26 results found for: libra

Liying Wang, Legal Master (王琍瑩 / 法務輔導長 & 明日科技法律事務所主持律師) 帶領內建法務團隊,提供企業經營、合約協商、紛爭處理等各方面法律諮詢,輔導建立營運管理機制,必要時也協助團隊尋求「突破框架」的解方。曾任 HTC 全球營運資深法務經理、萬國法律事務所科技法律部律師,也曾服務於士林地方法院、台北高等行政法院。美國西北大學法學碩士、政大法學士、政大 EMBA,具備美國紐約州與台灣律師執照。 加密貨幣 (Cryptocurrency) 的定性和應用變化十分多元,可能是商品 (Commodity)、數位資產 ( Digital Asset)、證券 (Security),也可能是貨幣 (Currency; Money),對全球金融體系的影響力,仍在不斷地快速演化。自從 6 月 18 日,擁有 24 億用戶的 Facebook,宣佈推出加密貨幣 Libra 以來,受到全球熱烈關注,也相對引發各國央行疑慮。對此,中央銀行總裁楊金龍表示:「臉書幣畢竟不是貨幣」,初步仍將 Libra 定位為代幣;不到幾天,副總裁陳南光接受媒體專訪時則認為:「Libra屬私人貨幣 (private money) 的一種,當然就是要挑戰主權貨幣」。 一個央行、兩種觀點,代表著完全不同的監管立場。如果將 Libra 定位為代幣,監管重點可能放在查緝黑市匯兌、防洗錢、反資恐;而如果看清 Libra 以私人貨幣取代法幣的願景,各國央行似乎必須停下腳步,反思數百年來人類社會對於法幣的認知:試圖以單一政府法規,抵制或對抗未來可能無所不在的 Libra,會不會反而只是邊緣化自己? 書上說,加密貨幣很難成為真正的貨幣 貨幣,就是錢。一般日常生活使用的新台幣、美元或日圓,稱作法定貨幣 (Legal Tender; Fiat),是官方發行用以作為交易媒介 (A Medium of Exchange)、計價 (A Unit of Account),並儲存價值 (A Store of Value) 的一種支付工具。但事實上,貨幣的購買力,取決於市場流通性,而市場流通性取決於對貨幣的信任。單一政府發行的法幣容易獲得信任,卻也不全然如此,例如,歐盟各國為促成統一市場,共同採行歐元;又如,委內瑞拉惡性通膨嚴重,法幣也變廢紙。因此,只要有足夠的使用者信任並據以交易、計價、儲存價值,即便由民間發行,也可能具備貨幣的效用。 至於加密貨幣會不會成為真正的貨幣,早在 2018 年中,歐洲議會 (European Parliament) 的經濟與貨幣事務委員會 (Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee) 即委外進行「加密貨幣與貨幣政策」(Cryptocurrencies and Monetary Policy) 的研究。研究報告指出,只要克服交易速度的問題,區塊鏈 (Blockchain) 在技術上,能夠促成私人發行 (Privately-Issued)、數位原生 (Digital)、有助於點對點交易 (Peer-to-Peer Transactions) 的新型態貨幣 (A New Form of Money) 誕生,然而,基於以下四大理由,該報告認為加密貨幣 在應用面,仍難成為真正的貨幣: 1. 價格波動劇烈 (Volatility):現階段加密貨幣多設有發行量限制,發行機構無法透過調節供給來控制漲跌幅。而價格波動過大,可能導致一杯標價 3 Tokens 的咖啡,今天相當於新台幣 50 元,明天卻飆漲為 500 元,當然難以作為具備穩定價值的交易媒介。 2. 欠缺完整、規模化 (Scalability) 的應用場景:現階段加密貨幣落地應用場景侷限,僅少數早期商戶參與,對不諳區塊鏈技術的普羅大眾而言,進入門檻仍高,尚未形成正向網路效應 (Network Effect),實用性短期內難與法幣比擬。 3. 無法確保金融穩定性 (Financial … read more

AppWorks Accelerator today held its 26th demo day, unveiling 14 startups targeting Southeast Asia markets and innovative web3 models. The event was held in tandem with Wistron Demo Day #4, which featured five startups in the AI and IoT spaces. AppWorks Accelerator #26 (AW#26) demo day featured a total of 14 teams on stage, with 10 from Southeast Asia, reflecting AppWorks commitment to the region. As a batch, AW#26 founders hail from 15 different countries, including Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Australia—with 37% of which being serial entrepreneurs. The batch included companies innovating in the fields of AI, education, healthcare, IoT, logistics, and web3, among others. … read more

Alyssa Chen, Principal (陳敬旻 / 協理) Alyssa is a Principal leading the Accelerator Arm of AppWorks, overseeing products including AppWorks Accelerator, Wistron Accelerator and management of communities ranging from accelerator alumni to mentors — “a lab that helps startups build their rockets,” as she puts it. She interned at AppWorks for a year during university. After graduation, Alyssa started her career at Huashan 1914, Taiwan’s pioneering cultural creative park. In 2016, she returned to AppWorks as an Analyst, became an Associate in 2019, and most recently assumed the role of Principal in 2022. She holds a Master of International Communications and a B.A. in German, both from National Chengchi University. … read more

David Wu, Associate (吳戴文 / 投資經理) David is an Associate mainly focused on investments. He previously lived in the US, but was drawn to the Greater Southeast Asia region by the growth opportunities and the wonderful people here. He spent the first five years of his career as a consultant at IBM, where he became intimately familiar with the enterprise software and services needs of Fortune 500 companies. Later, he focused on building predictive models and solving optimization problems for large companies, and gained an appreciation for the role of data and algorithms in our lives. He joined AppWorks in 2020 after receiving his MBA from Columbia Business School, and … read more

Jun Wakabayashi, Analyst (若林純 / 分析師) Jun is an Analyst covering both AppWorks Accelerator and Greater Southeast Asia. Born and bred in America, Jun brings a wealth of international experience to AppWorks. He spent the last several years before joining AppWorks working for Focus Reports, where he conducted sector-based market research and interviewed high-level government leaders and industry executives across the globe. He’s now lived in 7 countries outside US and Taiwan, while traveling to upwards of 50 for leisure, collectively highlighting his unique propensity for cross-cultural immersion and international business. Jun received his Bachelors in Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business. It’s been one heck of … read more