Introductions to the startups pitching on AppWorks Demo Day #18

AppWorks Demo Day #18 將於今天 (6/4) 下午隆重登場,無法親臨現場的朋友,可以到 AppWorks Facebook Page 觀賞本次活動的實況轉播。

若你也想登上 AppWorks Demo Day 的千人大舞台,展現自己的產品與商業模式,AppWorks Accelerator 現正招收 AI / Blockchain 團隊,歡迎加入我們。

以下是將在 AppWorks Demo Day #18 出場的 25 支新創團隊簡介:(下載完整版)

AppWorks Demo Day #18 will take place this afternoon. If you’re unable to physically attend the event, you can catch the livestream on AppWorks Facebook Page.

If you are an AI / Blockchain startup and also excited about the opportunity to pitch your product and business idea to over a 1,000 people on the AppWorks Demo Day stage, join us by applying to AppWorks Accelerator. We look forward to receiving your application!

The following are brief introductions of the 25 startup teams at AppWorks Demo Day #18: (Download for full version)

1. Lucid

An AI vision solution to empower dual or multi camera devices to see and capture 3D depth.

Han Jin | [email protected] |

2. Xfers

A fintech compliance, and licensed platform for fintechs to launch in southeast Asia within a week.

Tianwei Liu | [email protected] |

3. Peeksoft

Portfolio Management for Retail Investors.

Mike  Liu | [email protected] |

4. Aversafe

Credential issuance and verification platform to reduce forgery and counterfeiting of credentials and licenses.

Andrew Duck | [email protected] |

5. Botbot.AI

Enterprise productivity solution that automates workflows and processes with conversational interfaces.

Chelsea Sim | [email protected] | https://botbot.AI

6. LikeCoin Foundation

LikeButton plugin to turn likes into tangible rewards for bloggers and independent journalists.

Kin Ko | [email protected] |

7. Formosa Financial

Treasury management platform for companies holding crypto-assets and digital assets (including security tokens).

Ryan Terribilini | [email protected] |

8. Triip

A decentralised platform where users can exchange travel data for best deals directly from local suppliers.

Ho Viet Hai | [email protected] |

9. Forbole Limited

Top-tier validator on proof-of-stake blockchains.

Terence Lam | [email protected] |

10. Rely

A ‘buy now pay later’ service that enables customers to buy what they want today and split the purchase amount into three payments without any interest or fees

Hizam Ismail | [email protected] |

11. Real Estate Doc

Space and lease management platform for transaction digitization and source-of-truth data analytics.

Ivan Lim | [email protected] |


SaaS booking system designed for beauty service merchants to better manage customer relationships and day to day operations.

Donna Chiu | [email protected] |

13. Springdel

AI-Powered IoT & Mobile Device Management Software Platform for B2B Mission Business Critical Devices.

Calvin Chung | [email protected] |

14. Pikabu

AI dating platform focusing on helping users interact with the help of an AI chatbot in the form of a cute dog.

Zoomuel Tzeng |  [email protected] |


A platform that provides a private parking sharing system.

Allen Song | [email protected] |

16. LuxTag

Enterprise solution provider that helps manufacturer to deter counterfeiting and fraud through blockchain technology.

Jeff McDonald | [email protected] |


AI chatbot that uses deep learning for NLP (Natural Language Processing) to answer questions more accurately.

Shin Chuang | [email protected] |

18. BitTrust

A new authentication solution for helping our clients save time and reduce risk when checking user’s identity.

Andy Lee | [email protected] |


We empower schools with A.I. based personalized learning with their own content, so their students can prepare exams with better efficiency.

Ian Chen | [email protected] |

20. GripBeats

GripBeats® is an AI wearable technology which allows users to make music through predefined motion and touch gesture controls.

David Wexler | [email protected] |

21. Datax

A data crowdsourcing platform for businesses to collect & enrich data through public contributors.

Kevin Wong | [email protected] |

22. Parami

A natural language chatbot for e-commerce.

Derek Chuen | [email protected]|

23. Tuple 

A platform that provides an end-to-end solution by CDP.

Gaspar Lin | [email protected] |


Blockchain development solutions/services for enterprises.

Will Chen| [email protected] |

25. EvenToken

EvenToken is a Decentralized Crowdfunding Platform for curators.

John Sie | [email protected] |

AppWorks Demo Day #18 is coming on June 4th

AppWorks’ highly anticipated semi-annual Demo Day is ready to bring you once again to the cutting edge of the region’s rapidly developing AI and Blockchain economies.

AW#18 exclusively consists of AI / Blockchain startups. There will be 28 startups pitching, with 14 focusing on AI / IoT and 14 on Blockchain / Crypto, and including 21 international teams joining us from Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore and the US. This batch also comprises of an especially experienced set of founders, from Google, Microsoft, Ripple, Uber, Amazon and Y-combinator.

Whether you’re looking for opportunities to invest, to collaborate, or to stay abreast on the latest applications of AI and Blockchain across industries, this is an event you definitely don’t want to miss.

半年一次,AppWorks Demo Day 帶您看見數位經濟最前緣,這一屆,我們將再次帶給您專屬於 AI / Blockchain 團隊的一場新創盛會。

本次 Demo Day 將有 28 支優秀的 AW#18 團隊輪番登台,其中 14 組以 AI / IoT 為主、 14 組以 Blockchain / Crypto 為主。這群明日之星中有 21 組國際團隊,分別來自香港、馬來西亞、印度、越南、澳洲、新加坡、美國等地。有前 Google、Microsoft、Ripple、Uber、Amazon 高管所創辦的公司,也有來自 Y-Combinator 的校友。

無論您是想找投資機會、合作夥伴,或是想掌握 AI、IoT、Blockchain、Crypto 的最新脈動,這都是一場您不能錯過的盛宴。

If you would like to join AppWorks Demo Day #18, please RSVP on Eventbrite

[Date] Tuesday, June 4, 2019

[Venue] 5F Grand Ballroom, Taipei Marriott Hotel 台北萬豪酒店(No. 199 Lequn 2nd Road, Taipei / 台北市中山區樂群二路199號) (Google Map)

12:30 – 13:00 Opening Remarks
13:00 – 14:30 Demo Batch I
14:30 – 15:00 *Break*
15:00 – 16:30 Demo Batch II
16:30 – 18:00 Open Floor

AppWorks Demo Day #17 亮眼登場,25 支大東南亞新創廣受矚目!AppWorks 生態系總估值突破千億新台幣,持續整合大東南亞市場

大東南亞 (GSEA,東協 + 台灣) 最大創業加速器 AppWorks Accelerator (之初加速器) 在 11/8 舉辦 AppWorks Demo Day #17,共計 25 組加速 4 個月有成的 AI 與 Blockchain 新創登台,吸引超過 1,200 位投資人、業界代表出席。

本屆是 AppWorks Accelerator 首度限定招募 AI 與 Blockchain 團隊,34 組 AW#17 團隊八月正式開始進駐,經過加速四個月,於 AppWorks Demo Day #17 登台尋求媒合投資人與合作夥伴 。25 支登場團隊中,17 支新創以  AI/IoT 為主,8 支新創以 Blockchain/Crypto 為主。這群潛力新創中有 9 組國際團隊,分別來自香港、泰國、越南、斯里蘭卡、美國等地。創業團隊中,有曾擔任 eBay、HTC、華碩、(Nasdaq 上市公司) Proofpoint 高管,也有來自 Y-Combinator 的校友。這不僅顯示 AI 與 Blockchain 所帶來的典範轉移,正在全球各地上演,吸引更多優秀創業者投入;也顯示 AppWorks Accelerator 運作 8 年來,確實對創業者大有幫助,因此獲得大東南亞眾多優質的創業團隊申請進駐。

促進新創國際交流、投資、商務媒合,是 AppWorks Demo Day 的主要目的。本次吸引多位重要產官界人士蒞臨,包括國發會主委陳美伶、投資銀行教父宋學仁、秘銀創辦人黃立成等。此外,國泰金控、富邦金控、中信金控、 華南金控、南山人壽、台新金控、中華開發、花旗銀行、元大證券、兆豐商銀、CID 華威國際、基石創投、元大證券、兆豐商銀、遠傳電信、台灣大哥大、緯創、寶成、相信音樂、鴻海、廣達、台達資本、宏碁、宏達電、友達、瀚宇彩晶、華邦電、燦坤、眾達國際、勤業眾信、104 等逾百位國內外創投與企業代表,也紛紛到場參觀,尋求投資、合作標的。


oToBrtie 先進駕駛輔助系統,獲納智捷、小鵬汽車採用

ANIWEAR 推出全球第一個寵物心臟檢測 AIoT 平台;潘若迪打造 Fitz 智能健身教學 App

oToBrite (歐特明電子) 由一群曾在華晶科技、華碩、HTC 擔任高管的科技老將共同創立,專攻先進駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS),並自建攝像頭工廠。成立至今 5 年,總部位於新竹科學園區,擁有 120 名員工,2017 年納智捷推出令人驚艷的 AR 底盤透視功能,2018 年中國小鵬汽車在新車影片曝光的自動停車系統,都是出自 oToBrite 的技術。與華創車電共同開發的車用透視地盤 AR View 功能,更在 2018 年入圍素有科技產業奧斯卡之稱的全球百大科技研發獎(R&D 100 Awards),整體實力堅強,是台灣 AI 領域的明日之星。

來自香港的 ANIWEAR,推出全球第一個獸醫心臟病學的 AIoT 平台,讓照顧寵物更便利、更省錢。開發的寵物心電圖 (ECG) 小型手持檢測工具「CardioBird」,讓原本必須由 4 位專業獸醫醫療人員,花兩小時才能完成的寵物心電圖檢測,可以改由一位獸醫手持小型檢測工具,接觸寵物心臟後 30 秒內完成,大幅降低為寵物進行心電圖檢測所需的成本、人力和時間,並藉由 AI 與 Big data,立刻告訴獸醫,寵物是否健康。採取軟硬體免費,報告收費的模式,已拓展至香港、泰國、台灣等市場,並在日本 2018 Startup Go! Go! 的 Pitch 比賽獲得第一名。

來自香港的 ANIWEAR 推出全球第一個獸醫心臟病學的 AIoT 平台,開發的寵物心電圖 (ECG) 小型手持檢測工具「CardioBird」。

Ocard 以 AI 和 Big data 技術為基底,開發提供餐廳進行電子會員 CRM 的 SaaS 平台。提供的解決方案包括會員系統、集點紅利回饋、會員分級、介紹回饋計畫、儲值及自動贈禮等。已有超過 700 個餐廳客戶,服務超過 60 萬名會員,並預計在 2019 年開啟海外拓展計畫,進軍日本、香港與東南亞。

Fitz 由知名有氧舞蹈教練潘若迪與技術團隊共同成立。推出的「Fitz愛有氧」App,運用獨家 AI 影像分析技術,結合專業教練的帶領並呈現精準數據,讓使用者無需穿戴任何裝置,即可隨時隨地享受線上直播運動的樂趣。除了擁有即時交流互動的全新運動體驗,App 也具備社群功能,讓使用者與好友相互激勵陪伴。App 上線至今,已擁有數萬名註冊會員、跟跳比例高達 85%,每堂上課人數則是實體課程 10 倍以上。

Fitz 由知名有氧舞蹈教練潘若迪與技術團隊共同成立,推出的「Fitz愛有氧」App。

Xrex 由國際級資安專家、阿碼科技創辦人、前 Proofpoint 全球技術副總黃耀文與來自全球的專業團隊,所共同打造的 Blockchain 新創。推出的 Xrex Crypto Services (XCS) ,以 PaaS 和 SaaS 模式,提供建構與運作 Crypto 市場的企業與機構,包括 compliant、secure、scalable 等面向的解決方案套件。

Xrex 由國際級資安專家、阿碼科技創辦人黃耀文與來自全球的專業團隊,所共同打造的 Blockchain 新創。

RelaJet 開發的多重人聲分離辨識引擎,可應用在助聽器、耳機、電視、手機、智能音箱、物聯網等裝置上。創辦人 Blue 本身是先天性聽障人士,非常了解聽障者在日常溝通上遇到的問題,例如同時間有兩人以上說話,當每個人的聲音頻率、音量都接近時,對聽障者十分困擾,因為不易從助聽器中辨識某人的聲音,這也是他創辦 RelaJet 的原因。

大東南亞 AI 與 Blockchain 落地應用!

香港:Decodes 應用 AI 技術,整合全球跨境電商 1.5 萬商家

越南:INNAWAY 結合 AI 技術,協助飯店經營房客關係

在 AW#17 來自大東南亞的新創團隊中,最值得關注的現象,就是團隊普遍將 AI 與 Blockchain 技術,應用於提升電商、實體零售、餐廳、飯店的 CRM 與行銷成效,由此可見,AI 與 Blockchain 的技術創新,對這個區域市場的重要性。包括來自香港的 Set Sail,開發跨 LINE、FB Messenger、WhatsApp 等通訊平台,可提升銷售與用戶 Engagement,並支援英文、普通話、廣東話的 Chatbot 平台;Decodes 整合全球超過 1.5 萬商家,打造 AI 與 Big data 驅動的跨境電子商務平台; 以 Blockchain 技術推出行動 CRM 解決方案,協助零售和餐飲企業建立品牌會員系統,目前已有超過 200 家客戶 。

除了來自香港的新創,來自其他大東南亞國家的新創同樣表現亮眼。包括來自泰國的 OxygenAI,以 AI 影像辨識技術,協助政府機構、零售、戶外廣告等產業進行人員身份驗證、搜集行為數據;來自越南的 INNAWAY,建立以聊天為基礎的溝通平台,協助飯店經營房客關係;來自斯里蘭卡的 Alakazam,推出  AI 數位行銷助理,幫助中小企業經營社群媒體行銷。

來自斯里蘭卡的 Alakazam,推出  AI 數位行銷助理,幫助中小企業經營社群媒體行銷。

台灣新創打造新型態 CRM! 開發粉絲關係管理解決方案、Pointree 提供跨店家線上集點服務

台灣新創,運用 AI 與 Blockchain 技術,協助品牌客戶提升會員與用戶經營成效,表現同樣讓人驚艷。 提供 FRM (Fan Relationship Management,粉絲關係管理) 解決方案,讓品牌能夠大規模發展並建立更深入的一對一粉絲關係,目前客戶包括 GQ、UDN、Dell、中信銀等,可提升 20 倍的粉絲參與度 (Engagement),以及 5 倍的週留存率 (Retention)。Pointree 集點樹以 Blockchain 技術推出線上集點服務,主打防範資安問題外,再透過自己發行的虛擬通貨「樹幣」,整合各不同店家的點數,進行自由移轉,上線 2 年已累積約 800 個店家,日交易量突破 5,000 筆。

AI 科技加速普及,也改變了人與人之間的交流方式。Aimm 姻緣工程創辦人 Tilaine,擁有紐約媒人學院的媒人執照,打造以 AI 系統推薦的配對服務,用戶在 30 天內找到雙方都有興趣的配對對象達 42.8%,其中更有 75.2% 互相交換聯絡方式,進一步交往的高配對成功率。Facial Labs 開發人臉辨識技術的交友 App,在活動與聚會的場合,只要拿起手機一掃對方臉孔,就能顯示對方的資料與社群網站連結,能更快速認識新朋友。

「Aimm 姻緣工程」打造以 AI 系統推薦的配對服務。

在 AW#17 團隊中,各種嘗試將 Blockchain 技術落地應用的新創,也讓人印象深刻。包括 FundersToken 打造全球第一個將 Blockchain 技術模組化的平台,以 PaaS 模式提供有意發展 Blockchain 應用的企業使用,不用另外投資軟硬體開發,可為企業大幅節省開發時間,以及 60% 成本。遊戲開發開發商 Chicken Park,遊戲架構於 Ethereum 上,首款遊戲《捕魚達人 EOS》上線一個多月,用戶人數突破千人。Anker 針對投資新手,推出華文市場第一個 Blockchain 投資履歷社群平台,透過智能合約直接跟投專業經理人。BizWitcher 推出以 Blockchain 技術,協助餐廳或咖啡廳創業者的平台。來自美國的 Nceno,則致力開發應用於運動激勵的 Blockchain 技術支付系統。

來自美國的 Nceno,致力於開發 Blockchain 技術的支付系統。

AppWorks 創辦合夥人林之晨在活動開場時提到:「經過 8 年的努力,2018 年是 AppWorks  Ecosystem 大幅躍進的一年。」成績包括:活躍新創累積至 328 家、共 925 位創業者,所有企業的加總年營業額來到 25 億美金 (約為 769 億新台幣),較去年同期大幅成長 90%,員工數 9,586 位,年增高達 67%,生態系累積募資金額為 8.06 億美金 (約為 248 億新台幣),年增率達到 82%,總估值突破 36 億美金 (約為 1,107 億新台幣),較去年此時大幅增加 127%。

回顧過往、展望未來,林之晨也指出:「近一年來,我們觀察到發展 10 年的 Mobile Internet 開始出現飽和,另一方面,種種主客觀條件成熟,激發 AI、Blockchain 進入春天,正式接棒成為下一代的兩個 Mega Paradigm Shifts。」為了激勵更多優秀大東南亞創業者投入這兩個領域,AppWorks Accelerator 決定從 AW#17 開始,限定招收 AI 與 Blockchain 新創,直到下一次板塊位移為止,AppWorks 都將專注在這兩個領域。

AppWorks 創辦合夥人林之晨指出,發展 10 年的 Mobile Internet 開始出現飽和, AI、Blockchain 接棒成為下一代的兩個 Mega Paradigm Shifts。

AppWorks Demo Day #17 登場團隊介紹

歡迎 AI 與 Blockchain 新創團隊,申請加入  AppWorks Accelerator

Introductions to the startups pitching on AppWorks Demo Day #17

AppWorks Demo Day #17 將於今天 (11/8) 下午隆重登場,無法親臨現場的朋友,可以到 AppWorks Facebook Page 觀賞本次活動的實況轉播。

若你也想登上 AppWorks Demo Day 的千人大舞台,展現自己的產品與商業模式,AppWorks Accelerator 現正招收 AI / Blockchain 團隊,歡迎加入我們。

以下是將在 AppWorks Demo Day #17 出場的 25 支新創團隊簡介:(下載完整版)

AppWorks Demo Day #17 will take place this (11/8) afternoon. If you’re unable to physically attend the event, you can catch the livestream on AppWorks Facebook Page.

If you are an AI / Blockchain startup and also excited about the opportunity to pitch your product and business idea to over a 1,000 people on the AppWorks Demo Day stage, join us by applying to AppWorks Accelerator. We look forward to receiving your application!

The following are brief introductions of the 25 startup teams at AppWorks Demo Day #17: (Download for full version)


AIoT platform for Veterinary Cardiology / Advanced animal health data analytics.

Joe Mak | [email protected] |

2. oToBrite Electronics

Developer of AI-powered technologies, such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Automatic Parking System (APA), that help make driving easier and safer.

Lotus Chen | [email protected] |

3. Ocard

A CRM and marketing SaaS using big data and AI to help offline business retarget their customers through chatbots.

Vinek Chen | [email protected] |

4. Fitz

Live & on-demand interactive fitness classes.

David Liu | [email protected] |


A blockchain-focused technology company offering Cryptocurrency Exchange-as-a-Service.

Jordan Forssman | [email protected] |

6. Chicken Park

A developer of blockchain-powered games.

Xixi Huang | [email protected] |

7. Set Sail

SaaS Chatbot platform with a live chat that learns how top customer service agents interact with customers.

Jovian Ling | [email protected] |

8. RelaJet

Developer of software technology that separates and distinguishes between different voice streams.

Blue Chen | [email protected] |

9. FundersToken

Blockchain Infrastructure provider with modularised solutions for products and information enhancement.

Darren Goh | [email protected] |

10. Pointree

A blockchain-powered CRM system built for consumers and retailers.

KJ Chan | [email protected] |

11. OxygenAI

Empowering surveillance cameras with AI to provide insights for businesses and governments.

Ren Huang | [email protected] |

12. decodes

AI & Big data powered cross-border e-commerce platform.

Louis Hui | [email protected] |

13. Rovilus

A new-age energy system for lightweight electric vehicles.

Gigi Huang | [email protected] |

14. Nceno

Social market for trustless fitness challenges: workout for a payout on the blockchain.

Joe Nance | [email protected] |


FRM, Fan Relationship Management, is a SaaS CRM platform making social media personalized.

Keegan Huang | [email protected] |

16. Alakazam

Digital marketing assistant that helps small businesses on social media marketing.

Dulitha Wijewantha | [email protected] |

17. AI4quant

AI system integration company that provides consultations and helps partners build AI system in-house.

Jason Chuang | [email protected] |


A chat based communication platform that help standalones & small hotel chains to run in-house customer service and retarget existing customers.

CK Ha | [email protected] |

19. Mobile.Cards

A mobile CRM solution that helps retail and F&B businesses to build their own branded membership system.

Jeffrey Lam |  [email protected] |

20. M2CommElite

Wireless MCU platform with Sigfox connectivity.

Charles Lee | [email protected] |

21. BizWitcher

A blockchain-secured online platform that facilitates the purchase and sale of businesses.

David Chang | [email protected] |

22. Facial Labs

A social network application on top of facial recognition and “nearby” features.

Katherine Lo | [email protected] |

23. Anker

The world’s first social investing platform for cryptocurrency.

Denny Yang | [email protected] |


An AI-powered scheduling assistant.

Ray Chao | [email protected] |

25. Aimm

A tech-enable matchmaking service with the highest match success rate and the global scalability.

Tilaine Wang | [email protected] |

AppWorks Demo Day #17 感謝以下合作夥伴:

AppWorks Demo Day #17 is coming on November 8th

AppWorks’ highly anticipated semi-annual Demo Day is ready to bring you once again to the cutting edge of the region’s rapidly developing AI and Blockchain economies.

AW#17 exclusively consists of AI / Blockchain startups. There will be 25 startups pitching, with 17 focusing on AI/IoT and 8 on Blockchain/Crypto, and including 10 international teams joining us from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and the US. This batch also comprises of an especially experienced set of founders, from eBay, HTC, and Y-combinator.

Whether you’re looking for opportunities to invest, to collaborate, or to stay abreast on the latest applications of AI and Blockchain across industries, this is an event you definitely don’t want to miss!

半年一次,AppWorks Demo Day 帶你看見數位經濟最前緣,而這一次,是專屬於 AI / Blockchain 團隊的一場新創盛會。

本次 Demo Day 將有 25 支優秀的 AppWorks #17 團隊輪番登台,其中 17 組以 AI/IoT 為主、 8 組以 Blockchain/Crypto 為主。這群未來獨角獸中有 10 組國際團隊,分別來自香港、馬來西亞、泰國、越南、斯里蘭卡、美國等地。有前 eBay、HTC、(Nasdaq 上市公司) Proofpoint 高管所創辦的公司,也有來自 Y-Combinator 的校友。

無論您是想找投資機會、合作夥伴,或是想追上 AI、IoT、Blockchain、Crypto 的最新脈動,這都是一場您不能錯過的盛宴。

If you would like to join AppWorks Demo Day #17, please RSVP on Eventbrite >>

[Date] Thursday, November 8, 2018

[Venue] 5F Grand Ballroom, Taipei Marriott Hotel 台北萬豪酒店(No. 199 Lequn 2nd Road, Taipei / 台北市中山區樂群二路199號)

12:30 – 13:00 Opening Remarks
13:00 – 14:30 Demo Batch I
14:30 – 15:00 *Break*
15:00 – 16:30 Demo Batch II
16:30 – 17:30 Open Floor