In mid-December, we hosted an in-person Demo Day in Taipei, Taiwan, featuring startups that are facing the Taiwan market. And we thought it would be great for the founders to showcase their product and team to the wider startup community from the region through a virtual Demo Day.
This past half year, AppWorks Accelerator recruited 34 teams across AW#23, of which 8 are focusing on NFTs specifically, while 5 teams are focusing on DeFi / other blockchain solutions, 11 teams on Southeast Asia, and 14 teams on AI/IoT. It is one of the largest and most diverse batches to-date, with 66 founders in total who span across 16 different nationalities. Over 20% of them are women and 45% of the founders are serial entrepreneurs.
This particular demo day will feature 23 startups, with many in the NFT / blockchain space to give you a glimpse into our digital future. Tune into our livestream on YouTube or Facebook at 9 am (GMT+8) December 21st.
You can find a brief introduction to each pitching team and founder below:
If you are an investor or corporate representative and need more detailed information about the teams or want to connect with AW#23 founders, please email us at [email protected].
We welcome all AI, Blockchain, NFT, or Southeast Asia founders to join AppWorks Accelerator.
3. LINE Bank X AuthMe 對談:在 AppWorks Demo Day 之後展開的策略合作
本次 Demo Day 另一個亮點,則是首度進行大企業與新創對談,邀請純網銀 LINE Bank 總經理黃以孟,與台灣領先的數位身分驗證解決方案 AuthMe (AW#18) 共同創辦人暨執行長李紀廣,共同分享合作的經驗。
在 2019 年 6 月登場的 AppWorks Demo Day #18,黃以孟在聽完李紀廣上台 Pitch 後,對 AuthMe 的技術與應用非常感興趣,在活動後的交流時間,親自與 LINE Bank 的團隊,前往 AuthMe 的攤位與李紀廣交流,並在隨後很快地敲定了雙方團隊的正式會議,也因此開展了後續的合作,AuthMe 因此成為 LINE Bank 在 KYC 的技術夥伴。
從大企業的角度,黃以孟指出:「純網銀背負了外界極大的期待,透過與 AuthMe 的合作,讓我們得以快速掌握創新科技,進而為客戶提供更高品質、更高效率的金融服務。LINE Bank 將新創夥伴看作是企業研發中心的延伸,未來將持續往 Banking 4.0 升級里程上,尋找適合的合作機會。」從新創的角度,李紀廣則指出:「金融業必須符合最高等級的資安與法遵要求,經過與 LINE Bank 的合作和檢驗後,讓我們的技術和解決方案,得以更順利推廣至其他產業和領域。」
林之晨指出:「AppWorks 將持續推動 AppWorks 生態系、所有新創校友與各種類型的企業與機構合作,一起掌握 AI、Blockchain、Southeast Asia 三大典範轉移所帶來的各種機會,推動各式數位轉型、為大東南亞數位經濟圈創造更強大的影響力。」
#關於 AppWorks 之初加速器集團
2009 年成立,由「創業者」為「創業者」設立的加速器,以及基於加速器發展的新創社群與創投機構,致力在大東南亞地區協助下世代的創業者,抓住數位革命的成長機會。正如同 Mobile Internet 帶來了巨變,我們相信 ABS – AI、Blockchain 與 Southeast Asia 是今日的三大典範轉移。我們認為,創造一個偉大事業的過程中,團隊是主角,而投資人則是配角,我們專注扮演配角,從種子時期開始支持有想法的團隊,一路陪著他們打造區域級、世界級的偉大企業。AppWorks 目前共提供 Accelerator、Funds 與 School 等三項主要服務。
AppWorks’ highly anticipated Demo Day brings the best of both AppWorks Accelerator #23 and Wistron Accelerator #1.This particular demo day will feature 21 (16 + 5) startups, with many in the NFT / blockchain space to give you a glimpse into our digital future. Among these rising stars, we’ll also have international teams joining us from Singapore, the US, and Hong Kong.
This past half year, AppWorks Accelerator recruited 34 teams across AW#23, of which 8 are focusing on NFTs specifically, while 5 teams are focusing on DeFi / other blockchain solutions, 11 teams on Southeast Asia, and 14 teams on AI/IoT. It is one of the largest and most diverse batches to-date, with 66 founders in total who span across 16 different nationalities. Over 20% of them are women and 45% of the founders are serial entrepreneurs.
We’re also pleased to officially unveil the first batch of Wistron Accelerator. Over the past 6 months, AppWorks has been working with Wistron, one of the world’s leading ICT manufacturers, to identify and cultivate startups that can help the organization charter new avenues of growth over the next decade, whether that’s through technology partnerships or PoCs.
You can find a brief introduction to each pitching team and founder below:
AppWorks Accelerator #23
1. Numbers
A decentralised photo network for creating community, value, and trust in digital media
If you are an investor or corporate representative and need more detailed information about the teams or want to connect with AppWorks Accelerator #23 or Wistron Accelerator #1 founders, please email us at [email protected].
【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator. to join the leading founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】
事實上,我們還有更大方向的討論,就是我們要選擇 To B (面對企業用戶的服務) 或 To C (面對個人用戶的服務) 的商業模式。我們覺得 To B 的模式比較不容易 Scale up,一次做一個案子,也許可以賺到一些錢,初期現金流可能比較穩,但如果要做兩倍大的案子,可能團隊規模也需要等比放大到兩倍。另一方面,To B 要配合客戶的需求,對我們來說,也比較不自由、不那麼有趣。
若是走 To C 的模式,如果我們可以做出一個夠好、我們自己也喜歡的產品或服務,用戶數的成長空間將非常寬闊,真的可以看到因此為人們帶來更大的影響力。當時,已經有不少高效能的公鏈出來,各種交易所更是比比皆是,反而比較大的問題在使用者體驗,因此選擇 To C 模式、切入錢包這個題目,這倒是有很高的共識。
Edwin: 從另外一個面向來說,To B 比較像是企業客戶出考題,跟對方聊完,就會知道他要與不要什麼,我們需要解決哪些問題。To C 則完全相反,就是要從市場反應中快速調整,逐漸做出現在的樣子,我們在過程中也做過一些市場調查,但做出來的成果,就是會有一些人喜歡、一些人不喜歡,比較像是我們自己要去發掘問題,出考題給自己去解決。
但也正因為這樣,我自己覺得做 To C 有一種比較浪漫的感覺,尤其是在區塊鏈產業。就有一種眾志成城的感覺,看著用戶數量慢慢累積起來的過程,很有趣也很有成就感。
Editor’s note: AppWorks is proud to be participating in Pace’s Series A. Together with our founder community with more than 400 startups, we’d be helping team Pace paving their way to enter Taiwan market. The press release from Pace as below:
・Series A investors include Japan’s Marubeni Ventures, South Korea’s Atinum Partners, Taiwan’s AppWorks, Indonesia’s Alpha JWC, and Singapore’s UOB Venture Management, Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia, and Genesis Alternative Ventures
・Funding from local investors supports and strengthens Pace to forge ahead with its expansionary plans to Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
・Pace took only a year to grow into a Pan-Asian BNPL provider and is on track to hit Gross Merchandise Value run rate of USD1 billion in 2022
Pace, a Singapore-based fintech solution company that allows customers to ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ (BNPL), today announced that it has raised USD40 million in its Series A investment round. Investors that joined the round include UOB Venture Management (Singapore), Marubeni Ventures (Japan), Atinum Partners (SouthKorea), AppWorks (Taiwan), and a series of family offices from Japan and Indonesia. Previous investors, Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia, Alpha JWC, and Genesis Alternative Ventures also participated.
Turochas ‘T’ Fuad, Founder and CEO of Pace, said: “This investment from some of the most successful and established investors signals confidence that Pace is a leading BNPL player in Asia. The region is expected to become the world’s fastest-growing BNPL market, and this funding supports Pace in achieving its mission of democratizing financial services for all, by helping us pave our expansion into Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.”
“We are impressed by Pace and the founder’s clear vision, rapid growth, and experience not only in BNPL payments but in its progress in creating financial inclusion, and remain confident in their ability to revolutionize financial services. With this funding, we are excited to join them on their journey forward,” said Paul Ng, Executive Director at UOB Venture Management.
Joon Oh, Executive Director, Atinum Partners Co., Ltd, commented: “The financial services industry in Asia is shifting dynamically, but Pace has managed to establish primacy in markets by tapping into local consumer curves to establish itself as a dominant player with its clear vision. Through this funding, we hope for Pace to continue empowering more people across Asia with innovative fintech services.”
Following this investment round, Pace is now the fastest growing multi-territory BNPL player from Singapore. The new funding will go towards expanding technology, operations, and business development, to hit a Gross Merchandise Value run rate of USD1 billion in 2022 and grow its user base by 25X over the next 12 months.
To date, Pace has more than 3,000 points-of-sale across the region, driven by Pace’s ability
to increase overall sales up to 25% by leveraging local customer insights, while driving
repeat purchases from Pace’s fast-growing base of users.
Chua Joo Hock, Managing Partner of Vertex Ventures SEA and India, added: “Since leading
its seed round, we have seen Pace grow by leaps and bounds. It has demonstrated
excellence in expanding its users and merchants significantly to become a leading regional
BNPL player. BNPL will become more prevalent in Asia, and our continuing funding in Pace
reaffirms our belief in the strong execution capability of T and his team, and the hyper-
growth prospects of the Company.”
Launched in 2021 by Turochas ‘T’ Fuad, Pace has successfully grown its overseas
operations by working closely with regulators and adapting ultra-local approaches, such as
integrating frequently used in-market payment methods to build resonance with merchants
and shoppers. It will continue to replicate a hyperlocal framework as it goes live in new
Currently, Pace allows consumers to split their purchase bills into three equal interest-free
payments over 60 days, through an omnichannel experience that helps consumers spend
Pace aims to create financial inclusion for consumers in the region, by helping them take control and shop on their terms, while helping merchants meet the increasing consumer demand and scale sales efficiencies.
About Pace
Pace is a fast-growing multi-territory fintech solutions company from Singapore with a mission to democratize financial services across Asia. It aims to build a banking engine that can operate across countries easily to help merchants create sales efficiencies and provide consumers with an option to spend sustainably. Its “Buy Now Pay Later” (BNPL) solution for offline and online merchants matches customers with appropriate spend limits and allows them to split their purchases over three equal interest-free payments. Pace currently operates in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Thailand. For more information about Pace and how it sets out to achieve its vision to become Asia’s future digital banking engine, visit
【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the leading founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】