3 個 H,AppWorks 如何評估創業者?

Andy Tsai, Partner (蔡欣翰 / 合夥人)

負責投資與基金管理。帶著超過 10 年創投經驗,於 2018 年加入 AppWorks,2019 年升任合夥人。先前主要服務於 CID 華威國際、最高擔任至投資副總裁,熱愛和團隊一起思考營運模式與競爭策略的解謎活動,更早之前短暫就職於中華開發負責產業研究。政治大學財管碩士,嗜好是旅遊和滑雪。

AppWorks Accelerator 啟動至今已滿 10 年,共有 376 支活躍新創校友、1,113 位創業者,我們非常重視校友社群間的分享,一起交流創業過程中的各種知識與經驗。近期,我們陸續邀請了 AppWorks Accelerator 前幾屆的創辦人校友回來分享,例如 AW#1 的台灣最大餐廳訂位平台 EZTABLE、AW#3 的台灣最大插畫產品電商 Fandora



真正決定創業成就的關鍵因素,其實在創業者本身的能力、特質與成長。針對創業有成的新創,外界經常會從商業模式、市場潛力、成長速度這幾個面向來分析,但某種程度上,這些是已經發生的結果,而現階段的成果,也不代表能持續下去,人 (創辦人或共同創辦人) 才是成功真正的原因,因為新創得以持續成長茁壯,來自對於外界的挑戰與變化,創業者能夠快速因應與調整,創造出對自己有利的局面。

在我十多年的創投經驗中,不管是新創投資案,或是海選每屆 AppWorks Accelerator 進駐團隊的過程,的確有方法,能夠有效提高選出優秀創業者與創業團隊的可能。AppWorks 長期以來都是以 3 個 H 來評估創業者:Heart (決心)、Head (學習力)、Hand (執行力)。這三個面向,不僅代表身為創投端的 AppWorks 如何評估新創,也很值得分享給所有創業者。因為根據我們的觀察,很少有創業者,一人就能在三項都拿到高分,創業者藉由參考這三個 H,不僅能作為持續自我成長的依據,也可用來尋找互補性高的共同創辦人,打造未來一起奮鬥的創業團隊。

Heart — 對於實現信念的渴望與堅持

首先在 Heart 的部分。選擇創業這條路,已經具備異於常人的勇氣,因為這代表選擇 7 天、24 小時高強度的解謎活動,必須努力拼湊各種資訊,評估目標客戶的可能樣貌,然後提供最能解決客戶痛點的產品跟服務。這一切,都是在高度不確定跟困難之下進行,能夠披荊斬棘走出一條路的創業者,必然會有很強大的信念支持,他們通常源自於對某個主題或領域的高度熱忱,甚至是一股希望證明全世界都錯了的企圖,或是從個人的成長經驗,所形成想要解決一個重要問題的信念,這股對於成功或解決問題的渴望與驅使力,是創業非常重要的一環。

另外一個對於 Heart 的觀察重點,在於遇到逆風時,如何解決這樣的問題?有時候問題難度太高,會讓人想要轉換去做自己更有把握的事情。比如我曾遇過創業者在市場開拓不順利的時候,就把眼光跟時間放到產品研發上,雖然可能想打造更完美的產品,但沒有客戶意見跟資料佐證時,這樣的行為很可能其實是在逃避,沒有真正去面對客戶需求。


Head — 解決問題的思考邏輯與方法論

在 Head 的觀察上,會偏重思考的邏輯跟方法論。在對想解決的問題展現強大信念時,創業者是否能思考出一套有效的方式來執行,特別是在計畫劃開始執行後,能不能依據外部環境資料的反饋,進行持續修正。


落實到創業上,其中一項展現而出的成果,就是如何建立營運模式裡的護城河,這也是策略上的重要議題。通常會需要創業者對產業結構有細膩的觀察,並充分了解行業的本質,才能夠去規劃跟競爭對手不同的策略,比如像 Twitch 就切入電玩遊戲領域,選擇與其他影音平台完全不同的定位,避開與資源與規模都更豐沛的 YouTube 直接競爭,找出自己獨特的定位,並持續放大市場的機會。

在 Head 的觀察上,還有另一個觀察重點,就是創業者對於重要問題的掌握能力,也就是抓重點的能力。因為創業的過程,充滿太多的可以研究與探討的問題,但如何針對問題排序,就很考驗智慧跟經驗,因為那直接牽涉到如何分配有限的資源。優秀的創業者,需要很快就理解目前營運模式的重要影響要素是什麼,甚至在拜訪投資人時,能理解投資人可能的擔憂,有沒有能夠在投資人客客氣氣的問答之間,聽出真正的問題在哪,這些都是觀察 Head 的重點。

Hand — 快速累積營運成長動能

在 Hand 上,觀察的重點在執行營運的核心團隊。不少創業者會不自覺得認為這項指標表現不錯,但並沒有特別意識到,要確保任何計畫得以快速、成功地執行,擁有一支與創業者患難與共的團隊非常不容易,而在核心團隊內,更重要的是資訊分享,讓核心團隊成員都能夠有同樣的認知跟思考,而且當營運模式要大幅 Pivot 時,核心團隊更是創業者最關鍵的資本。

由 Hand 所展現出的執行力,也來自於團隊成員的素質。如果創業者能夠在重要的職務上,爭取到有經驗的成員加入,通常能夠事半功倍的加快營運成長,比如我近期正在 DD (盡職調查) 的新創,過去十年成長幅度不錯,但事實上,前七年的成長非常緩慢,整個成長的驅動力,來自於在三年前找到了非常有經驗的行銷長,有效地帶動自然流量增長,而這樣良性的循環,才能夠快速積累營運的動能。


如同武俠小說中曾說:「天下武功唯快不破。」就新創而言,則是「創業唯成長不敗」。成長除了來自使用者、業務或流量之外,創業者與核心團隊的成長更是關鍵,一位能夠快速成長的創業者,假以時日就能夠變成號令群雄的武林盟主,要具備這樣的功力,就必須不停在 Heart、Head 與 Hand 上持續精進,鍛鍊出能夠快速反應、有效打擊各種營運衍伸問題的能力。

在科技、市場、消費者需求都快速變化的現在,創業者本身的特質、能力,以及能否持續成長,才是創業能否成功的關鍵。AppWorks 觀察創業者的 3 個 H,不僅從 Heart、Head、Hand 三個面向,來長期觀察創業者對於實現信念的渴望與堅持、解決問題的思考邏輯與方法論、快速累積營運成長動能,也很希望藉此分享,讓創業者在創業這條路上,作為持續自我成長的參考。

【歡迎所有 AI / IoT、Blockchain、佈局東南亞的創業者,加入專為你們服務的 AppWorks Accelerator

Photo by Tumisu on Pixabay


Antony Lee, Communications Master (李欣岳 / 媒體公關總監)

負責媒體與社群溝通相關輔導。加入 AppWorks 前有 18 年媒體經驗,是台灣第一批主跑網路產業的記者,先後任職《數位時代》副總編輯、《Cheers 快樂工作人》資深主編、SmartM 網站總編輯。畢業於交大管科系,長期關注媒體產業變化,熱愛閱讀商業與科技趨勢、企業與人物故事,樂於與人交流分享,期許自己當個「Internet 傳教士」。

AppWorks Accelerator 自 2010 年成立後,在 2016 年開始國際化,希望招募以東南亞為主的國際新創加入,打造大東南亞 (東協 + 台灣) 創業生態系。約莫在那個時候,每一屆都會很穩定地收到不少來自越南的團隊申請。這吸引了我們的好奇,因為當時 AppWorks 的國際化剛起步,我們內部預估可能只會吸引來自新加坡、香港等已開發市場的團隊興趣。

東南亞人口第一大國印尼蓬勃發展的創業浪潮與新創生態系,一直都是國際矚目焦點,而越南在當時並不在我們的雷達光點上。儘管如此,我們還是吸引了非常優秀的越南新創團隊加入,例如 AW#17、以 AI 技術協助飯店做 CRM 的 Innaway;AW#18、運用 Blockchain 科技的旅遊新創 Triip;AW#18、打造 Blockchain 公鏈與私鏈的 KardiaChain;AW#19、為企業提供 AI 物流管理系統的 Abivin。儘管他們來到台灣的原因與目的各有不同,但這已足以激起我們想要更深入了解越南的興趣,尤其是創業者的想法與新創生態系的發展。

過去兩年多來,經過 AppWorks 多位同事前往越南舉辦加速器招募說明會 (Roadshow),以及與當地創業者進行數十次會議後,我們已經變為非常喜歡越南,並把它列為我們重點經營的國家。

AppWorks 分析師 Natalie 林楓 (左一) 與 Jun 若林純 (左二)  與幾位越南當地的創業者,一起參加於 2019 年 11 月在河內市舉辦的 AppWorks Founders Forum。


1. 經濟快速發展:9,550 萬人口、經濟成長率 6.5%   

越南正在上演東南亞版的「經濟奇蹟」。30 年前,越南還是全世界最貧窮的國家之一,但根據世界銀行統計,2002 年到 2018 年,越南有超過 4,500 萬人擺脫貧窮,處於每天 3.2 美元貧窮線以下的人口,從 70% 以上快速下降到 6% 以下,人均 GDP 則成長 2.5 倍,2018 年超過 2,500 美元。

越南的成長來自 1986 年啟動的 Doi Moi 經濟革新,逐步完成經濟自由化、私有化和多樣化。如今的越南,已擠身中等收入國家,擁有龐大、日益富裕、與數位科技高度連結的中產階級,從 2000 年到 2015 年,越南平均 GDP 成長率達 6.9%,2018 年更進一步達到 7.08%,預估往後幾年也將保持大約 6.5% 的成長速度,成為全球成長最快的經濟體之一

年輕且龐大的人口基數,讓世界更重視這塊市場的潛力。越南擁有 9,550 萬人口,在東南亞僅次於印尼、菲律賓位居第三,根據 CIA The World Factbook 統計,越南人口年齡中位數為 31.9 歲 (代表超過一半的人口未滿 32 歲),相形之下,台灣則為 42.3 歲。人口年輕、中產階級增加,代表越南人民的可支配所得、整體市場的消費力將持續提升。

結合逐年攀升的 Internet 與行動電話普及率,創業者應該思考的,已經不是「為什麼要去越南」這個問題,而是「我該如何從越南的成長中獲利」。事實上,這已經是很多人共同的想法。根據 Google、淡馬錫控股 (Temasek)、貝恩管理顧問 (Bain & Company) 聯合發表的《2019 東南亞數位經濟》(e-Conomy SEA 2019) 年度報告,2015 年至 2019 年,越南數位經濟規模平均年成長 38%,僅次於印尼,並在 2019 年達到 120 億美元,佔 GDP 比重達 5%,則位居東南亞各國之冠。此外,過去四年來,越南的數位產業共吸引超過 10 億美元的資金投入,在東南亞僅次於印尼與新加坡,位居第三。

2. 科技人才供給充足:每年 8 萬名 IT 畢業生


越南在過去 15 年中,在科學、科技、工程與數學教育上投下鉅資。再加上 Internet 基礎建設大幅提升,以及相對年輕、低成本的人才,催生出蓬勃發展的 IT 外包產業。根據越南科學與科技部的數據,越南國內目前擁有約 3 萬家 IT 企業,大學每年培養出 8 萬名 IT 相關科系畢業生 (台灣約為 3.5 萬名,包含資訊、電機相關科系)。種種因素匯集,讓越南超過中國,成為日本第二大的軟體外包國,僅次於印度;此外,越南也是 IBM、Intel、Oracle、Samsung、Grab 等科技巨頭的研發基地。

這一切對新創有何意義?這代表越南能夠持續培養出質量與數量兼具的軟體開發人才,在數位經濟成長的主升段,他們準備隨時投入優秀的新創或自己創業。在 AppWorks 多次造訪越南的過程中,我們就遇到許多創業者,在創業前,都曾服務於某家本土的軟體外包企業,或是知名的科技外商,然後選擇創業,尋求更大的影響力、自我成長或經濟報酬。

這場景台灣人一定很熟悉。台灣 1970、1980 年代在資訊產業的創業潮,造就往後台灣在資訊產業的強大競爭力,許多創業者就來自 IBM、HP、德州儀器等早期就進入台灣的科技外商,例如,台灣第一支電子股、1975 年成立的光寶科技,三位共同創辦人就是來自德州儀器的工程師

當然,越南的人才發展並非沒有挑戰。人才肯定在那邊,但社會整體進入資本化的時間仍短,所以商業環境仍處於起步階段,對於管理團隊、大規模系統化解決問題的經驗仍不足,此外,儘管人才水平在過去一、二十年擁有巨幅成長,但 IT 外包在產業價值鏈上的位階並不高,創造的附加價值相對有限,軟體工程師在以產品設計、用戶體驗為中心的知識與經驗,自然較為不足。

儘管如此,人才水準的基礎就在那,現階段比較類似等待引導的人才水庫。根據 PISA 一份 2015 年的統計,越南學生在數學、科學與閱讀的整體表現,全球排名第 21 名,在東南亞僅次於排名全球居首的新加坡。在人才上,越南具有與周邊國家的比較優勢,這在現在則更顯重要,因為在數位經濟領域,像 AI、區塊鏈這樣的巨型典範轉移,現身的頻率以及對既有產業顛覆的力道都越來越強,掌握人才的新創,才有更大的機會彎道超車。

3. 海龜潮湧現:每年 13 萬學生在海外求學

不論是用「海龜」或「海歸」稱呼,總的來說,他們代表:長年在海外 (通常是西方的已開發國家) 工作或求學,最終返回家鄉工作或創業的本國人。

這些海龜潮,往往是帶動國家與產業進步的關鍵力量。他們將在先進國家、產業或一流大學中獲得的知識與經驗,以及累積的人脈或資源,帶回母國整合到自己創辦的企業中,台灣近幾十年最知名、影響力最大的海龜之一,當屬張忠謀與台積電的故事。目前,在東南亞幾隻新創獨角獸中,也可以看到類似的現象,例如,Grab 的 Anthony Tan、Gojek 的 Nadiem Makarim 和 Traveloka 的 Ferry Unardi 都是哈佛大學商學院的校友。

在越南最有影響力 (以募集資金規模為準) 的 15 支新創中,不少創業者都曾在國外某個時間或地點求學,例如:

Hai Linh Tran (Sendo 共同創辦人暨執行長):新加坡南洋理工大學 (Nanyang Technological University)

Ba Diep Nguyen (Momo 創辦人):澳洲科廷大學 (Curtin University)

Tuan Pham (Topica Edtech Group 創辦人):美國紐約大學 (New York University)


甚至是越南目前唯一的新創獨角獸 VNG 董事長暨執行長 Minh Le,則是澳洲蒙納許大學 (Monash University) 的校友。

我們有理由相信這份名單只是開始。根據統計,目前有 400 萬越南人居住在海外,其中,每年有超過 13 萬越南學生在海外求學。此外,光是胡志明市,每年就有約 3 萬名越南年輕人自海外返回,以尋求就業、商業或創業的機會。針對越南僑民,越南政府制定更友善的簽證計畫,並免除他們某些投資要求,加速吸引海外人才返回越南。

4. 本土創業生態系漸成氣候

儘管越南尚未出現像 Grab 或 Lazada 這類稱霸大東南亞市場的創業故事,但在國內市場的某些領域,已陸續出現足以與國際對手抗衡的本土龍頭與後起之秀。例如電商平台 Tiki (2019 年最新一輪融資超過 1 億美元)、電子錢包 Momo (2019 年完成 C 輪融資 1 億美元)、通訊軟體 Zalo (母公司為 VNG),還有叫車服務供應商 Be (由 VNG 共同創辦人所創立)、FastGo (2019 年拓展服務至新加坡),Grab 也在 2020 年 2 月宣布,啟動針對越南新創的創業加速器計畫


政府的支持,也在這過程中發揮作用。例如,Techfest 是由越南科學與科技部主辦的年度活動,每年吸引超過 5,500 名參與者,其中包括約 250 位投資人和 600 家新創公司。2019 年,也舉辦了第一屆越南創業投資高峰會 (Vietnam Venture Summit),吸引國內外超過 100 家創投參與,以「解凍資本流動」(Unfreeze capital Flows) 並推動創新。



對越南人來說,再也沒有比現在更好的創業時間了。過去約莫 20 年中,越南整體的快速發展以及都市化過程,為國民帶來了強大的自豪與歸屬感,進而浮現出許多難得的機會,等待優秀創業者去挖掘。

對台灣來說,我們擁有數十年商業化、工業化、科技化、數位化的扎實底蘊,有很大的機會帶著過往成功的經驗與 Know-how,參與越南崛起過程所帶來的紅利。這是由多項因素匯集而成的機會之窗,稍縱即逝,對台灣創業者而言,前往越南佈局,現在就是最好的時機。

【歡迎所有 AI / IoT、Blockchain、佈局東南亞的創業者,加入專為你們服務的 AppWorks Accelerator

Photo by Hung Vu on Pixabay

HK Marketing Automation Startup Omnichat Moves Into Taiwan and GSEA With US$800K Seed Round Led by AppWorks

Hong Kong-based Alan Chan (left) and Lewis Pong (right) grew conversion rates for e-commerce clients 10x using their proprietary marketing automation software platform, Omnichat. They today announced a US$800k seed round led by AppWorks Ventures.

Hong Kong-based e-commerce messaging platform startup Omnichat today announced it has completed a seed round of US $800,000 (NT$ 24 million), led by AppWorks and other investors including the Aria Group.

Omnichat’s automated cross-platform marketing and customer relations management bots have helped its online merchant customers convert customers by up to 10 times typical rates during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

The seed funds will go towards customer acquisition and expansion in Taiwan, a US$42 billion a year digital economy, and prepare the startup for further expansion in Greater Southeast Asia marketing by moving into Singapore and Malaysia in 2021. Echoing tech developments in 2003, when the spread of SARS boosted the expansion of e-commerce in China and other parts of Asia, Omnichat’s rapid delivery of e-commerce solutions is helping online merchants survive radical pressure on business and stand out as leaders in a fast-growing regional digital economy. 

“Omnichat has an excellent team. They have built marketing automation technologies for online merchants based on their own experience selling things online. That is why their product became so popular so quickly.”Jamie Lin, Chairman and Partner of AppWorks, said. 

Omnichat has brought significant performance growth to e-commerce customers since its inception. The Hong Kong startup has recently worked with well-known Taiwanese e-commerce brands including HH Herbal, TOYSELECT, and international brands like Moët Hennessy. Conversions brought about by the use of an automatic shopping guide produces rates 5 to 10 times the average. 

Across its range of customers, conversion rates using Omnichat platform services are on average three to 7 times higher than those in the overall e-commerce industry. 

During February, two Taiwanese e-commerce merchants selling cosmetics and women’s health care products faced huge spikes in demand for COVID-19-related prevention products. These customer service messages on their websites and social platforms increased by 180% and 250%, respectively. Using Omnichat platform software, these partners were able to fluidly handle these spikes and understand customer motivation and needs through online chat, and quickly convert these interactions into sales.

Omnichat specializes in assisting e-commerce customers through cross-platform marketing, including obtaining lists from Facebook and websites, tracking customer browsing behavior, automatic shopping guides on the website, and Facebook / LINE / WhatsApp retargeting after leaving the site. The startup has a customer service system developed in-house that integrates websites, LINE, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp customers for clients, turning active community management into higher sales conversion rates.

Developed in Hong Kong, Omnichat is making its mark in Taiwan

Omnichat’s entrepreneurial pursuit comes from the pain points experienced by Hong Kong-born co-founder Alan Chan. In the process of setting up an e-commerce website in Hong Kong, he often found that he could not respond to customers’ inquiries on the website immediately, which led to the regret of missing the order. In 2017, he invested in the development of “real-time website customer service” technology and began his path in software entrepreneurship. 

In 2018, Alan Chan came to Taiwan to join AppWorks Accelerator and became an alumnus of AW #16. With the help of AppWorks, Omnichat has successfully carried out in-depth technical cooperation with a number of store opening platforms: including 91APP, WACA, EasyStore, and Cyberbiz (AW#14). 

All of these early customers have continued technical cooperation with Omnichat, such as membership profile linking, LINE / Messenger / WhatsApp order notification bots, and other functions. 

Alan Chan pointed out his reasons for being optimistic about Taiwan: “Taiwan’s e-commerce culture is popular and its development is very mature. Even small e-commerce companies attach great importance to indicators such as traffic, data analysis, membership management, and marketing conversion rate. They are very much in-line with Omnichat’s characteristics and simple software installation. Omnichat is very suitable for promotion to e-commerce companies,” he said. 

By the end of 2019, Omnichat had 3,600 new customers, of which more than 70% were from Taiwan, a number three times the new customers secured in Hong Kong. 

Omnichat is expected to expand and integrate new communication platforms such as WeChat and Telegram in 2020. Omnichat will launch an “Affiliate Program” in 2020, inviting digital marketing-related companies, agencies, and consultants to collaborate on building more mature and innovative e-commerce industry applications for business.

Hong Kong startup exports its Taiwan market experience to Greater Southeast Asia

The Omnichat growth story highlights an emerging trend in Taiwan and Hong Kong e-commerce and other new ventures. Companies that originate in Hong Kong and SEA are moving to Taiwan to take advantage of the country’s digital economy and to use that experience as a stepping stone into GSEA.

According to statistics, the scale of Taiwan’s e-commerce market has reached US $42.7 billion, and it is the leader in GSEA. It is double the US $21 billion of Indonesia, often considered the leading player in the regional market. Startups from all over the region have come to Taiwan to build out their digital capabilities and use it as a launching pad for pushing further into the region and opening new markets. 

Building on its early success, Omnichat will continue to cultivate the Taiwan market in 2020, and aims to expand into Singapore and Malaysia in 2021. 

Every six months, we recruit talented AI and Blockchain startup founders in Greater Southeast Asia to join our Accelerator. If you would like to join us in our 21st class, follow updates at our AppWorks Accelerator page.

香港行銷機器人新創 Omnichat 完成 2,400 萬種子輪融資 AppWorks 領投,深耕台灣市場

隨著武漢肺炎疫情在亞洲持續升溫,讓新創募資活動大減之際,今日 (3/10) 在香港與台灣兩地的新創圈,傳來久違的好消息。提供業界領先的行銷機器人訂閱服務 (SaaS)、來自香港的新創 Omnichat,在今日宣布完成 2,400 萬新台幣種子輪融資,由 AppWorks 領投,其他投資人則包括 The Aria Group。

正當疫情持續衝擊實體經濟,商業活動加速轉往數位化、線上化、電商化的過程中,AppWorks 看好 Omnichat 在這樣的商業結構轉變中,所展現的成長潛力。AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人林之晨認為,數位典範轉移正在各領域產生廣泛影響,當這波疫情過去,大家將發現,這次將為商業運作帶來巨大且不可逆的結果,那就是傳統模式在過程中的加速萎縮,而新經濟則是順勢接管。林之晨進一步指出:「Omnichat 擁有優秀的團隊,他們根據自己以往作為網路賣家的親身經驗,打造出專為線上商家設計的行銷自動化技術,因此迅速獲得客戶的熱愛。」

在行銷社群化、訊息碎片化的時代,Omnichat 可協助電商客戶進行跨通訊平台的行銷方案,轉換率比電商整體平均高 3 到 7 倍。Omnichat 專攻的跨平台行銷,包括從 Facebook 粉專及官網獲取名單、追蹤顧客瀏覽行為、網站內自動導購、離站後進行 Facebook / LINE / WhatsApp 再行銷,並且擁有自行研發的客服系統,整合網站、LINE、Facebook Messenger、WhatsApp 顧客對話到一個平台,鎖定現代電商需要同時兼顧社群經營、行銷轉換率的需求。 

從香港一路過關斬將,Omnichat 在台灣嶄露頭角

Omnichat 的創業主題,來自共同創辦人陳正達 (圖左) 過往經營電商的痛點。他在香港創辦電商網站的過程中,發現經常因為無法即時回覆顧客在網站上的詢問,直接導致錯失訂單的遺憾,於是在 2017 年投入研發「網站即時客服」技術,開啟了軟體創業之路。

2018 年,陳正達來台加入 AppWorks Accelerator,而後順利完成加速計畫,成為 AW#16 校友。在 AppWorks 協助下,Omnichat 成功與 91APP、WACA、EasyStore、Cyberbiz (AW#14) 等多家台灣、星馬電商開店平台展開深度的技術合作,持續進行技術串接,例如會員資料串聯、LINE / Messenger 訂單通知機器人等功能,讓 Omnichat 持續在台灣居於領先。具有營運電商平台經驗的另一位共同創辦人龐榮林 (圖右),也在隨後加入。

看好台灣市場的發展潛力,Omnichat 正持續深耕這塊市場。陳正達指出:「台灣電商普及,發展也十分成熟,即使是小型電商,也都非常重視流量、數據分析、會員經營、行銷轉換率等指標,非常符合 Omnichat 的特色,加上軟體安裝簡單,很適合推廣給電商使用。」

整體而言,Omnichat 能為電商客戶帶來顯著的業績成長,例如,轉換率比電商整體平均高 3 到 7 倍。截至 2019 年底,Omnichat 在一年內用戶已累積到 3,600 個商家,其中超過七成來自台灣,台灣團隊人數也是香港團隊的 3 倍。包括 HH 草本新淨界、TOYSELECT 拓伊生活、萬年東海模型玩具等台灣知名電商品牌,都是 Omnichat 的客戶,自動導購訊息帶來的轉換率,是過往平均的 5 到 10 倍;此外,Omnichat 的網站客服、自動訊息等功能,可讓電商每一次與顧客的對話,都成為傳遞溫度、延續顧客忠誠度的連結,例如 BONNY & READ、烘焙找材料 (AW#16) 等,也將 Omnichat 作為會員經營的重要工具。

肺炎疫情升溫,Omnichat 協助客戶快速因應

Omnichat 為零售及電商客戶創造的價值,也在這波疫情升溫之際展現。例如,兩家分別銷售藥妝、女性健康商品的台灣電商,相關防疫商品面對突如其來的爆量訂單,兩家來自網站或社群平台的客服訊息在 2 月分別成長了 180% 與 250%,得以順利處理,凸顯出使用 Omnichat 跨平台即時客服的重要性,因為能直接透過與顧客的線上對話,了解購物背後的動機、情境,快速轉為客服的能量,為電商客戶創造其他純聊天機器人廠商無法展現的附加價值。

展望未來,Omnichat 除了預計在 2020 年將擴大整合新通訊平台如 WeChat、Telegram 等,也將在台灣串連電商生態系,開啟聯盟技術合作。從過往的客戶經驗中,Omnichat 發現電商的成功,背後需要整合許多專業領域,包含廣告投放、整合行銷、社群經營、體驗設計,而這些,都是跨平台行銷運轉成功的關鍵。因此,Omnichat 在 2020 年將啟動「聯盟計畫」,邀請更多數位行銷相關的企業、代理商、顧問公司加入,讓「跨平台對話商務」的概念,快速伸展到更多電商領域,打造更成熟、更創新的電商產業應用。

香港新創 + 台灣市場經驗,輸出至大東南亞

對台灣與香港電商、新創圈另一個重要的意義,則是 Omnichat 可望成為少數將「香港新創 + 台灣市場經驗」模式輸出至大東南亞 (東協 + 台灣) 的案例。根據統計,台灣電商市場規模達 427 億美元,在大東南亞居於領先,比第二大的印尼 210 億美元還大一倍,領先且成熟的發展,是孕育各種與電商相關新創的最佳場域。

挾著立足於台灣電商產業的高速成長,Omnichat 在 2020 年將繼續深耕台灣,累積出更完整的經驗曲線與競爭優勢後,預計在 2021 年啟動大東南亞拓展計畫,第一階段鎖定新加坡與馬來西亞兩個國家。不論是對台灣或是香港的新創而言,Omnichat 快速崛起的過程,也因此有更深一層的啟發與示範,因為 Omnichat 代表兩地的創業生態系,有更多一起合作拓展大東南亞市場的可能性。

【歡迎所有 AI / IoT、Blockchain、佈局東南亞的創業者,加入專為你們服務的 AppWorks Accelerator

Taiwan’s Blockchain Industry Proves Resilient As It Matches Global Trends (19H2 Edition)

Taiwan’s blockchain ecosystem is a clear stalwart in the Greater Southeast Asia market

Jun Wakabayashi, Analyst (若林純 / 分析師)

Jun is an Analyst covering both AppWorks Accelerator and Greater Southeast Asia. Born and bred in America, Jun brings a wealth of international experience to AppWorks. He spent the last several years before joining AppWorks working for Focus Reports, where he conducted sector-based market research and interviewed high-level government leaders and industry executives across the globe. He’s now lived in 7 countries outside US and Taiwan, while traveling to upwards of 50 for leisure, collectively highlighting his unique propensity for cross-cultural immersion and international business. Jun received his Bachelors in Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

A strong and steady 2019

2019 has proven to be a constructive year for the blockchain industry. It started off with crypto volumes at an all-time low and skepticism at a record high. Many projects that failed to survive the winter were quickly dead on arrival, and feasible commercial applications seemed further away than ever.

While the mass media has moved on from the fervor of 2017’s ICO craze, industry players around the globe have been powering through the downturn, effectively adjusting to a new reality. Many projects are now focusing their efforts on either underlying technical development or finding stronger real-world applications.

In Taiwan, the situation is no different. Although the country has traditionally lagged behind its Western counterparts in terms of embracing the latest innovations, it seems Taiwan has punched well above its weight when it comes to the development and adoption of blockchain. Whether it’s trending applications in gaming or decentralized finance (DeFi), advancements in the underlying infrastructure, or clarity in regulatory frameworks, Taiwan has kept pace on all fronts.

Made in Taiwan

Photo by Tom Ritson on Unsplash

There haven’t been too many new additions to the ecosystem since our last update, but we’ve seen existing players solidify their positioning in the market, with some effectively embedding themselves within the global value chain, very much in line with Taiwan’s legacy as a leading hardware manufacturer.

FST Network (AW#17), for example, has created a modularized, blockchain-based platform enabling enterprises to manage and integrate their data with ease. Their turnkey solution has now been adopted by exchanges and insurance companies in both the UK and Japan.

In a similar vein, local cold wallet maker CoolBitX recently developed Synga Bridge, a messaging-based KYC/AML solution that is now being used by Japan-based VC Trade, a crypto exchanged owned by SBI Holdings.

Along the theme of solving real-world pain points, DeFi has seemingly become the most pervasive use case, and rightly so. Existing financial systems are plagued with inefficient legacy systems that centralize data storage and authority, in turn passing on greater levies to increasingly privacy-concerned citizens. DeFi offers to provide a more transparent and secure means of accessing, lending, and transferring wealth.

The total value of DeFi projects has nearly tripled this year to over US$650 million. Although the conversations are largely dominated by opinions and analysis of MakerDAO and its stablecoin Dai, there are many upcoming projects fueling the DeFi movement. Here in Taiwan, for example, EasyDai is a decentralized exchange and lending platform that enables users to earn high-yield interest on Dai via Ethereum deposits. Steaker on the other hand is a digital asset management platform that helps users invest in notable DeFi projects.  

Working on the rails

In terms of development under the hood, it’s clear there is still much to be done when it comes to the widespread implementation of blockchain technology—engineering teams are still grappling with solving usability, interoperability, security, scalability, just to name a few challenges. But there’s also been a lot of progress made in these areas. Layer 2 solutions such as Plasma and Optimistic Rollup have demonstrated promising results when it comes to increasing transaction throughput and the amount of datasets that protocols like Ethereum can handle. Advancements in foundational technologies like zero knowledge proofs may finally help corporates assimilate into an increasingly privacy sensitive world. Needless to say, it’s still early days of blockchain development, and it’s anyone’s game.  

In Taiwan, some may remember the dramatic dissolution of COBINHOOD and its associated protocol initiative DEXON earlier this year, where after a series of shareholder disputes all one hundred of its staff were ultimately let go. Although a major blow to the local ecosystem, their efforts on building an infinitely scalable and more secure public chain have not gone to waste. The company’s co-founder and CTO Wei-Ning Huang has picked up the reins and began a project of his own dubbed Tangerine Network, which incorporates many of the same core components from DEXON’s open source code.

Also rising from the ashes of COBINHOOD’s demise are a legion of experienced blockchain developers, many of whom are now pursuing their own founder dreams. Lee Hsuan and Edwin Yeh, the company’s former heads of engineering and business strategy respectively, established portto (AW#19), a startup focused on bringing blockchain usage to the masses through its seamless dApp browser Blocto.  

Guiding the way

Facebook made headlines in 2019 with the announcement of Libra, a stable coin meant to establish a frictionless, global payments network. The original consortium consisted of 28 founding members, but five, including Visa and Mastercard, have since dropped out due to the torrent of scrutiny from regulators and policy makers alike.

Facebook attempted to put skin in the crypto game with the announcement of Libra, a stable coin that immediately caused controversy. Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash

Regulatory uncertainty and the associated legal ramifications have been the primary inhibitors of blockchain’s adoption. Different markets have embraced the technology to varying degrees, but Asia has arguably been a front runner in this area. Countries like Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have all delineated clear and definite guidelines on how blockchain companies should work and operate, some perhaps more conservative than others.

At the moment, startups in Taiwan are able to raise up to NT$30 million (US$1M) via STOs, and only from accredited investors with a cap of NT$100,000 per person. On the other hand, in Singapore, regulatory oversight only kicks in if an STO exceeds SG$5 million (US$3.7M) and caters to more than 50 investors or any number of non-accredited ones.

While limiting in some respects, these regulations at the very least clearly stipulate the rules of the game, equipping founders with peace of mind when it comes to planning their long-term operational roadmaps.

The march goes on

Believe it or not, blockchain is now a decade in the running. It’s been 10 years since the release of Satoshi’s whitepaper, and in this time alone, we’ve already gone through one major hype cycle, effectively catapulting the terms “bitcoin,” “crypto,” and “blockchain” from developer circles to front page news, and back again.

Last year’s crash likely confirmed the suspicions of many skeptical onlookers. But recent advancements in the underlying technology, uptick in adoption, and growing commercial implementations are surely driving some decision-makers to develop a more loving embrace. China’s regulators and its president Xi Jinping, for example, went from a hardened, outright ban to a recent endorsement of blockchain technology while announcing intentions to develop a state-backed digital currency.

For Taiwan, stakeholders are proceeding with cautious optimism. The private-public blockchain alliance created by the National Development Council (NDC) last June recently outlined a plan to explore the implementation of blockchain in five major areas: public services, finance/insurance, energy, healthcare, and agriculture.

Investors are also getting more savvy, no longer immediately jumping into the feeding frenzy of token sales but carefully prospecting the use of both traditional and non-traditional financial instruments when determining how to best support founders. And the community itself has maintained, if not gained in momentum, as demonstrated by the recent Asia Blockchain Summit (now second year in the running) which ultimately brought out over 4,000 participants and 135 speakers.

Whether it’s in terms of technical development, regulatory frameworks, or community activism, Taiwan’s blockchain industry has made steadfast progress in the second half of 2019, catering to both local and international founders alike. We’re also starting to see early instances of the ecosystem maturing, with more and more blockchain founders branching out and interacting with traditional industries, while also, perhaps more importantly, setting longer term goals and ambitions.

Every six months, AppWorks hosts an accelerator exclusively for founders who are working on blockchain startups and startups that are utilizing AI. Please visit our Accelerator page to learn more about the application process and to see if the equity-free AppWorks Accelerator is the right startup fit for you.