
Brandon Chiang, Associate (江旻峻 / 經理)

負責投資。加入 AppWorks 前,在鴻海集團服務負責「互聯網+健康」相關服務之開發與推廣。鴻海之前,在台灣大哥大負責通路管理與 KPI 設定,後來參與 myfone 購物之經營分析管理。更早之前,敏盛集團負責連鎖醫院經營之事業規劃與募資,並參與盛弘醫藥之上市櫃流程。台大數學系、商研所畢業。喜歡籃球跟音樂,特別是讓人融化的 Smooth R&B。

很多看過用一張表格掌握你的 Business Model 的朋友都跟我說,文中提到的方法非常簡單易懂,可以幫助他們快速理解自己的 Business 是否有實質獲利。事實上,我們還可以利用銷售、成本、營收等基本數字做各種不同的計算,藉以作為調整公司營運方向的參考。

這次,我就來談談 Retention。Retention 指的是客戶留存率,台灣的電商市場相對成熟,在我的觀察中,多數能夠在競爭激烈的市場上長久經營的團隊,大致上都有很好的 Retention,你一定要知道有多少客戶在消費過後還會再度上門,才能依照當時的狀況,選擇合適的工具優化留存率。

在現在這個流量越來越貴的年代,不管是透過寄發 EDM 來跟舊客戶溝通,或者是發折價券來提醒舊客戶再度上門,還是經由各種 Remarketing 管道來進行推廣,許多團隊都紛紛開始想辦法靠著舊客戶來提升業績。採取這種做法的最主要原因,無非就是一般而言舊客戶的維繫成本低於開發新客戶,換個角度說,如果你做的生意還得拿大把鈔票來把舊客戶找回來、如果你的利潤不夠好,那這往往就是個賠錢的生意。

如何定義 Retention

剛加入 AppWorks 時,曾經有個團隊來跟我聊他們平台的營運狀況。談到舊客戶的留存時,他直接就說,我的 Retention 是 20%。當時,我馬上問他:你對 Retention 的定義是什麼?

為什麼要這樣問?因為 Retention 可以從很多角度來觀察:
1. 舊客的業績貢獻佔比:仔細詢問之後,我發現這個團隊提到的 Retention,指的是舊客的業績貢獻佔比。比方說,如果一個月做 100 萬的業績,Retention 是 20%,那表示其中有 20 萬都是來自舊客戶的貢獻。

2. Cohort Retention (同批次之回購):如果你做的是像電商這種單次購買,那最常用的就是 Cohort Retention,因為客戶這個月買了,下個月不一定會再回來,但如果我們針對每一期獲得的客戶,長期追蹤觀察,就可以得知每一期逐月的回購狀況。說到這裡,熟悉 Cohort 的朋友腦中應該會浮現出一個倒三角形的圖案,還不熟悉 Cohort 的讀者也不用擔心,我在下文會仔細介紹。

3. 客戶回購的比例:有些人的 20% 則是指所有客戶中有 20% 每個月會回來消費。例如,如果某個團隊的客戶累積有 10 萬人,其中有 20% 的客戶會回來,那就代表每個月有 2 萬人會回來消費。

當然 Retention 有時可能會高達 90% 或 95%,但這樣的數字在一般一次性買賣的產業比較難出現,能達到這麼高比例的,大多是訂閱制服務 (亦即有綁約的服務,例如電信業或音樂串流服務 )。但如果你做的是訂閱制服務,可能就比較適合以舊客戶的 Churn Rate (流失率) 來看。因為如果沒有太大問題,客人短期內應該每個月都會回來,所以從流失的角度來看會比較客觀。

如何清楚整理出 Retention

我們可以試著把上述觀察 Retention 的角度整理成管理報表來看 (對!我就是喜歡用表格來整理,建議正在創業的各位也應該多多整理你自己的數字,這個過程就像是醫生在看心電圖,可以幫助你清楚公司的營運狀況)。

這次,我一樣用實例來說明 Retention 象徵的意義與和運用方式,但這次故事的主角變成過去一年以來我最愛的筆記本品牌 SketchyNotebook (AW#12)。

假設 Sketchy Notebook 從 Y18 (即 2018 年) 開始販售筆記本。首先,我們要先製作 Cohort 表。所謂 Cohort ,就是針對每一期客戶,長期觀察其購買狀況。

Y18/01 (即 2018 年 1 月) 有 300 個新客人買了筆記本。(參見 (圖一))


接下來,到了 2 月,Y18/01 這 300 個客人中,2 月又回來購買筆記本的人數是 120 人,此外,2 月也有 500 個新客人購買筆記本。(參見(圖二))


到了 3 月,Y18/01 這 300 個客人中,回來購買的人數是 90 人。同時 2 月的 500 個客人,在3 月時 (也就是這群客人在這個平台的第二個月 – Month 2) 有 250 人回來購買,而 3 月新購買的客戶則是 800 人。(參見(圖三))


在此要請大家注意,如果某個客人 (假設客戶編號 001-300) 是在 Y18/01 這一期第一次購買,那麼往後這個客人就只會在 Y18/01 這一列出現,這就是 Y18/01 的 Cohort。

以此類推,假設以下是 2018 年 1-6 月的 Cohort 表。我們以每個 Cohort 的新客數當分母,後面逐月的客數當分子,兩者相除就可以得到每個月的 Cohort Retention。例如, Y18/01 Month 3 的 90 人代表 300 人中有 90 個人在 Month 3 回來了,回來的比例就是 90/300 = 30%。依此類推,就可以算出 (圖四) 下方表格中的 Cohort Retention Rate。

一般而言,第二個月的回購率就會有蠻大幅的下滑,但長期會趨於穩定。有些產業的長期 Cohort Retention 是 5%,有些可能是 20%,數字通常會依照產業的類別而出現變化。在這裡,我教大家一個訣竅,那就是你只要看 Cohort Retention Rate 三角形下方那一條線,抓個平均值,就可以知道你的 Cohort Retention 是多少。以 (圖四)為例,假設這個區間夠長,那我大概會抓整體的回購是 15-20%。但像 Y18/05 數字的第二個月是 29%,我會認為這應該還沒滑落到一般的水準,會予以排除。


另外還有一個觀察 Retention 的小訣竅,那就是把這個三角形從左下往右上看,同一個顏色就代表該月份消費的用戶數。
Y18/01:新客 300,舊客 0
Y18/02:新客 500,舊客 120
Y18/03:新客 800,舊客 250+90 = 340
Y18/04:新客 1,200,舊客 240+150+60 = 450
Y18/05:新客 1,700,舊客 500+160+120+50 = 830
Y18/06:新客 2,000,舊客 500+200+120+100+48 = 968



從 Retention 的變畫找出提升業績的方式

1. 當月舊客比例:即當月購買的客戶中,有多少比例是舊客。例如, Y18/06 中,新客有 2,000 人,舊客回購的有 968 人 (500+200+120+100+48),所以,舊客人佔當月購買客數的比例就是 968/(2,000+968) = 33%。
2. 舊客回購比例:即當月回購的舊客數,佔整體消費客人的比例有多少。例如,累積到 Y18/05,我們已經有 4,500 個購買過筆記本的客人了,Y18/05 有 830 個人回來,所以所有客人中,該月回購的比例就是 830/4,500 = 18%。

如果你產品/服務的回購率是穩定的 (穩定不見得就是好,而是說明你所提供服務的特性,在你現在的努力下呈現這樣的狀態),舊客回購比例長期下來會跟上面 Cohort Retention Rate 的最下緣數字很接近。因為如果每個 Cohort 長期都是 15% 左右的回購率,那每個 Cohort 堆疊起來就是總會員數的回購,也會是 15% 左右。

上述的 Cohort 表其實還有其他的用法,例如,如果我們把客戶數改成訂單數、GMV 或營收,你就可以知道每個 Cohort 的每個客戶貢獻單數,每單平均金額的趨勢變化。你也可以看看哪些 Cohort 的表現比較好,再去想想為什麼你能在那個 Cohort 中找到比較好的客人。是你哪個月試了哪個新通路嗎?還是你用怎樣的手法把客人找回來?只要仔細觀察這些數字,通常都可以找到蹊蹺。

Cohort 的應用就這樣而已嗎?其實不然,你可以融合 ROI 的觀念,例如:這個客人我透過什麼通路?花了多少錢?做了什麼事情他才回來,回來後會怎樣?之後,我會在下篇文章跟大家分享這些觀念。

【歡迎所有 AI / IoT、Blockchain / DeFi、面向東南亞市場的創業者,加入專為你們服務的 AppWorks Accelerator

AppWorks Ecosystem Surpasses Unicorn Valuation in 2017

Jun Wakabayashi, Analyst (若林純 / 分析師)

Jun is an Analyst covering both AppWorks Accelerator and Greater Southeast Asia. Born and bred in America, Jun brings a wealth of international experience to AppWorks. He spent the last several years before joining AppWorks working for Focus Reports, where he conducted sector-based market research and interviewed high-level government leaders and industry executives across the globe. He’s now lived in 7 countries outside US and Taiwan, while traveling to upwards of 50 for leisure, collectively highlighting his unique propensity for cross-cultural immersion and international business. Jun received his Bachelors in Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

    • AppWorks’ Year in Review 2017 reveals our community is together valued at US$ 1.6 billion
    • New US$ 100 million Fund III will focus on financing Series A and B rounds across GSEA
    • AppWorks Funds invested in 8 deals across fintech, e-commerce, security, and social media verticals

In 2017, Greater Southeast Asia (GSEA) was without a doubt launched into a new level of global stardom. Not only did SIngapore-based Internet and gaming company Sea–the original curator of the term “GSEA”–make its long anticipated public debut on the NYSE, but several foreign tech giants put down the stepping stones for their initial foray into the region including Amazon via PrimeNow in Singapore, Expedia via Indonesia’s Traveloka, and Alibaba via its billion dollar investment in unicorn darling Tokopedia.

It almost seems as if the cat’s finally been let out of the bag–that GSEA is an incredibly prospective region, ripe with riches just waiting to be unlocked, eventually. A recently updated report by Google and Singapore’s Temasek quoted a region that is now home to the world’s 3rd largest population of Internet users and an online market that is set to exceed US$ 200 billion by 2025. If nothing else, this has further validated our focus on building a regional startup community and support system that also leverages Taiwan’s unique positioning to strengthen entrepreneurs all across GSEA.

Accordingly, and in the true fashion of any startup, AppWorks has needed to iterate in line with looming paradigm shifts in order to better serve our community and effectively cater to its needs moving forward. This past year marked several milestones in an overall emphasis on helping our startups capture a piece of the region’s rapidly growing Internet economy, and equipping them with the proper resources to fully capitalize on the region’s digital awakening.

Of the 52 startups across AW#14 and AW#15 that graduated from AppWorks Accelerator in 2017, more than half of the combined cohort actually originated from countries outside of Taiwan, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Korea, while 25% comprised of female co-founders. These two figures truly highlight just how far we’ve come since AW#1 in expanding the diversity of our community, in terms of both perspectives and demographics. And if the CEOs of the world’s leading tech companies today serve as any indication, diversity is a core underlying asset that can most certainly serve as a great driver of innovation.

With the addition of 52 AW#14 and AW#15 startups, our community has scaled to a stage like never seen before. The AppWorks Ecosystem now counts 323 active alumni startups and 780 founders in its network. These AppWorks startups are generating US$ 1.3B in total revenues, growing at 65% year-over-year, and have created 5,696 jobs, increasing by 53% from the prior year. They have raised US$ 432M from both AppWorks Funds and third-party investors, up 57% from last year, and together exhibit a composite valuation of US$ 1.6B, roughly a 75% uptick over the last 12 months. In other words, 2017 marks the year that The AppWorks Ecosystem has finally crossed the valuation mark of a unicorn.

Meanwhile, AppWorks Funds made 8 investments in several promising startups including Shopback, Umbo CV, Morning Shop, EMQ, ReCactus, and Intowow, while helping them raise a total of US$ 99.4M across these rounds. Moving forward, however, we’re anticipating many startups to encounter a US$ 5 – 15M gap in Series-A and Series-B financing spanning the next 12 months. This is in part why we’ve raised our 3rd fund of US$ 100M to help startups bridge the proverbial valley of death and clear the way for future growth.

ShopBack (AW#13), based in Singapore, has expanded  to Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan.

As value-added mentors, partners, and investors, we’ve directed a lot of our time and resources in enabling more GSEA startups to enter key markets such as Taiwan and Indonesia, while helping them harness Taiwan’s formidable supply of talent and set up R&D teams here in Taipei.

True to these efforts, AppWorks Landing Pod was launched late last year and designed to help founders / CEOs of fast-growing tech startups immerse themselves in local ecosystems across GSEA to best prepare for formal expansion. The first iteration of this 3-week immersive program was initiated this past November in Indonesia, where we see emerging opportunities across the country’s expansive and rapidly growing online economy.

That being said, shortages of quality talent still remains one of the foremost challenges that growing tech companies face today. AppWorks School was started 18 months ago as a separate channel to build a more fortified pipeline of skilled labor and help our community meet the technical demands of tomorrow.

iOS Class #4 Orientation

We’ve now managed to graduate 49 newly trained developers through our 14-week free coding program, which offers both iOS and Android tracks. 80% of these graduates went on to pursue successful software engineering careers in prominent Internet companies such as Pubgame, 91APP, and Bahamut with an average annual salary of US$ 20,400.

Spanning all pillars of our platform, AppWorks closes out the year with a special acknowledgement to its team in all they’ve done to empower founders and elevate the startup ecosystem all across Greater Southeast Asia, while setting its sights on even greater horizons in 2018.

For highlights of all the initiatives and achievements that sought to reinforce our community across the region in 2017, visit AppWorks’ Year in Review 2017.


An Open World with Natalie Feng Lin

Natalie is an Analyst that joined AppWorks recently. She is working on AppWorks Accelerator and covering Greater Southeast Asia.

Natalie Lin, Analyst (林楓 / 分析師)

Natalie is an Analyst covering AppWorks Accelerator and Greater Southeast Asia. Before joining the team, she worked in the search engine marketing and email marketing teams at Zappos, America’s leading shoes and fashion online retailer, where she primarily focused on KPI management, campaign optimization, and project management. Born in Canada and raised in the Middle East, Natalie returned to Taiwan for high school before moving to the US for college and work. She received her Bachelors of Marketing at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Outside of work she likes to read, travel, and play video games.


“You can’t regret the life you didn’t lead.” —- Junot Diaz

As a video game enthusiast, I love to imagine life as a series of challenges and accomplishments that my character has to go through to level up. The cities I’ve lived in define the stages of my life: born in Vancouver, Canada, grew up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, experienced middle school in Cairo, Egypt, survived high school in Taipei, Taiwan, evolved in college in Cleveland, Ohio, and adventured in Las Vegas, Nevada before returning to my roots in Taipei. While I can’t quite remember my experiences in Vancouver and Jeddah, some of my favorite childhood memories were from Cairo and some of my closest friends were made in high school and college.

I’m a firm believer that there are millions of paths you can take but ultimately your decisions define you and your life. Like many others, I had a hard time deciding which major to choose in college and eventually I chose marketing because I liked and respected the marketing professors at Case Western Reserve University. After graduating, I was lucky enough to land a marketing internship at Zappos.com, an Amazon subsidiary that also happens to be one of the largest shoe and clothing retailers in the US.

I had a really immersive experience at Zappos and it was a defining moment in my life. I had my fair share of challenges but it was worthwhile and I definitely felt myself “leveling up” during this period. When I started, I was working on product listing ads marketing with my manager, understanding how product feeds worked and how to optimize product ads on search engines. I also participated in a hackathon with a fellow intern and won first place— our idea was centered around personalized search and fashion machine learning.

In April of 2015, our CEO sent out a memo that contained his ideas around a flatter organization, and a severance package for those that weren’t quite ready for the change. My manager, her manager, and the VP of the marketing department decided to move on from the company. In a matter of weeks, I was reporting directly to the COO and in charge of one of the largest marketing channels in the company! This turned out to be one of the most stressful periods of my professional career, but an amazing learning opportunity nonetheless. Once things stabilized, I decided to try my hand at email marketing because I wanted a more holistic understanding of marketing. Aside from the testing and scientific approaches we took, email marketing was vastly different from search engine marketing. I learned to run multiple campaigns a week, coordinate with multiple teams and stakeholders, and learn the ins-and-outs of customer retention efforts.

After 3 stimulating years at Zappos, I realized I wanted to pursue something different, maybe a more technical side of marketing or something entirely new. When I moved back, I heard about AppWorks and thought it aligned perfectly with my personal and professional goals. I managed to land a job as an analyst…level up! Now at AppWorks, I will be focusing on AppWorks Accelerator and learning about VC funding as well as continuing my education in e-commerce. All in all, I’ve been proud of my choices and I’m excited to see what this next adventure will bring.


TP Lin, Associate (林子樸 / 經理)
負責投資。七年光電產業經驗,為隆達電子創廠員工之一,見證公司成立、併購與上市,過程中經歷產品研發工程師、研發主管、專案管理等不同職務歷練。在 AppWorks 負責協助軟硬整合新創團隊,充分運用台灣與中國的硬體製造能力。台灣大學物理學士、光電碩士。

前一陣子,Uber 的新聞鬧得沸沸揚揚,早期投資人一口氣把創辦人告上法庭。照理來說,投資人應該和創辦人站在一起,共同為公司努力,但我們卻時不時就會聽到投資人與創辦人鬧翻、對未來方向不一致、產生路線之爭,甚至不惜對簿公堂,讓人覺得有些可惜。


投資人關係 IR (Investor Relations) 和所有關係一樣,最重要的是從一開始就要找到對的人,這跟選擇一個對的創業夥伴一樣重要。好的投資人除了要能提供新創團隊該階段成長需要的資本,對創業的過程與產業也要有相當的了解,在團隊努力往前時,他們要能適時提供協助和建議,進而引進關鍵資源。相對的,團隊也絕對不能因為急需對方的金錢挹注,而忽略彼此的目標、價值觀,以及對產業發展的看法是否契合。所以,當有團隊針對募資前來諮詢時,我都會建議他們,除了投資人選擇要不要投資你們,你們也應該好好思考要不要讓這個投資人入股。




一如共同創辦人、上下游廠商等創業過程中的其他關係,投資人和被投資人之間的信任非常重要,因為有了信任基礎,你們才能一起做出可以幫助公司發展的決定。當然,這信任關係並非一朝一夕可以建立,它需要一點時間,在建立信任關係的過程中,你必須 keep your investor in the loop,盡可能讓投資人了解公司目前的狀況,包括公司的主要政策、業務走向,如此一來,投資人才有辦法對你的公司提供建設性的意見和援助。


一. 違反合約

二. 隱藏壞消息
業績和公司狀況的浮動對大部分新創公司來說都是家常便飯,但很多 CEO 擔心投資人知道這些狀況後,會留下不好的印象,總想著等業積改善再向對方報告,然後一拖再拖,以致錯失調整的機會,陷入無法收拾的窘境。


四. 預料之外的危機



一、寄送月報 (或週報)
至少每月固定發一封 email 給投資人,報告公司現況,信件中可以包含以下資訊:
關鍵績效指標 / 管理報表:簡單來說,就是幾個關鍵數字的更新,例如:日活躍用戶 DAU / 月活躍用戶 MAU / 每用戶平均貢獻 ARPU 等公司營運領先的指標。
團隊狀況: 團隊是否有人事異動,對公司又會造成什麼影響。
請求協助 Call to Action:最重要的一點是,可以請投資人提供團隊需要的協助,如介紹通路、合作夥伴、人才,幫忙推廣產品、提供意見。你越積極請投資人幫忙,就越能讓投資人了解你對未來的規劃,讓雙方攜手向前。

除了報告公司狀況的 email ,也需定期與投資人開會,如董事會、策略會議等,這些會議的目的是一起討論公司未來的方向與策略。建議早期團隊召開董事會的頻率不要低於一季一次,若能召開月會勢必更有幫助。而會議的重點,除了更新 email 中的事項,一定要預留時間,和投資人溝通並討論公司接下來要面臨的重大挑戰為何,並且說明為了因應挑戰,必須做那些重要決定,請投資人提供建議,讓彼此達成共識。

10 mins              CEO 從宏觀的角度簡述公司目前的狀況,並提出未來的發展重點與挑戰
40 – 60 mins    公司的各項表現,從數字面更新公司與產品狀況
15 mins             公司組織與人員異動
30 – 60 mins    針對公司下一季的目標與策略進行討論



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Fireside Chat with AppWorks Partner, Joseph Chan

Jun Wakabayashi, Analyst (若林純 / 分析師)

Jun is an Analyst covering both AppWorks Accelerator and Greater Southeast Asia. Born and bred in America, Jun brings a wealth of international experience to AppWorks. He spent the last several years before joining AppWorks working for Focus Reports, where he conducted sector-based market research and interviewed high-level government leaders and industry executives across the globe. He’s now lived in 7 countries outside US and Taiwan, while traveling to upwards of 50 for leisure, collectively highlighting his unique propensity for cross-cultural immersion and international business. Jun received his Bachelors in Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

Joseph Chan, Partner at AppWorks, the largest accelerator in Greater Southeast Asia (Taiwan + Southeast Asia), depicts his initial, almost chance encounter with AppWorks, while illustrating how the company’s accelerator program will help Taiwan mold a more sustainable economic future. He also details future regional plans for AppWorks’ venture capital arm, and how they ultimately plan on leveraging their planned US$ 100 million Fund III to help position themselves as a key player in the region’s startup landscape.

Serendipitous Beginnings

Despite a longstanding career evaluating and investing in hardware-related ventures, the internet space has always served as an undying passion for AppWorks Partner Joseph Chan.

Chan first came across AppWorks by what he would consider a stroke of serendipity. During his decade-long tenure at CID, one of the largest and fastest growing investment vehicles in Asia, a handful of market segments such as consumer beauty and biotechnology were pursued outside the traditional hardware verticals where the group built its core competencies. Software companies, however, never seemed to wet investors’ appetites quite as much.

This reluctance towards internet ventures stemmed from a myriad of reasons including a badly bruised ego following the dot-com crash, misalignment with incentives traditionally found in hardware investments, and an almost microscopic-sized market potential in the eyes of Taiwanese investors. As a point of reference, CID at the time was managing funds cumulatively exceeding USD 1 billion, visibly minimizing AppWorks’ first fund of USD 11 million.

Around 2012, a promising young visionary named Jamie Lin, AppWorks’ Founding Partner, knocked on the front door seeking capital to invest in Taiwan’s internet startups. Lukewarm at the idea, but certainly acknowledging Lin’s tenacity and wits, CID’s founding partners decided to take a chance and delegated this project to Chan who, as luck would have it, was the only team member at the time to have any experience—let alone interest—related to the internet space, which came as a result of his first job out of university working for NASDAQ-listed GigaMedia, what was then operating as a broadband ISP.

That bet soon paid off. AppWorks Fund I saw the successful IPOs of two portfolio companies, NetPublishing and KuoBrothers. Meanwhile, the company had already courted enough institutional support to launch its second fund of USD 50 million, enabling AppWorks to cast a much wider net and eventually invest in 40 of Taiwan’s and Southeast Asia’s most promising tech startups.

An Urgent Calling

Consequently, Chan saw transitioning over to AppWorks as a prime opportunity to apply his years of financial expertise and investor insight to a critically important purpose greater than himself—that being AppWorks’ mission to cultivate Taiwan’s innovative capabilities and encompassing ecosystem for internet entrepreneurs.

Although hardware manufacturing and semiconductors have largely supported Taiwan’s economy to date, Chan is adamant in suggesting that software will essentially serve as the country’s saving grace in the coming decade. “30 percent of all hardware-related companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange will likely evaporate in the next 10 years,” he warns.

He specifically cites “one-trick ponies” or companies that only specialize in low-value, original manufacturing components as the ones at most risk of being in firing range. “These type of products can be easily vertically integrated into larger conglomerates, or even more likely, replicated by low-cost manufacturers in China,” exclaims Chan.

Creating a new generation of software-based blue chip stocks will not only help Taiwan ensure a sustainable economic future, but also re-capture value from current global blue chip leaders to prevent the country from paying what Chan refers to as a “Google tax” or “Facebook tax” in perpetuity.

“Given that Taiwan’s e-commerce market is currently valued at roughly USD 34 billion, and assuming startups are allocating on average 7 to 9 percent of their budgets to online marketing, we’re leaking out a significant chunk of value that ultimately benefits foreign platforms like Facebook, which currently serves as the dominant channel for online advertising in Taiwan,” Chan laments.

Back to Basics

AppWorks Accelerator was created to plug that gap. Pre-dating the venture arm, the company’s accelerator program was established in 2010 and aims to equip bold and ambitious entrepreneurs from all over Greater Southeast Asia (GSEA) with the necessary resources, mentorship, training, and connections to get their businesses off the ground. Operating in 6-month batches, AppWorks Accelerator has now graduated 15 batches, encompassing over 323 startups and 780 founders.

With nearly 15 years of experience in institutional investing, Chan advises on many matters, particularly pertaining to fundraising, finance, and legal—all pertinent areas for any founder in his or her own right. But Chan believes the most important aspect that their program can help cultivate, but certainly not instill, is drive.

“In Taiwan, many founders of course have dreams and ambitions, but do they have the insight or experience to see the broader picture—particularly one that expands beyond the borders of Taiwan—and be willing to do whatever it takes to get there?” postulates Chan. “We’re all ex-founders and operators, giving us experienced insight into what exactly founders need, and also what they will need, but perhaps aren’t yet aware of.”

And AppWorks has certainly proved its worth. Many former batch companies such as EZTABLE and Umbo CV have all gone on to receive additional rounds of financing after graduating from the program and execute steadfast expansion strategies into the region.

Looking Outward

Operating in a similar fashion to a startup, AppWorks itself is no different. Since the VC arm underpins the effective development and operation of the accelerator program, AppWorks has expanded the scope of their market to investments all across Greater Southeast East. They’ve now become of the most active early stage investors in the region, executing 10 – 15 deals per year. These efforts will be further accelerated through AppWorks Fund III, targeting a sum of USD 100 million upon completion of fundraising. The sizable fund will primarily focus on financing startups’ Series A and B rounds that fall under the themes of GSEA and AI.

However, with a track record that’s been so far primarily centered on Taiwan and Taiwanese entrepreneurs, how can AppWorks possibly be seen as a serious investor, let alone advisor, in any other country across the region?

Chan responds with a two-pronged approach: “First, fundamentally speaking, Taiwan is a fantastic market to launch an internet business, especially with such a digitally-savvy population and internet penetration rates reaching 87 percent—among the highest in the region. That alone gives us enough leverage to appeal to internet startups across Southeast Asia. Second, in hot markets such as Indonesia where we have yet to develop a proven track record, we will take on a more subordinate role in financing deals, partnering with local funds that have already established reputable expertise and insight.”

Southeast Asia is a vibrant region full of hopes and promises, with tech enthusiasts, investors, and entrepreneurs alike all peering in and waiting for the floodgates to open. Whether or not AppWorks, and in turn Taiwan, will be at the forefront of that impending wave—only time will tell. But, if the past few years have been even a sliver of indication for Chan, serendipity will likely continue serving as a fortuitous force moving forward.

We’re on a diehard mission to push Taiwan and Southeast Asia forward, and truly believe in the Internet’s ability to keep reinventing the world and make it a better place. If you’re also passionate about helping entrepreneurs and startups, and think you you’ve got the energy, attitude, and appetite for making a difference, join our team!