專訪在緯創服務長達 25 年以上的 Benson 秦北辰 (緯創價值創新中心總監),分享緯創長期以來在推動創新的幾個重要階段,以及近年開始與新創深度合作、參加緯創加速器與創業者交流的經驗以及收穫,以下是重點整理: Q: 在緯創集團內部各事業單位中,VCC 扮演什麼角色?未來有哪些策略和目標? A: 從 Value Creation Center 的部門名稱,就知道我們的主要目標是創造價值,而不單僅是節約成本。緯創的本業是 ODM / OEM,拼效率、品質、速度、規模是我們長期以來的專業,但緯創還有一點不同的 DNA,就是很強調與重視創新,而創造價值一定會來自創新的加乘,所以從我們的名稱,就可以了解緯創賦予我們的任務和期待。 VCC 成立至今十多年來,我們的角色與目標大致有三個階段的變化。最早的確是幫各 BG (Business Group)、BU (Business Unit) 做一些他們覺得重要,但並沒有人力、時間或能力去看的專案,這是我們部門的出發點,所以這時和各 BG 與 BU 有較深的連結。第二階段,隨著部門逐漸發展,我們開始走在客戶之前,去做一些客戶尚未想到、來不及做的事情,或是下一個世代的產品,我們先幫客戶準備好,來創造更高的價值給客戶。 現在則是我們的第三階段。我們持續在思考,是否可以為公司開創有價值的服務、商業模式或是解決方案。如此一來,可以做哪些事情的空間與彈性變得更大,發展也可更多元。我們一直在尋找天秤兩端的平衡點,一端是與各 BG 和 BU 維持必要的連結,增加他們的價值,同時也要證明我們的價值;另一端是協助緯創做各種更長遠的創新嘗試。 Q: 對於各種創新的嘗試,VCC 有哪些具體的做法? A: 隨著緯創一路發展,大概可分為鼓勵內部創新與連結外部新創兩種方式。在內部創新上,過去 10 年來,每年會有兩次內部 Demo Tech Day 的 Road Show,共做了 20 次,對內發表各事業單位或是 VCC 的各種創新技術或產品。此外,我們也與其他教育訓練中心合辦過幾次金頭腦,鼓勵內部同仁參與的創新競賽,提出各種創新的產品或商業模式,我們近年不少新產品,例如智能花盆、智能咖啡秤、行動照護智能語音助理等,都是來自金頭腦競賽前幾名的產品,不管參賽團隊來自哪個單位,VCC 都會協助串接與相關 BG 或 BU 的合作,一直在內部產生這種火花,讓團隊能把產品或商業模式完完整整的做出來。 另一種方式,則是連結外部新創,將他們創新的技術、產品、服務或商業模式與緯創展開合作。這是最近這三、五年,VCC 所扮演更明顯的角色,從原本 Inside Out 變成 Outside In,跟外部的新創一起學習、一起共創價值。因為整體產業變化得更快、也更多元,緯創各 BG、BU 內部,也逐漸在成立自己類似 VCC 的團隊,關注未來一到兩年內的新技術、新產品,主要服務的對象是既有的 ODM 與 OEM 客戶,我們則關注三、五年以後或是更長期的機會。從結果來看,VCC 這幾年為內部帶來了正面影響,創新變成了一種 DNA,各單位都更加重視,陸續開始有類似 … read more

With global capital markets facing macro uncertainties, Vietnam is also showing signs of an overall slowdown. Despite this, the number of stock broker accounts opened by citizens of the social republic state is still growing nonstop, almost doubling from last year. This is the beauty of emerging markets where organic demand is still way underserved. No storm can stop people from wanting more services and products amid surging GDP growth, projected to increase 6.5% in 2023. FinTech and WealthTech startups are key on-ramps for newly minted mid-and-affluent class savers and investors, bringing abundance and access to the broader mass market.