Why We Invested: Jimmy Petrus, Founder and CEO of iSeller

Sophie Chiu, Associate (邱敬媛 / 投資經理)

Sophie is an Associate in the investment team. Before joining AppWorks in 2020, Sophie had 10 years of experience covering public equities. She was part of the portfolio management team at Neuberger Berman, focusing on emerging market opportunities. Prior to that she served as a research analyst at Credit Suisse, JPMorgan, and London-based Autonomous Research. Sophie holds a Master of Finance with distinction from Warwick Business School and BS Finance from National Taiwan University. Her passion and expertise, however, extend far beyond just researching companies and industries. She is also an author of two published poetry books and holds a keen interest in human psychology and human behavior.

Today, we’re proud to officially announce our investment in Jimmy Petrus, the founder/CEO of iSeller, and play a role in helping him digitalize Indonesian MSMEs through technology. When we first met Jimmy earlier this year, we were particularly enamored by his longstanding and obsessive passion for software products, clearly setting him apart in the market with superb founder-market-fit for the business SaaS world where relentless product iteration is critical. 

Opportunities to build technical companies have long been overlooked in Indonesia. With nearly 60% of economic growth powered by private consumption, catering to individual consumers is understandably the lower-hanging fruit—evidently, five out of the country’s seven unicorns are consumer tech companies. The pendulum however is swinging as the ecosystem matures. 

iSeller is a rapidly growing technical startup that has been leading the charge. Its current form is a product of a key pivot that took place four years ago. Before that, iSeller was a decade-old software development house known as Intersoft Solutions, trusted by global names such as Citi, Intel, Philips, NASDAQ, Boeing, Microsoft, and others. Accumulating experience catering to top-tier international clients bestowed iSeller with a strong foundation and talent pool to capture much bigger growth opportunities. With engineering talent always at a premium in Indonesia, iSeller’s global product development experience makes the company a gem.

An engineer by trade, builder at heart

Jimmy’s dream is to make iSeller a household name just like Microsoft for PC—an ambition planted long ago when he was a computer science student at INTI College in Malaysia. Jimmy started to take on projects and build products for other college students, discovering the beauty in craftsmanship and that software development can be a powerful tool to decode and solve problems. After school, Jimmy gained experience as a software engineer in his hometown Medan. At age 25, Jimmy built his first company, Intersoft Solutions, in 2003. 

At Intersoft Solutions, Jimmy built numerous products for enterprises from around the world. This hands-on experience equipped Jimmy with the ability to deliver high-quality software. The company bootstrapped until 2015 when Jimmy realized they could do more. Witnessing the success of Square and Shopify in the West (IPO in 2015), Jimmy saw an opportunity to bring similar solutions to Indonesia. iSeller was born the next year, becoming a first mover in the omnichannel SaaS space for retail and F&B merchants. More importantly, the entire Intersoft Solution team followed Jimmy, validating his leadership and buy-in of his vision.

As a product-obsessed founder, Jimmy has executed iterations at an unparalleled velocity, no doubt owing to his relentless focus on understanding and meeting user needs. Earnest feedback from customers has helped him prioritize key features and design future road maps at a nimble pace. Although Square and Shopify may have provided blueprints for success, Jimmy is designing his own playbook to cater to the unique needs of Indonesian customers. 

A holistic solution for omnichannel demand 

Unlike in the West, digital transformation in Asia doesn’t happen gradually but suddenly. This is why iSeller, since day one, has prioritized the seamless synchronization between their online sales toolkits and offline POS system, with payments serving as a basic utility. In 2021, iSeller launched a new feature that integrates all of Indonesia’s major marketplaces, such as Tokopedia, Lazada, Shopee, GrabFood, and GrabExpress. Merchants can manage and operate their offline and online businesses at the same time on one single platform. The upcoming new product, iSeller Go, brings ease to social sellers, integrating major social media platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Instagram. These product developments originate from having a product-obsessive founder who constantly observes user behavior and market demand with first-hand data. Jimmy is essentially proposing a holistic solution to all businesses in Indonesia, aiming to become a super app to empower merchants.

iSeller’s obsession for customer satisfaction is reflected in the company’s traction—seeing an increase of more than 300% year-on-year (YoY) in the number of merchant acquisitions and annual revenue in the past 12 months. The iSeller platform is trusted by more than 60,000 business owners in Indonesia, including several well-established brands such as SOGO, OMNILUXE, MOI, Damn! I love Indonesia, IT Gallery, United Bike, Asuransi Sinarmas, MOVI, HMNS, ASHTA, Lemonilo, and Peripera. iSeller achieved this remarkable traction with a fraction of the engineer headcount of their major peers, demonstrating iSeller’s strong R&D capabilities.

Enabling Indonesia’s next stage of e-commerce growth

According to Euromonitor, Indonesia boasts the highest e-commerce penetration rate in Southeast Asia at 18%, a rate often twice as high as other countries in the region. However, the majority of volume is generated by e-commerce giants such as GoTo, Shopee, and others. We see this as a signal of immense untapped potential in Indonesia’s e-commerce industry. The next wave of growth is coming from the digitization of merchants. Indonesian merchants are highly internet-savvy and want to directly interact with and own their client base—helping improve customer service and business outcomes. We expect more independent merchants and sellers to embrace omnichannel solutions, setting up their own sales channels on top of leveraging network effects created by e-commerce platforms. 

These tailwinds have given rise to many upstarts in Indonesia’s SaaS and POS space over the past 36 months. iSeller is an early mover and the ultimate team we expect to best capture the overall market opportunity. Jimmy’s experience, execution, and ambition are crucial factors for us in building such conviction. As AppWorks is also built by founders, supporting great entrepreneurs is our core investment thesis. We are proud to have this chance to back Jimmy and the iSeller team. Together with our ecosystem of 400 active startups, as well as our AppWorks School for engineers, we look forward to supporting Jimmy’s vision and iSeller’s road ahead.

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】

AppWorks School 五週年報告:畢業 4 年校友,軟體工程師年薪中位數達 120 萬

Shirney Huang, Head of AppWorks School (黃琇琳 / 之初學校校長)

負責 AppWorks School 校務規劃及營運。在加入 AppWorks 之前,有 8 年軟體研發相關工作經驗。除了曾在 IBM、Digital River 等跨國軟體公司任職,奠定軟體研發的基礎之外,也曾擔任台灣 FinTech 新創團隊的早期成員,建立及帶領工程團隊,也就此喜愛上創業中那股為目標勇往直前的衝勁。畢業於台大資管所,曾至瑞典皇家理工學院擔任交換學生,喜愛旅遊與美食。

成立於 2016 年的 AppWorks School,以協助人才快速、有效的吸收資訊科學觀念與技能,成功轉職數位產業軟體工程相關職涯為目標,並持續衝刺並精進我們的服務。在這個滿五週年的時刻,透過本文,除了分享 AppWorks School 至今的培訓成果,也希望提供我們的洞見與經驗,讓更多企業與機構從中獲得更多啟發,加速台灣人才與工作的數位轉型。


五年來,AppWorks School 專注於提供實務導向的軟體工程師培訓,以每年三屆、每屆為期 16 週、每週 70-75 小時學習與 Coding 的課程節奏前進,總共累積培訓出 352 位畢業生,其中 297 位校友成功開啟軟體工程師的新職涯,比例超過八成。

在過去一年,AppWorks School 開始拓展人才培訓的規模與領域。在培訓人數上,2021 年至今已畢業 96 位校友,預計至今年底共將畢業 150 位,較去年成長近一倍;在培訓的領域上,除了原有 Front-End、Back-End、Android 以及 iOS 專班外,因應業界在資料相關領域人才的需求持續增長,在深入了解徵才企業的期待後,在今年新開設 Data Engineering 專班,第一屆畢業 5 位校友,除一位出國深造外,其他均已投入業界。

優質的 AppWorks School 畢業生

根據經常在 AppWorks School 僱用人才的企業夥伴回饋,和大學、研究所畢業的資訊相關人才相比,從 AppWorks School 畢業轉職為軟體工程的校友,雖然沒有 4 到 6 年的學習歷程,但相對來說,卻有個人職涯規劃明確、自我學習動機強,以及整合跨領域知識與經驗等三大特色,讓這些畢業生越來越搶手。

AppWorks School 的校友,多數並非軟體科班出身,但卻已有數年不同領域的工作經驗後,決定透過 AppWorks School 的培訓,轉職為軟體工程師。這樣的經歷與背景,讓他們對於自己的職涯規劃,有更高程度的自我承諾,更清楚自己在工作上的追求目標為何,也因此有更高的自我學習動機,更願意持續充實自己、不斷更新自己的軟體實力,這樣的特質,往往也能在工作上展現優異的表現。

台灣第一隻本土獨角獸、經營 OMO 虛實融合新零售軟體雲服務的 91APP,已連續十屆聘用 AppWorks School 的應屆畢業生。91APP 資深技術副總經理林大維這樣評論校友表現:「AppWorks School 校友有個共通的特質,那就是心態上的積極努力。會進入 AppWorks School,許多人都是追尋人生職涯中的第二次機會,在那之前已經有走過不同的路,再重新開始,代表更認同這個目標,以及願意付出更多來達到更好的結果。」

除此之外,不同背景代表著不同面向能力的累積。像是來自產品或行銷背景的學員,更能從使用者角度出發思考,並擔任技術人員與非技術人員之間的溝通橋樑。台灣團隊均為 AppWorks School 校友、同時也是 AppWorks Accelerator #18 團隊的區塊鏈新創 Forbole 創辦人 Terence 林肇峰表示:「至今我們招聘的 AppWorks School 校友,表現非常出色,他們除了在軟體工程上展現潛質,學習能力都很強,同時亦多才多藝。」這些特質,讓 AppWorks School 校友在軟體業界的表現有口皆碑,多數合作的徵才企業,均給予良好評價,並願意持續從畢業生中招聘軟體人才。


校友們的優秀表現,除了企業評價外,也直接反應於薪資之上。在本次五週年校友薪資調查中,共有 102 位回報目前薪資,搭配他們從 AppWorks School 畢業時的年薪統計,可以看出明顯成長趨勢:

畢業後工作四年以上的年薪中位數為 120 萬元,相較於當初畢業時的年薪 65  萬元,成長增幅達 84.6%;而工作三至四年的校友則為 90 萬元,薪資成長率則為 28.6%。整體來說,三至五年工作經驗的校友,年薪中位數為 100 萬元,遠高於 104 人力銀行統計同樣三至五年資歷的約 71.4 萬元年薪 (104 數據為月薪 5.1 萬元,這裡以較寬鬆的 14 個月計,含年終 2 個月)。這樣的薪資表現,除了 AppWorks School 校友本身的特質外,也反映出這份職業,資深軟體工程師隨著經驗與能力的累積,在人才市場上越搶手、薪資增幅越大。

畢業四年的校友張瑋康,目前在 LINE TV 擔任研發經理,回首畢業以來的經歷,他認為最重要的收穫是技術能力提升,以及對網路產業實際運作有更全面的了解,能夠透過程式來解決問題是工作上最喜歡的地方。而對於軟體工程師的職位而言,他認為最重要的能力,是解決問題以及溝通的能力,與 AppWorks School 培訓的核心方向一致。


五年來,AppWorks School 已與近百家徵才企業合作,協助企業在培訓學員畢業當下的第一時間媒合好人才。從人才市場的角度觀察,工作形態正在發生具體且深遠的轉變。舉例來說,在 COVID-19 疫情還未發生前,就已經有越來越多學員畢業後進入全遠距企業工作,例如區塊鏈新創 Forbole 就是一例,從招募第一位正職員工開始,就以國際化及遠距工作為主,與分散世界各地的團隊成員們一起工作。

COVID-19 疫情發生後,更是加速遠距工作的實現。軟體工程師的工作場景,不再侷限於實體辦公室,人才市場正式走向國際化。相對應的,對於人才的需求上,更需要高度自我管理、獨力解決問題、自主學習、溝通能力,以及保持自我彈性因應大環境的變動以及科技發展趨勢。這些觀察,也與世界經濟論壇 The Future of Jobs Report 2020 報告的觀察不謀而合。


除個人培訓計畫外,AppWorks School 也提供企業員工訓練計畫,藉由全職學習扎實技術知識,累積數位思維。培訓至今,有學員因此轉調部門成為軟體工程師;也有原為工程師,透過訓練進一步深化專業技術能力;更有結合原有職務及技術背景,成為企業數位轉型的推手。

2020 年自 AppWorks School Android 專班畢業、目前任職台灣大哥大數據研究暨管理室副處長 Rainy 陳曉玲即為一例。她認為:「在 AppWorks School 的訓練收穫,主要有兩個方向。第一是學習的方式,透過反覆程式實作,學習怎麼尋找問題,透過漸進式調整,讓自己去問到對的問題,問到對的問題,就可以用對的方式解決。第二是對數位化的思維,在工作上大家都在談轉型、談數位化,上完課才發現跟自己想像的不同,數位化不是東西都上網路就叫做數位化,反而是改變大家的工作習慣跟工作方式,這點不容易,態度上的改變以及支持是關鍵。」這樣的想法也反應在她對於所領導團隊的期許,希望團隊成員都有基礎程式語言的能力,並且具備數據應用的知識,當大家都具有技術的思維與技能後,未來企業數位轉型將更容易推動,更容易接受改變。 

回顧這五年,AppWorks School 持續扮演著台灣軟體人才的推進器,未來也將繼續秉持著相同目標加速拓展,提供更多培訓機會給想轉職為軟體工程師、參與數位經濟成長的人才,同時讓更多徵才企業,找到合適的人選,繼續貢獻下個五年。

【想改變自己命運,轉身軟體工程師?AppWorks School 歡迎你的加入】

Taiwan’s Blockchain Ecosystem Map 21H1: a Pivotal Moment towards Mass Adoption

Original file for download: Taiwan’s Blockchain Ecosystem Map First Half 2021

Jack An, Analyst (安良方 / 分析師)

Jack is an Analyst covering AppWorks Accelerator. Before joining the team, he was a co-founder and early team member at two InsurTech startups, where he developed a passion in user experience and product development. Previous to his startup journey he worked as a commercial property underwriter at Chubb Insurance in New Zealand. Jack graduated with a Bachelor of Music from Waikato University where he studied classical piano. He loves to cook, read and is a practicing stoic.

During the first half of 2021, public interest in blockchain reached an all-time high. Towards the end of last year, we saw an upswing in the number of organizations and enterprises buying and holding cryptocurrencies, causing the price of Bitcoin to cross US$60,000 for the very first time in March. Talk of crypto quickly made its way into dinner table conversations, and it seemed as if everybody on the block was eager to dive into the world of blockchain.

For those that have been in crypto for a while, this bull run finally let them exit many of their alt-coin investments from the 2017 ICO wave, as the wider market price sentiment rallied alongside the mainstream coins to reach an all time high. The other worthwhile trend over the past six months has been the mainstream adoption of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), a technology that provides true ownership capabilities and authenticity over digital assets. We saw hoards of multinational brands, intellectual property owners, celebrities, and individual creators quickly embrace this new technology and flock to various platforms to either buy NFTs or mint some of their own. 

It’s certainly been an exciting ride since AppWorks Accelerator started publishing Taiwan’s Blockchain Ecosystem Map two years ago. In line with previous editions, we’ve observed several notable trends that have defined the blockchain industry this past half year. 

1. Branded drops accelerated end-user adoption of NFTs

The NFT standard was formulated in 2017, so why did it only catch on this past year? It really came down to two key driving forces. First, mainstream brands and IPs started employing NFTs as a vehicle to interact with their fans, such as the NBA through NBA Topshot, Taco Bell, and even the band Kings of Leon. By creating a virtual experience through NFTs, brands were able to engage and create a unique bond with their loyal fans despite physical restrictions under COVID-19, allowing them to also generate alternative revenue streams from the sales of NFTs.

Second, NFTs are becoming an alternative asset class for yield-driven crypto holders and investors. During the ICO era in 2017, most developers and investors were either busy issuing coins or trying to find the next cryptocurrency with hundred-fold growth potential; it wasn’t long until this model became monotonous and out of fashion. Fast forward to 2021, decentralized finance (DeFi) hit a US$100B market cap and drove crypto prices to all-time highs. As NFTs started emerging, crypto holders were naturally drawn to their consumer appeal and accretive potential, propelling NFTs into the limelight for mass adoption. Much of this adoption is supported by advancements in the underlying infrastructure, including a growing ecosystem of protocols, marketplaces, games, developers, creators, and of course, buyers. 

Evidently, a lot of moving parts have come together in the last few years to catapult NFTs into stardom. In Taiwan, the NFT landscape has also evolved significantly compared to the second half of 2020. For example, Lootex, an alumnus of AW#20, and Oursong, a subsidiary of KKBox, both established NFT products long before the recent bull run. All the effort they put in during previous cycles are now bearing fruit, with both companies receiving an influx of new partnerships and commercial opportunities. During this time, we also saw a proliferation of new NFT players, such as JCard and Fansi, effectively creating a diverse selection of platforms for creators to choose from.

With Beeple’s First 5000 Days selling for US$69 million, celebrity engagement, and primetime media including even SNL releasing NFT coverage, all the major signs of a bubble were there. And surely enough, monthly transaction volume experienced a significant decline of 90% shortly after its record high in May. Nevertheless, as witnessed with previous blockchain hype cycles, where there is money, there will be talent, and where there is talent, there will be development. Ultimately, NFTs are still in the early innings, and while collectibles have served as the primary use case so far, this new technology will eventually extend across any product, service, or application that needs to use a digital ID. 

2. Taiwan’s regulation catching up to the world 

Up to recently in Taiwan, the laws and regulations related to cryptocurrency have been very vague. And for those trying to stay compliant, they could only follow the existing but outdated mandate, or hope for the best by following foreign regulations. This was changed in April this year, as the Executive Yuan aligned their stance with the rest of the world by implementing strict AML/KYC requirements when dealing with cryptocurrencies. 

Existing players like MaiCoin—the primary fiat-to-crypto exchange in Taiwan—faced minimal impact as stern KYC controls were already in place. However, teams working on DeFi, lending, and investing may face greater obstacles, as it is challenging to design a user experience in a decentralized manner that complies with regulations while still adhering to the spirit of decentralization—a faux pas that many blockchain founders and evangelists are becoming increasingly critical of. Going forward, we expect decision makers to implement more comprehensive and tailored regulations for DeFi to prevent bad actors from gaming the system and taking advantage of everyday consumers; this will ultimately encourage more users and wider adoption, benefitting the ecosystem as a whole. 

3. Influx of funding and talent set to accelerate development

With the price of bitcoin hitting an all-time high in H1 2021, investors around the world are taking note of the industry’s activities. For example, in May this year, DApp Pocket (AW#19) announced that they had been acquired by Turn Capital, a family office run by 17LIVE co-founder Joseph Phua. It also merged its two products, DApp Pocket & Cappuu, into Coinomo, with the aim of bringing crypto to mainstream users in Southeast Asia. 

At the same time, another blockchain wallet developer in Taiwan Portto (AW#19, AppWorks is an investor), whose product Blocto serves as one of the earliest wallets supporting Flow and the largest delegated node by user count to stake Flow tokens, recently announced the completion of a US$8.8 million fundraising round. Primary investors include top blockchain VCs from Silicon Valley and Taiwan, as well as participation from a notable crypto exchange, public chain foundations, NBA players, and well-known American entrepreneurs, among others. 

Despite a significant price correction in cryptocurrencies since May, the momentum that has been brewing over the past six months will likely pay off in the second half of the year, whether through DeFi, NFT, or blockchain applications at both the consumer and enterprise level. We’ve also started to observe more international companies such as Animoca Brands (AppWorks is an investor) enter Taiwan to recruit top-tier blockchain talent, which is expected to further accelerate the development of the country’s blockchain ecosystem. 

Taiwan’s Blockchain Ecosystem Map First Half 2021 is created by AppWorks, Co-produced by Blockchain Media – Blockcast (AW#14), BlockTempo (AW#16), Zombit (AW#21). This map is updated every six months, if you have any comments or suggestions don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】

Taiwan’s AI Ecosystem Map 21H1: Deepening Synergies between Startups and Corporates

Original file for download: Taiwan’s AI Ecosystem Map First Half 2021

Natalie Lin, Analyst (林楓 / 分析師)

Natalie is an Analyst covering AppWorks Accelerator and Greater Southeast Asia. Before joining the team, she worked in the search engine marketing and email marketing teams at Zappos, America’s leading shoes and fashion online retailer, where she primarily focused on KPI management, campaign optimization, and project management. Born in Canada and raised in the Middle East, Natalie returned to Taiwan for high school before moving to the US for college and work. She received her Bachelors of Marketing at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Outside of work she likes to read, travel, and play video games.

The world has been living with the pandemic for over a year now. Although vaccinations are already underway worldwide, many dramatic changes that businesses have adopted during Covid-19 are irreversible. Both startups and corporates have increasingly turned to AI, cloud, and digital transformation to streamline operations and survive under the new normal, permanently altering the way we do business.

During the first half of 2021, the Taiwanese AI ecosystem reached a significant milestone with Appier’s public listing in Japan, becoming the first Taiwanese startup to officially achieve unicorn status. Additionally, AI chip startup Kneron received funding and resources from major electronics manufacturers Hon Hai and Winbond at the beginning of the year, signaling a continuing demand for increasingly higher-efficiency computing capabilities from major technology companies. 

AppWorks Accelerator has updated Taiwan’s AI Ecosystem Map First Half 2021 with our learnings over the past six months. With the breakneck pace of digital adoption, some applications are no longer limited to a specific industry and have thus been reclassified as cross-industry solutions or technologies, which we believe is more reflective of the AI ecosystem in Taiwan. In reviewing the changes in the overall ecosystem, we have observed several notable trends for the first half of 2021:

New perspectives and opportunities in AI

According to Hive Ventures’ AI report for Taiwanese enterprises released in the first quarter of 2021, 25% of companies have deployed relatively mature AI applications in their organizations. In addition, 53% of interviewed companies believed that there was a need to introduce AI to their organizations, with learning how to deploy and apply AI more effectively becoming a top priority for many leaders. We noticed that companies have gone from directly seeking external solutions to building an internal team to sort integrated data, define application fields, develop and deploy AI models, and finally realize the assimilation of AI in their organizations.

It is precisely because of this trend that we see a number of AI enablers gaining significant momentum in the market.  ProfetAI, an automated machine learning engine aimed at assisting companies to introduce AI with the best efficiency, received pre-A funding from AU Optronics, Hive Ventures, and other investors in early 2021. In addition, Infuse AI received a US$ 4.3M Series A round of fundraising led by Wistron in the first quarter of 2021 to continue to develop their MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) platform. Model development, management, and monitoring are optimized this year to assist more companies in deploying and managing AI models.

The next step in MarTech

As the penetration rate of e-commerce in Taiwan continues to rise, the concept of online-merge-offline (OMO) fusing virtual and physical sales and marketing is demonstrating powerful potential. The effect of Google’s announcement of phasing out third-party cookies continues to ferment, forcing companies to reassess how they manage their scattered online and offline data pockets. Specifically, companies are now left to contend with the challenge of effectively accumulating, integrating, and drawing insights from fragmented customer data, and using that to make agile marketing decisions.  Such issues have created new development opportunities for AI innovation within MarTech.

In the face of making increasingly complex marketing decisions, the data required is more difficult than ever to integrate by yourself. We noticed MarTech startups have begun to actively seek alliance opportunities with other companies, jointly form teams to share data, improve product content together, or even derive new service models. Whether it’s teaming up between new ventures or seeking cooperation in different industries, you can find clues of these synergies happening throughout the first half of 2021. For example, two conversational AI startups, GoSky and Crescendo Labs, cooperated with iKALA’s KOL Radar to collect the data they needed to launch social commerce solutions.

Another MarTech startup, Accuhit, collaborated with key media players in early 2021 to establish a joint venture in AI and big data called DaEX. Through cross-industry alliances, the media’s advertising data will be integrated with CDP (Customer Data Platform) to create a comprehensive marketing ecosystem. In addition to its aforementioned fundraising news, Appier also acquired BotBonnie, an omnichannel social commerce platform to enrich their services and data analysis. With this wave of MarTech teams building strong networks, more AI applications will be born through such synergies.

Roles for large companies in the AI ecosystem

In the development of the overall AI ecosystem, whether in Taiwan or internationally, the participation rate of integrating AI in organizations and processes is increasing. In terms of startup accelerators, AppWorks Accelerator, established in 2010 and focusing on founders working in AI and Blockchain since August 2018 (AW#17), has graduated over 100 AI teams so far and continues to build up Taiwan’s AI ecosystem. In April 2021, AppWorks also announced a partnership with Wistron, an active player in the AI ecosystem, to launch the first batch of the new Wistron Accelerator powered by AppWorks to focus on startups in the fields of AI, IoT, cloud computing, and information security. Various business units of Wistron Group will collaborate with these startups to propose solutions for their departments and seek more growth opportunities within the overall AI/IoT ecosystem.

Leading AI chip maker NVIDIA also announced that it will establish Asia’s first NVIDIA Inception AI startup base in Linkou’s innovation park, supplemented by the NVIDIA Inception AI accelerator program to inject talent and innovative technology into Taiwan. In addition, startup accelerators that support AI startup teams, including SparkLabs Taipei, Taiwan AI x Robotics Accelerator, and the CIAT Accelerator, are all recruiting AI startups to join them.

Taiwan AI Academy Foundation and Taiwan AI Labs are Taiwan’s representative institutions in AI education and research, respectively. The former, a consortium, combines industry and academia to promote the implementation of AI in various industries. It promotes services for AI project evaluation and transformation strategies. Taiwan’s smart driving test lab and Taoyuan’s innovation park connect government and corporate resources to provide an R&D environment for self-driving cars to test. With organizations now banding together to push the AI agenda forward, we will continue to see the demand for integrating AI rise.

Taiwan’s AI Ecosystem Map First Half 2021 is jointly produced by AppWorks and Taiwan’s Artificial Intelligence Foundation (AIF), and is updated every six months. If you have any questions or suggestions, you may reach out to AppWorks at [email protected].

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】

XREX Raises $17M to Expand Fiat Currency Portfolio and Partnerships

Editor’s note: We are thrilled to back XREX’s $17M series Pre-A round. XREX is AppWorks Accelerator #17 alumni, and a crypto-fiat FinTech startup driving financial inclusion via blockchain. Looking forward the collaboration with XREX’s outstanding team to build a decentralized future. The press release from XREX as below:

XREX, a crypto-fiat FinTech company driving financial inclusion via blockchain, closed its $17 million Pre-A round, which was oversubscribed by 200%. XREX will use the funding to expand its fiat currency portfolio, acquire additional licenses, and forge partnerships with more financial institutions and digital wallets.

Led by CDIB Capital Group (TWSE: 2883), the consortium of global investors includes publicly-listed companies, major banks, venture capital firms, and top fintech investors from the US, Canada, Germany, Estonia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The strong participation by publicly-listed companies underscores XREX’s commitment to compliance with regulatory bodies.

Other investors in this Pre-A round also include SBI Investment (subsidiary of SBI Holdings, TYO: 8473), Global Founders Capital, ThreeD Capital (CSE: IDK), E.Sun Venture Capital (TWSE: 2884), Systex Corporation (TWSE: 6214), Metaplanet Holdings, AppWorks, Black Marble, New Economy Ventures, and Seraph Group. XREX closed its $7 million seed round in 2019. The investors in that round included AppWorks (lead), Skype’s late-cofounder Toivo Annus, Metaplanet Holdings, Black Marble, CDIB, WI Harper, BitoEx, and the Taiwan government’s National Development Fund.

“CDIB was an early investor in XREX,” said Ryan Kuo, Head of CDIB Capital Innovation Fund. “After witnessing the company’s fast revenue growth and their commitment to compliance, we were determined to double our investment and lead this strategic round.”

“Our mission is to foster global financial inclusion by leveraging blockchain,” said XREX CEO and cofounder Wayne Huang, an internationally-recognized cybersecurity expert. “Many of our team members are from or have lived in the markets where we serve. We keenly understand the struggles faced by many cross-border merchants who lack safe access to US dollar liquidity.”

By working with local regulators and financial institutions, XREX has pioneered tools such as BitCheck and MyXchange to help merchants and SMEs in emerging markets reduce forex loss, gain access to US dollars and seamlessly cross over from informal to formal economy. 

Capitalizing on a successful series of new features including their mandatory User Public Profile as well as their Risk Level Detector features, XREX will roll out a user Reputation Index next year to bolster safety, transparency and accountability while encouraging social networking.

In the last eight months, XREX successfully detected and prevented fraud rings from Russia and Nigeria from using the platform, attesting to XREX as one of the safest crypto-fiat currency platforms in the world.

“Helping entrepreneurs to succeed is a priority for us,” said Yoshitaka Kitao, Representative Director & Chairman of SBI Investment. “We believe XREX solutions open the door for underserved merchants to participate in global commerce on an even playing field.”

Jerry Horng, President of Black Marble Capital Management who serves on XREX’s board, said, “We were an early investor of XREX and we’re excited to continue our support in this round. XREX is uniquely positioned to connect Taiwan’s mature banking industry with the booming cross-border commerce currently seen in emerging markets.”

Recognizing compliance is core to digital currency adoption, XREX partners with several leading compliance and anti-money laundering providers such as CipherTrace, Sum&Substance, and TRISA.

“XREX has shown above-expectation growth since their graduation from our AW#17 accelerator batch in 2018. We are thrilled to back them again,” said Joseph Chan, a Partner at AppWorks who serves on XREX’s board. “This round will accelerate XREX’s capability of combining their unmatched cybersecurity expertise with leading compliance technologies to create a safer and cleaner ecosystem for crypto-enabled merchants, digital asset owners, and entrepreneurs.”

About XREX:

Founded in Aug 2018 and headquartered in Taipei, XREX Inc. is a crypto-fiat FinTech company with a mission of driving financial inclusion by solving the dollar liquidity shortage issue in emerging economies. Armed with a team of world-leading experts in compliance, cryptocurrency, blockchain, FinTech and cross-border payments, XREX offers innovative solutions to help cross-border SMEs compete on an even playing field. Follow XREX on Twitter, Facebook, Medium, and LinkedIn.

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】