SoopahGenius Closes Its Pre-seed Round, Aims to Take Video Storytelling to the Next Level

SoopahGenius announces the completion of its pre-seed round with Taiwan’s AppWorks Fund. SoopahGenius joined AppWorks Accelerator #20 in March 2020, and is thrilled to continue their partnership in the next stage of company development. This round of funding will help grow their engineering team and accelerate development of Catapult, their AI-powered platform that smartly navigates video content. 

Catapult’s innovation lies in its ability to chew through giant video files. It helps livestreamers and their community to find key moments 10X faster in a stream through an intelligent combination of high speed scrubbing, audio and text analysis, computer vision, and for select games, all game events. Every stream is stored in the cloud, which eliminates the need to upload and download files and opens the opportunity to collaboratively edit a stream or multiple streams. 

“We knew from our own experience that one of the things storytellers get very little help with is dealing with the vast amounts of footage and material they create as the story is taking shape. What we found with livestreamers was that this problem is so bad for them, it often proves itself to be insurmountable, and is really the key reason why they don’t create as much as they want.” said Mike Calcagno, CEO of SoopahGenius. “Bringing the power of AI, and, quite simply, just more computing firepower to the problem, we think that’s a great start towards making visual storytelling easier for everyone.”

With shared interests in AI/ML supported visual storytelling, SoopahGenius was founded by Cortana architect Mike Calcagno, Dropbox technical lead Constance Duong and video artist, and second- time founder Susie Lee. “AppWorks invests in founders, full-stop,” said Joseph Chan, Partner of AppWorks. “We know from experience that an interesting business idea is never enough; a great team is always necessary to overcome the enormous challenges to build something visionary. As we watched the SoopahGenius team work strategically with maturity and steadiness, we were confident they could tackle this very interesting and difficult problem.” 

Catapult is currently in beta with flexible and powerful product features in development for V1,  where they will expand their customer base. For now, interested streamers can request to be part of the beta or sign up via their waiting list.

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】

Docosan Raises over $1 Million in Record Round for Vietnam Health Tech

Docosan, a Ho Chi Minh City health tech startup which is getting Vietnam’s digitally savvy masses to skip crowded waiting rooms by booking doctors on its mobile app, has raised over $1 million in one of Vietnam’s largest health tech seed rounds ever.

The oversubscribed round was led by top Taiwanese tech venture capital firm AppWorks, one of the most active early-stage investors in the region and whose prior investments include Lalamove, Carousell, ShopBack, and KKday. The round was joined by biotech entrepreneur David Ma and Singapore-based investors Huat Ventures. 

“Docosan is bringing the digital revolution to healthcare in Vietnam thanks to its determined team and innovative platform,” said AppWorks partner Andy Tsai. “We noticed Docosan’s potential early on because of its participation in the AppWorks Accelerator. Docosan Founders demonstrated strong experience and dedication to the healthcare issues in the region. We are proud to be supporting Docosan’s vision of better healthcare access for all.“

In less than a year of operations, Docosan has helped over 50,000 patients discover and book appointments with hundreds of vetted doctors across 35 specialties. Docosan’s CEO and co-founder Beth Ann Lopez chalked up the rapid growth to vast untapped demand for a convenient and intuitive way to find the top healthcare options.

“It’s so easy to use your smartphone to order a banh mi or a motorbike taxi but finding the right doctor is still a frustrating experience for many. Many rely on word of mouth recommendations from family members and sit for hours in crowded waiting rooms hoping for an appointment instead of booking in advance,” Lopez said. “Docosan’s mobile platform, which includes transparent pricing information, verified customer reviews, and 24/7 booking, makes finding the right doctor as easy an opening our app.” 

Docosan’s platform works by allowing patients to book and filter doctors based on price, location, specialty, reviews, and more. Key to the platform’s success has been quick adoption by the many healthcare providers who struggle to expand their customer base and manage appointments.

“Many clinics are frustrated after spending large amounts on social media marketing because these networks’ vast, opaque user bases are difficult to harness to reach new patients. Docosan gives providers a far better, more tailored user base to expand,” Lopez said. “Meanwhile, Docosan’s proprietary booking software provides doctors an easier way to manage bookings compared to the crowded waiting rooms, which people are increasingly wary of amid the pandemic.”

Docosan has already integrated e-payments and insurance into its platform, with future plans to add telehealth and pharmacy services. The startup’s ambitious vision has been featured in the British Medical Journal and

“Southeast Asia has been transformed by mass smartphone adoption and the rise of tech platforms, but in many places healthcare has yet to catch up with this trend. We’re very excited to make this happen thanks to our investors,” Lopez said.

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI / IoT, Blockchain / NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】

AppWorks 協力營運緯創集團垂直加速器,邀請優質 AI、物聯網、雲端、資安新創加入

緯創資通董事長林憲銘於日前率領集團一級主管參訪 AppWorks,共同商討成立「緯創垂直加速器」。

AppWorks 在今日 (4/13) 宣佈,將提供營運等核心業務,協助科技大廠緯創資通,於本月啟動垂直加速器,招募 AI、物聯網、雲端與資安領域的新創加入。自即日起至 2021 年 6 月 21 日,開放新創提出最終輪申請,獲錄取的新創,將於 2021 年七月至 2022 年一月期間,與緯創集團進行充分溝通與協同合作,並在2021 年九月至 2022 年一月期間,同步參與 AppWorks Accelerator。獲選的新創在參與期間,皆不收取費用,新創也不用提供股權。

緯創為 ICT 產業全球領導廠商之一,近年在堅強的研發及技術創新能力,和多元化產品開發所帶動的成長發展下,乘著雲端發展趨勢,將硬體設備和雲端數據系統,經由軟體服務緊密結合,提供技術服務平台與解決方案,並建立新的技術產業鏈以及創新平台,將事業擴展至教育、企業服務、物聯網及醫療等新領域。

緯創集團邁向永續的關鍵作法之一,就是採取積極的前瞻性投資,引進策略技術夥伴,投資並攜手新創團隊。緯創近幾年的策略投資,已投入超過新台幣 100 億元,約有 50~60 家投資甚或長期經營的對象。

此次緯創啓動垂直加速器,由大東南亞新創加速器龍頭 AppWorks 提供營運等核心業務。雙方從 2014 年開始合作,緯創是 AppWorks Fund II (本誠創投基金)、AppWorks Fund III (本慧創投基金) 的主要股東之一,之後也陸續投資了 AppWorks Accelerator 的新創校友,包括專攻智慧安控的 Umbo CV 盾心科技 (AW#9)、開發自動化機器學習平台的 MoBagel 行動貝果 (AW#16)、提供寵物健康數據分析的 AI 新創 ANIWARE (AW#17) 等 AppWorks 校友,雙方有長期的策略合作關係與默契,希望透過這次攜手加速新創成長。

AppWorks 從 2010 年開始經營創業加速器,一直致力於協助創業者把握科技浪潮,抓住下個十年的成長機會。截至 2020 年底,AppWorks 新創生態系中,活躍新創累積至 395 家、共 1,331 位創業者;全體營收達到 80 億美元,提供的就業人數更達 17,359 位。

AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人林之晨指出:「如今 AppWorks 生態系已具相當規模,展望未來十年,我們看好媒合新創與大企業深度合作,為新創提供實驗、成長場域,同時為大企業帶來外部創新機會,因此我們決定藉由此次緯創垂直加速器合作,正式開始扮演橋樑的角色。」

緯創垂直加速器每年共舉辦兩屆,限額招募在 AI、物聯網、雲端與資安領域的新創。錄取的新創團隊,可以同步參與 AppWorks Accelerator,並將獨享與緯創集團旗下事業單位的合作,包含:

1. 緯創子公司負責人 / 事業單位負責人提供產業面的專業建議

2. 與緯創獨家合作 PoC

3. 由緯創提供新台幣 20 萬贊助費用 

4. AWS / GCP Cloud Credits

緯創垂直加速器希望招募的新創團隊,是能夠運用前端科技,攜手緯創,找到下個十年的成長動能,範圍包含 (不限於) AI、物聯網、雲端、資安領域。為了有更好的合作體驗,新創最好已經完成產品開發,並已有與用戶合作的經驗。 


AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人林之晨表示:「AppWorks 耕耘十年,累積出的新創生體系價值已超越百億美金。第二個十年,我們要串聯大型企業與新創,創造更多雙贏合作,幫助企業轉型,同時也幫助新創加速成長。緯創不僅是世界級科技集團,更是國內最活躍的企業創投之一,雙方合作多年,很高興在這個時間點進一步攜手,打造 Wistron Accelerator powered by AppWorks,相信這個加速器會為緯創與參與新創帶來許多價值,同時也為大型企業經營垂直加速器,樹立一個新典範。」

Powered by AppWorks,緯創集團啟動垂直加速器,邀請優質 AI、物聯網、雲端、資安新創加入

緯創資通為 ICT 產業全球領導廠商之一,近年在堅強的研發及技術創新能力,和多元化產品開發所帶動的成長發展下,乘著雲端發展趨勢,將硬體設備和雲端數據系統,經由軟體服務緊密結合,提供技術服務平台與解決方案,並建立新的技術產業鏈以及創新平台,將事業擴展至教育、企業服務、物聯網及醫療等新領域。

緯創集團邁向永續的關鍵作法之一,就是採取積極的前瞻性投資,引進策略技術夥伴,投資並攜手新創團隊。緯創近幾年的策略投資,已投入超過新台幣 100 億元,約有 50~60 家投資甚或長期經營的對象。

此次緯創啟動垂直加速器,由大東南亞新創加速器龍頭 AppWorks 提供營運等核心業務。雙方從 2014 年開始合作,緯創是 AppWorks Fund II、Fund III 的主要股東之一,之後也陸續投資了 Umbo CV (AW#9)、MoBagel (AW#16) 與 ANIWARE (AW#17) 等自 AppWorks Accelerator 畢業的新創校友,雙方有長期的策略合作關係與默契,希望透過這次攜手,加速新創成長。

AppWorks 從 2010 年開始經營創業加速器,一直致力於協助創業者把握科技浪潮,抓住下個十年的成長機會。截至 2020 年底,AppWorks 新創生態系中,活躍新創累積至 395 家、共 1,331 位創業者;全體營收達到 80 億美元,提供的就業人數更達 17,359 位。


緯創垂直加速器,一年兩屆,限額招募。專注在 AI、物聯網、雲端與資安領域。錄取的新創團隊,可以同步參與 AppWorks 加速器,並將獨享緯創集團旗下事業單位的合作,包含:

1. 緯創子公司負責人/事業單位負責人提供產業面的專業建議

2. 與緯創獨家合作 PoC

3. 由緯創提供新台幣 20 萬贊助費用 

4. AWS / GCP Cloud Credits


緯創垂直加速器希望招募的新創團隊,是能夠運用前端科技,攜手緯創,找到下個十年的成長動能,範圍包含 (不限於) AI、物聯網、雲端、資安領域。為了有更好的合作體驗,新創最好已經完成產品開發,並已有與用戶合作的經驗。 


曾與緯創合作的 AppWorks 新創校友

  • AW#9 Umbo CV (AIoT)
  • AW#16 MoBagel (AI、BigData)
  • AW#17 ANIWARE (AIoT)

現在就申請加入 Apply Now

3 Learnings from How a Travel Startup Overcame the Pandemic, Featuring Ming Ming Chen, CEO & Founder of KKday

Jack An, Analyst (安良方 / 分析師)

Jack is an Analyst covering AppWorks Accelerator. Before joining the team, he was a co-founder and early team member at two InsurTech startups, where he developed a passion in user experience and product development. Previous to his startup journey he worked as a commercial property underwriter at Chubb Insurance in New Zealand. Jack graduated with a Bachelor of Music from Waikato University where he studied classical piano. He loves to cook, read and is a practicing stoic.

Hi, I’m Jack, I joined AppWorks as an Analyst in April 2019, not long after I burnt through two startups, one I co-founded in 2017 and the other as a founding team member. My experience taught me that building a successful company is extremely difficult, and if I wanted to improve my odds, I needed to learn from people who have successfully built them. 

Now at AppWorks, I get to work alongside 1,300 founders of all stages amongst a variety of startups, 395 active ones to be exact, across the most exciting region that is Greater Southeast Asia, giving me truly a grand scope of founders to learn from.

This year, the coronavirus disrupted the normal world order, taking millions of lives in the process and slowing down economies all around the world. Amongst the chaos, startups from all stages were affected. Besides the select few that prevailed, most startups either saw stagnant growth, or worst, shut down their business. 

On my journey to become a better founder myself, behind this very unfortunate event was a learning opportunity of a lifetime. This is why I set out to write this piece, to document my learnings and improve my understanding. I got to see just how startups that overcome the pandemic reacted differently to those that didn’t.

Amongst our network of founders, I had the chance to closely observe Ming Ming Chen, the founder and CEO of KKday – a travel platform that provides local experiences and tours across Asia. I got to witness first hand how he coped with drastic changes that affected his business, how he made quality decisions that pushed KKday to prevail, and how he quickly mobilized the entire company to effectively weather the storm.

I believe the key lessons distilled here are applicable to early-stage founders all the way up to founders heading into series B, especially for those that want to learn how to lead a team through uncertainties. The COVID-19 pandemic is a once-in-a-generation crisis, pushing founders to the test in every single aspect possible, so the lessons observed here should be great additions to your arsenal.

First, plan for the worst to conquer yourself

Back in January when the pandemic first broke out, I hopped on a call with Ming Ming to check in on KKday’s pulse. I remember distinctly that he was very calm and collected. It was hard to tell from his demeanor that 90% of travel in this region was wiped out almost over night.

I asked him what’s going through his head. Ming Ming mentioned that in his 20+ years of entrepreneurship, a key principle he practiced was to always plan for the worst. 

By always planning for the worst, KKday has been extremely disciplined in managing their cash flow and balance sheet. The key principle is to not sink short-term assets into long-term investments, optimizing for cash flow flexibility in return. 

This played a major role in neutralizing the initial shock of the outbreak, allowing KKday to protect their brand and refund customers fully, despite a significant drop in revenue.

The other benefit of planning for the worst is better managed expectations. When bad situations don’t turn out as bad as you had anticipated, then your own morale and energy are left unperturbed. 

This side effect may seem negligible at first, but being the captain of the ship that’s lost at sea, the crew’s attitude is an extension of it’s captain. Displaying the slightest frustration and anger does not instill confidence in your team, but only serves to discourage them. What seemed like a minuscule change in perspective can actually impact the entire company.

By simply planning for the worst situation possible, Ming Ming and KKday were able to soften the initial blow of the pandemic. But as the travel industry came to a near freeze, how can a founder turn around their startup’s fate from barely managing survival to proactively creating opportunity?

A decision framework against uncertainty

Having led 2 companies to IPO before starting KKday, Ming Ming draws from a wealth of knowledge and experience to overcome the pandemic. He explains that the result of any decision is amplified during troubled times, either directly adding more uncertainty to your team or reducing it. 

Furthermore, the result also impacts the decision maker’s future credits to lead their team. Thus, increasing the decision quality across the company was a key lever to pushing KKday forward.

Ming Ming distilled his decision framework into for steps ”見-識-謀-斷” which can be translated to “seek-digest-strategize-decide”. Every decision made within KKday goes through this rigorous process.

The first step is to “seek” information and data that’d accurately represent the reality of the decision. The second step is to “digest” the information and to understand the scope and the stakes. The third step is to “strategize”, plan and test the hypothesis of your decision; it is important to stress test your thesis and evaluate whether or not it adequately stands up to reality by inviting other stakeholders into the discussion to either validate or invalidate your understanding.

The last step is to “decide”. The founder or the leader of the team needs to make the decision alone, as they need to carry the responsibility of the result. They need to decide on the tradeoffs of making the decision, and whether or not to proceed or revisit the preceding steps.

Throughout 2020, KKday has transitioned from selling tours for foreigners traveling in a new country to weekend getaways and other domestic excursions for people living in Taiwan, while also branching into products that extend far beyond their typical offering including protective masks and packets of mala hot pot. 

In the process of venturing into the unknown, Ming Ming and his team carefully used this framework to test their hypothesis, efficiently and effectively pushing forward their progress without losing precious resources and energy. 

And as the year draws to a close, we are seeing all of these initiatives not only making up for the missing revenue, but also enabling KKday to strengthen its brand and build goodwill among its customer base, while acquiring a slew of new users in the process.

But making better decisions is only part of the equation, what truly pushed KKday above the line was their execution upon these decisions. So just how did KKday, a company with hundreds of employees, with operations spanning across 6 countries adapt to the new normal so swiftly?

Using organization structure to drive your strategy

Much like a sports team that changes their lineup according to their game plan and the opposing team, a founder needs to structure their organization and teams relative to the environment and strategy, to maximize the organization’s output. 

Once Ming Ming and his team decided to introduce new products and focus on domestic travel, the way the organization was previously structured needed to be reshaped, as it no longer yielded optimal efficiency in promoting the new strategy.

Rather than having the Taiwan HQ team approve all products for travelers on their platform, KKday adapted to procuring products locally, authorizing local teams to source products for their own markets allowing them to move much faster than before. 

The teams also overhauled their KPIs to focus on improving new product sales and domestic travel sales. These new KPIs became the guidelines and instructions that empowered the new teams to directly facilitate the change in strategy, enabling the company to quickly transition from serving outbound travelers to domestic travelers. 

COVID-19 hit different countries with varying severity, creating non-linear recovery across all of KKday’s active markets. The organizational restructuring served as an effective way for local teams to rapidly respond to local conditions as needed, helping the travel company to pull off an incredibly successful year by all standard measures—no doubt exemplified by the US$ 75 million Series C they recently raised in the midst of a pandemic. 

There is much more to learn

By always planning for the worst, Ming Ming was able to soften the initial impact for the pandemic, and by improving the decision quality across the board, KKday was able to create opportunities even when the odds were stacked against them. Most importantly, by efficiently managing the organization, KKday was able to execute quickly upon the opportunity they identified and improve their chance of survival at every corner and every turn.

These lessons observed here are not commonly found in public domains, and only really shared from one founder to another. As I tried to build my first startup at the age of 25, I mostly did it in isolation without knowing any other founders at all. Looking back, so many mistakes could have been avoided, and so much time could have been saved, if I had just learned from founders who were a few years more journeyed than me. 

【So if you are like me, and you wish to become a better founder and build a successful company in the future, then I encourage you to join a community like AppWorks Accelerator, where you can interact with and learn from over 1,300 founders just like Ming Ming.】