2021 大東南亞 Web3 生態系速覽,即將邁入大規模商業化

原始檔案下載:web3.GSEA Snapshot 2021

Antony Lee, Communications Master (李欣岳 / 媒體公關總監)

負責媒體與社群溝通相關輔導。加入 AppWorks 前有 18 年媒體經驗,是台灣第一批主跑網路產業的記者,先後任職《數位時代》副總編輯、《Cheers 快樂工作人》資深主編、SmartM 網站總編輯。畢業於交大管科系,長期關注媒體產業變化,熱愛閱讀商業與科技趨勢、企業與人物故事,樂於與人交流分享,期許自己當個「Internet 傳教士」。

自從 2009 年 AppWorks 創立、2010 年啟動每年兩屆的 AppWorks Accelerator 以來,我們便致力在大東南亞地區  (東協 + 台灣) 協助下世代的創業者,抓住數位革命的成長機會,嚴選本區域最具潛力的新創團隊進駐,輔導新創團隊尋找 Product-Market Fit、幫助成長期團隊建立 Sustainable / Scalable Business Models。建構在加速器的基礎之上,AppWorks 進一步打造新創社群、成為創投機構。

在 2018 年之後,區塊鏈、Web3 成為我們重點經營的領域,因為我們相信區塊鏈、Web3 帶來的巨大典範轉移,將為下世代的創業者,開啟大量的顛覆與創新機會。

2021 年,區塊鏈進入最高速成長的一年。在 DeFi、NFT、Gaming、Metaverse 等豐沛的創新應用下,吸引大量新資金、新用戶投入,區塊鏈的創業者們,正逐步建立起 Web3 各項重要的基礎建設,並即將邁入大規模商業化。

「在去中心化的 Web3 世界中,是否會呈現出不同的區域發展特色?」一直是多年來,我們持續思辨的問題。在 2021 年,Web3 獲得大幅加速發展後,這個問題的輪廓逐漸顯現,我們發現,在大東南亞的主要市場中,來自長期截然不同的歷史、經濟、產業、社會、文化累積發展之下,正浮現出多元化的特色,驅動整個大東南亞的 Web3 生態系,展現出更精彩、更深化、更讓人期待的風貌。以下是我們對各主要市場在 2021 年的觀察與分析: 


人口規模全球第四、大東南亞第一的印尼,估計仍有 66% 的人口,處於沒有銀行帳戶 (Unbanked) 的狀態,但也正因為如此,為印尼的 Web3 與區塊鏈發展,提供了絕佳的發展契機,印尼正進入由區塊鏈、加密貨幣推動的金融典範轉移,整體發展呈現出指數型、蛙跳式 (Leapfrogging) 成長的態勢。根據印尼貿易部 (Ministry of Trade) 統計,在 2021 年前五個月,印尼共有超過 650 萬人曾交易過加密貨幣,遠超過交易股票的 220 萬人,加密貨幣交易量從 2020 年的 44 億美元,成長至 2021 年前五個月的 250 億美元,成長率達 470%,加密貨幣已成為最受印尼民眾歡迎的投資類別。

相較於其他國家,印尼政府對於加密貨幣也相對開放。自 2018 年九月以來,陸續制定了一系列相關法律,皆象徵印尼政府的開放態度。包括加密貨幣、資產在印尼具有合法地位,可被視為商品 (Commodity) 來交易,由商品期貨交易監管機構 (The Futures Exchange Supervisory Board,簡稱 BAPPEBTI ) 作為主責的監管單位,交易所需取得合法執照,可合法交易共 229 種加密資產。

種種獨特的條件,讓印尼在交易所、錢包、資產管理以及其他 DeFi 領域上,發展快速。例如,2014 年成立的 Indodax,是印尼位居領先的交易所,用戶規模超過 470 萬。此外,隨著一般民眾對投資加密資產的接受度越來越高,像 NOBI 這類提供資產管理服務的新創,將是下一波值得留意的領域。

菲律賓:大量 End Users 推動產業成長

2021 年,Yield Guild Games 無疑是菲律賓最受矚目的 Web3 新創之一。從最初協助 Axie Infinity 招募、培訓玩家,累積到現在整個菲律賓有超過 1,500 個以上的 NFT 遊戲公會,共同進行數位資產管理,或為玩家提供遊戲獎學金等,Yield Guild Games 一路成為全球規模最大的 NFT 遊戲公會。蓬勃發展的產業生態,根據 Playercounter 統計,目前有超過四成的 Axie Infinity 玩家,來自菲律賓,是最大的單一國家,Play to Earn 能為玩家帶來實質收入,有效地緩解了 COVID-19 帶來的經濟與社會問題。

這種由大量新用戶加入,推動整體生態系成長的模式,是菲律賓發展 Web3 的特色。可以預期,在資金與用戶都蓬勃發展的帶動下,將會有更多不同領域的創業者,在這樣的基礎上推動各種創新應用,不論在 NFT 或是遊戲領域,都可看到更多元的成長潛力,例如,在今年推出菲律賓第一個 NFT Marketplace 的 Vention,或是建立遊戲公會管理與數據平台的 BlockchainSpace


向來有「亞洲金融中心」美譽的新加坡,長年以來,藉由政府開明的政策引導,逐步建立起區域內的地位。在 Web3 發展上,也可看到類似的發展軌跡,新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 就是主導發展的單位,長期以來,對區塊鏈以及加密貨幣的發展,擁有相對開放與友善的立場。

早在 2017 年,MAS 就發布了「數位代幣發行指南」(A Guide to Digital Token Offering),確立了新加坡政府對於 ICO 的基本立場與政策,對於新創透過 ICO 募資的發行者以及相關平台,確立適用「證券暨期貨法」(Securities and Futures Act,簡稱 SFA) 監管。到了 2021 年 1 月,「支付服務法案」(Payment Service Act,簡稱 PSA) 相應推出,監管新加坡境內的所有加密貨幣、交易所以及數位支付等業務。

也因此,我們可看到各種與金融相關的 Web3 應用,正出現代表性的新創。例如,為 Web3 應用構建交易基礎建設、優化跨鏈交易體驗的 Biconomy;開發金融電子支付的 Xfers;提供加密貨幣交易、借貸、錢包等服務的 Vauld。未來在加密貨幣相關的資產證券化、證照合規、國際匯兌業務上,預期將可看到更多重要的進展。

台灣:龐大的數位市場、IT 工程師推動整體發展

在 Web3 生態系的發展上,相較於區域內的其他市場,台灣有兩大特色與優勢。第一,龐大的數位遊戲與娛樂市場。根據 App Annie 統計,2020 年,台灣民眾在 App Store 總共消費 24.4 億美元,約相當於印尼、泰國、越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞五國總和的 24.6 億美元;第二個,則是台灣長久在科技製造、軟硬體整合上,累積而來的 IT 工程師文化,優秀的軟體工程師,一直是台灣推動區塊鏈發展的核心。

在 2021 年,台灣也搭上全球的 NFT 熱潮,進入早期發展階段。在龐大的數位遊戲與娛樂市場基礎上,越來越多的台灣區塊鏈新創,開始以 NFT 打造產品、服務以及商業模式,而歌手、藝術家、遊戲商、文創商品平台,以及多位 YouTuber,也先後開始推廣 NFT,使得 NFT 在這一年快速獲取大眾的關注,未來極具發展潛力。

自 Ethereum 問世開始,就不斷有台灣本地的優秀工程師,展開各種在區塊鏈領域的探索,成為驅動產業推進的關鍵力量。2021 年,已有新創在全球區塊鏈產業中嶄露頭角。例如,團隊擁有超過 10 年、多次創業經驗的 Perpetual Protocol,提供虛擬做市商 (vAMM) 實現永續合約解決方案;開發智能合約錢包的 Blocto,隨著 Flow 躍居一線公鏈而崛起,超過 80% Flow 鏈上的用戶,都使用 Blocto 進行 FLOW Token 質押,在跨鏈應用上,也已支援包括 Ethereum、BSC、Solana、Avalanche (c-chain)、Polygon 等一線公鏈。


雖然整體產業仍在發展早期,但 2021 年泰國整體 Web3 發展,可用蛙跳式成長 (Leapfrogging) 來形容。6 月,完成 E 輪融資的電商物流供應商 Flash Express,才正式成為泰國第一隻獨角獸,在 11 月,泰國第一隻 Web3 獨角獸,緊接著誕生,交易所 Bitkub 將 51% 的股份,以 5.35 億美元出售給擁有百年歷史、泰國第一家本土銀行 Siam Commercial Bank,等於在 5 個月的極短時間內,泰國連續跨越 Internet 與 Web3 時代的里程碑。

在 Bitkub 這樣的指標案例出現後,泰國 Web3 發展的後勢,值得讓人期待。包括 Bitkub Mafia (前員工)、Web 2.0 時代的成功創業者,都將陸續加入 Web3 的創業浪潮中,一如其他國家正在上演的故事。

事實上,已經可以看到更成熟、更進階的 Web3 應用出現。例如,開發跨鏈資料預言機 (Oracle) 的 Band Protocol,以及 Metaverse 遊戲公會 GuildFi,都是在既有產業生態系上的基礎上,繼續創新與整合。此外,也出現了像 Knowhere.art 這樣的 NFT Marketplace,相信不久後,將會在 NFT 領域看到更突破性的進展,因為長年以來,曼谷就是亞洲時尚與設計之都,擁有發展 NFT 創作者經濟的絕佳土壤。

越南:Axie Infinity 帶來的巨大效應

提到越南的 Web3 產業,知名度最高的,莫過於 NFT 遊戲 Axie Infinity 開發商 Sky Mavis。根據 CryptoSlam 統計,自 2018 年上線以來,Axie Infinity 上的 NFT 交易總金額超過 37 億美元,日活躍用戶超過 200 萬,並在近期完成 1.52 億美元的 B 輪融資。

Sky Mavis 寫下的成就,對越南的影響,可從兩個面向觀察。第一,帶動越南本地的 NFT 遊戲生態系成長,並吸引國際資金投資更多新創,進而成為生態系更加成長的能量,例如,Sipher 在 10 月,就從美國、韓國投資人手中獲得 680 萬美元的種子輪融資。另外像 My DeFi PetThetan Arena 等,也都是值得留意的 NFT 遊戲新創。

第二個,則是越南民眾對於區塊鏈以及加密貨幣的高接受度。根據 Chainalysis 2021 年「全球加密貨幣接受度指數」(Global Crypto Adoption Index) 的調查,越南排名高居第一,在 On-chain value received、On-chain retail value received、P2P exchange trade volume 三大指標中,皆位居全球前五名,可以預期,各種 DeFi、錢包、資產管理的創新模式,例如提供 DeFi 流動性中心 (Liquidity Hub) 的 Kyber Network 等新創,將會是下一波值得觀察的重點。 


回顧 2021 年,Web3 生態系在大東亞獲得全面性地推展。印尼在投資加密貨幣的開戶人數,超越股票而躍居投資主流;菲律賓則正由 End User 帶動生態系成長;新加坡持續將「亞洲金融中心」的優勢,延續至 Web3 領域;台灣正由優秀的軟體工程師推動創新應用;泰國在出現第一隻 Web3 獨角獸後,預期將吸引更多優秀創業者投入這塊領域;越南則有讓人眼睛一亮的 NFT 遊戲生態系。

儘管加密貨幣的價格總是變化劇烈,但在這樣的基礎上,我們相信 Web3 的長期價值。展望 2022 年,大東南亞整體 Web3 產業更大規模的商業化,非常讓人期待。 

web3.GSEA Snapshot  2021 由 AppWorks 製作,有任何指教與建議,請 email 至 [email protected]。感謝以下 AppWorks 的朋友,在過程中提供的協助:Peter Ing (Co-Founder of BlockchainSpace)、Leo Pham (Manager of Access Ventures)、Hung Nguyen (CEO of Spores)、Tri Pham (CEO of Kardiachain)、Ben Minh Le (CRO of M3TA)、TN Lee (Co-Founder of Pendle Finance)、Lawrence Samantha (Founder of NOBI)、Eagle Su (Marketing Specialist of Zombit)

製作協力:Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia

【歡迎所有NFT、Blockchain / DeFi、AI / IoT 以及目標 Southeast Asia 的創業者,加入專為你們服務的 AppWorks Accelerator

web3.GSEA: 2021 Greater Southeast Asia Web3 Ecosystem Map

Original file for download: web3.GSEA Snapshot 2021

Jun Wakabayashi, Analyst (若林純 / 分析師)

Jun is an Analyst covering both AppWorks Accelerator and Greater Southeast Asia. Born and bred in America, Jun brings a wealth of international experience to AppWorks. He spent the last several years before joining AppWorks working for Focus Reports, where he conducted sector-based market research and interviewed high-level government leaders and industry executives across the globe. He’s now lived in 7 countries outside US and Taiwan, while traveling to upwards of 50 for leisure, collectively highlighting his unique propensity for cross-cultural immersion and international business. Jun received his Bachelors in Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

Founded in 2009, AppWorks is a leading startup community and venture capital firm built by founders, for founders. We are committed to backing the next generation of entrepreneurs in Greater Southeast Asia (ASEAN+Taiwan) and helping them to facilitate the region’s transition into the digital age. Building off the firm’s decade-plus of experience, AppWorks works closely with early-stage founders to achieve product-market fit, while helping growth-stage companies establish sustainable business models at scale.

Starting in 2018, blockchain was incorporated in the firm’s core mandate. We believe that the technology is currently driving a massive paradigm shift, opening up new disruptive and innovative opportunities for the next generation of entrepreneurs as the world transitions into the web3 era.

In 2021, blockchain entered a mass adoption phase. With the emergence of new innovative applications such as DeFi, NFTs, GameFi, and web3 infrastructure, an unprecedented number of new funds, retail investors, and users have flocked to the crypto world, creating a flywheel effect that has facilitated the formation of key web3 infrastructure that we believe will usher in a new era of large-scale commercialization.

“As the world decentralizes, will development vary between different countries and regions?” This is a question that we’ve mulled over years. With the accelerated development of blockchain, we recognize that, in fact, regional dynamics have become more pronounced. We found that in Greater Southeast Asia’s major markets, the confluence of different historical, economic, industrial, societal, and cultural contexts has resulted in crypto adoption taking different forms. The emergence of diversified crypto markets is driving growth in the region to meet different market conditions and leading to new business models and approaches in the industry that can be applied globally.

The following is an overview of our analysis and views on each major market in the region:

Indonesia: Crypto Investment Outstripping Public Equities

Indonesia, the world’s fourth largest population and the largest in GSEA, is estimated to have an unbanked population of 66%. Based on market size alone, Indonesia has become an important market for the development of blockchain. Indonesia is entering a financial paradigm shift driven by blockchain and cryptoassets, and overall development is trending towards exponential growth. According to statistics from Indonesia’s Ministry of Trade, during the first five months of 2021, more than 6.5 million people in Indonesia traded cryptocurrencies—far exceeding the 2.2 million who traded public equities—totaling US$25 billion in cryptocurrency transactions, compared to US$4.4 billion over the same period in 2020, representing year-on-year growth of 470%. With statistics like these, it comes as no surprise that cryptocurrency has become the most popular investment category among Indonesian retail traders.

Compared with other countries, the Indonesian government is relatively positive towards crypto. Since September 2018, a series of laws have been enacted, signaling the open attitude of the Indonesian government. The Commodity Futures Exchange Supervisory Board (BAPPEBTI) oversees cryptocurrency-related issues and has provided legal frameworks for licensing and trading. Currently, Indonesians can legally own and trade a total 229 different cryptocurrencies.

Indonesia’s crypto landscape is underlined by the rapid development and adoption of exchanges, wallets, asset management tools, and other DeFi applications. For example, Indodax, established in 2014, is Indonesia’s leading exchange with more than 4.7 million users. With increasing acceptance of investment in cryptocurrencies by the general public, new areas of development, such as investment platform NOBI, that provide asset management services that cater to crypto users will mark the next wave of growth.

Philippines: Massive User-Driven Growth

In 2021, Yield Guild Games (YGG) broke out in the Philippines and became a global phenomenon. Evolving from its initial function of assisting Axie Infinity in recruiting and training players, YGG is now home to more than 1,500 NFT game guilds based in the Philippines. YGG provides players with digital asset management, game scholarships, and community support—becoming the world’s largest NFT gaming guild.

According to Playercounter, more than 40% of Axie Infinity players hail from the Philippines alone. Play-to-earn has proven to provide meaningful income to users, effectively alleviating economic pressure caused by the pandemic for many users.

This model of massive user acquisition to drive ecosystem growth is a unique characteristic of blockchain development in the Philippines. We anticipate that with the mass inflow of capital and users, there will be a corresponding entrepreneurial response that will lead to the creation of new and innovative applications in the Philippines. We have seen this trend emerge with projects like NFT marketplace Vention and gaming guild management and data platform BlockchainSpace.

Singapore: Leveraging the Strength of Asia’s Financial Center

Singapore has always been known as Asia’s financial center, building off the government’s proactive policies over the past several decades. A similar trajectory is also taking shape in the country’s blockchain development. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is the leading regulatory body overseeing cryptoassets, and has long demonstrated a relatively open and friendly stance on the development of blockchain and cryptoassets within the city-state.

As early as 2017, MAS issued “A Guide to Digital Token Offering” which established the Singapore government’s policy framework for ICOs, issuers and related platforms, under the purview of the Securities and Futures Act (SFA). In January 2021, the “Payment Service Act” (PSA) was launched, regulating all cryptocurrencies, exchanges, and digital payment services in Singapore.

As a result, there has been an emergence of several new blockchain-related applications. For example, Biconomy, which builds transaction infrastructure for blockchain applications and optimizes cross-chain transaction experience; Xfers, a developer of financial electronic payments; and Vauld, a service provider covering cryptocurrency transactions, lending, and wallets. In the future, we expect more projects coming out of Singapore in cryptocurrency-related asset securitization, license compliance, and international exchanges.

Thailand: From Late Mover to Frontrunner

While Thailand’s blockchain ecosystem can be considered quite early, 2021 marked an acceleration point with several milestones. In November, Thailand’s first blockchain unicorn was born as crypto exchange Bitkub sold a 51% stake worth US$535 million to Siam Commercial Bank. Paired together with logistics provider Flash Express’s newly minted billion-dollar valuation, Thailand welcomed its first unicorns of the internet and Web3 era respectively within a five-month period.

Bitkub’s success is galvanizing the Thai blockchain ecosystem, demonstrating that Thailand can develop scalable blockchain infrastructure. Bitkub alumni and seasoned Web2 entrepreneurs are diving into Thailand’s blockchain space, just as we’ve witnessed in other markets.

In fact, we can already see the emergence of more mature and advanced Web3 applications. For example, the emergence of cross-chain data oracle platform Band Protocol and metaverse gaming guild GuildFi show the level of innovation and reiteration happening in the market. We believe that in the near future, we will see more projects in the NFT space, building off Bangkok’s rich fashion and design industry and the country’s active NFT artist community.

Vietnam: The Axie Infinity Effect

When it comes to Vietnam, the most well-known player is Sky Mavis, the developer behind the killer NFT-based game Axie Infinity. According to CryptoSlam statistics, since its launch in 2018, the total amount of NFT transactions on Axie Infinity reached more than US$3.7 billion, with more than two million daily active users, culminating in Sky Mavis’s recently completed US$152 million Series B round of financing.

The impact of Sky Mavis’s success on Vietnam can be observed from two perspectives. First, it is driving the growth of Vietnam’s local NFT gaming ecosystem and attracting international capital to accelerate development and adoption.  For example, in October, Sipher raised US$6.8 million in seed financing from major global investors. In addition, there’s been a surge in casual and semi-casual GameFi projects coming out of the woodwork including My DeFi Pet, Mytheria, Thetan Arena, and Faraland

Second, Vietnamese users have demonstrated high levels of acceptance for blockchain and cryptoassets. According to the 2021 Global Crypto Adoption Index survey conducted by Chainalysis, Vietnam ranked first globally in terms of overall adoption. Among three indicators, on-chain value received, on-chain retail value received, and P2P exchange trade volume, Vietnam ranked in the top five in the world. We anticipate that new applications in DeFi, wallets, and asset management like we see with Kyber Network’s Liquidity Hub will highlight the next wave of blockchain innovation in Vietnam.

Taiwan: A Huge Digital Market Driven by Engineering Talent

Compared with other markets in the GSEA region, Taiwan has two notable characteristics and advantages in blockchain development. First, Taiwan is home to a massive digital gaming and entertainment market. To illustrate this market size, according to App Annie, in 2020, Taiwanese consumers spent US$2.44 billion in the App Store, equal to total spending from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia combined. Second, Taiwan has accumulated a wealth of engineering talent across manufacturing, software, and hardware integration. This talent pool has formed the core of Taiwan’s blockchain industry.

In 2021, Taiwan also joined the global NFT wave with early-stage activity. Leveraging the island’s fertile digital gaming and entertainment market, Taiwanese founders are adopting NFTs to create products, services, and new business models. Musicians, artists, game publishers, and influencers have embraced NFTs to build public awareness and tap into this new digital format of ownership, demonstrating immense promise for large-scale commercial adoption of NFTs. 

Since the advent of Ethereum, Taiwan’s local engineers have continued to explore the frontiers of blockchain development, becoming a key driving force in the crypto world. Taiwan is home to several notable projects led by seasoned teams, including Perpetual Protocol, which provides Virtual Automated Market Maker (vAMM) to implement perpetual contract solutions; smart contract wallet Blocto has become the go-to wallet for Flow—with more than 80% of Flow users trusting Blocto for Flow Token pledges. In cross-chain applications, Blocto also supports Ethereum, BSC, Solana, Avalanche (c-chain), and Polygon, among other mainstream public chains.

Bright Days Ahead

Just a few years ago, you’d be hard pressed to find the words web3, blockchain, DeFi, or NFTs uttered anywhere outside of niche crypto spheres in this part of the world. Now, sentiment from founders and investors across the region have evidently shifted from “why web3?” to “how do I get a piece of it?”—largely in this past year alone. 

Taiwan is at the forefront from a technical perspective, with an unparalleled engineering pool in terms of cost and performance; Indonesia is emerging as massive market for web3 consumers, now with crypto traders outnumbering stock traders by severalfold; Philippines is in a close second, with everyday users showing an uncanny demand for GameFi to make ends meet; Thailand’s historically nascent ecosystem is expected to garner significantly more attention now with their first crypto unicorn; Vietnam, given Axie’s success, is quickly distinguishing itself as a the world’s NFT gaming hub; and lastly, Singapore’s position as the region’s financial and management hub will likely extend into the web3 era.

Any doubts of whether or not web3 is here to stay were certainly eroded by the massive strides that the regional ecosystem has taken in 2021. Looking forward, the development and adoption of web3 is looking especially bright. Although crypto markets will likely ebb and flow in the coming months and years, with the occasional bears and dips, many stakeholders across the value chain have already gotten taste, and will likely only want more. 

The 2021 Greater Southeast Asia Blockchain Ecosystem Map is authored by AppWorks. For inquiries, please write to [email protected]. For this survey, thanks for several friends’ assistance: Peter Ing (Co-Founder of BlockchainSpace), Leo Pham (Manager of Access Ventures), Hung Nguyen (CEO of Spores), Tri Pham (CEO of Kardiachain), Ben Minh Le (CRO of M3TA), Rémy Perettieny (CEO of Reminiscense), TN Lee (Co-Founder of Pendle Finance), Lawrence Samantha (Founder of NOBI), and Eagle Su (Marketing Specialist of Zombit)

In partnership with: Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】

Why We Invested: Lorien Gabel, Co-founder and CEO of Figment

David Wu, Associate (吳戴文 / 投資經理)

David is an Associate mainly focused on investments. He previously lived in the US, but was drawn to the Greater Southeast Asia region by the growth opportunities and the wonderful people here. He spent the first five years of his career as a consultant at IBM, where he became intimately familiar with the enterprise software and services needs of Fortune 500 companies. Later, he focused on building predictive models and solving optimization problems for large companies, and gained an appreciation for the role of data and algorithms in our lives. He joined AppWorks in 2020 after receiving his MBA from Columbia Business School, and also has a B.S. in Mathematics from the Ohio State University. In his free time, he tries to stay active and is always looking for opportunities to hike or trek, often seeking the trail less traveled.

2021 was a banner year for retail cryptocurrency adoption. The most exciting up-and-coming projects and meme coins alike have entrenched themselves into dinner table conversations for tens of millions of retail users, while the Coinbase IPO legitimized the space for many institutional observers. 

However, remarkably, we are still in the early stages of development in other segments of the crypto space. The first wave of institutional investors have been around for a while, but it’s still a drop in the bucket for traditional institutions managing trillions of dollars in assets. 

Today, we announce our investment into Figment, one of the largest independent enterprise staking service providers in the world. Of course, at AppWorks, no investment could be made without having strong conviction in the founding team, and we found an exceptional founder in Lorien Gabel. 

A serial founder with the heart of a warrior

When we first met Lorien we could immediately feel a calm sense of depth, wisdom, and ambition. A veteran founder of the web1 era, which enabled millions of ordinary people to publish and read content on open protocols, Lorien has long been fighting for and brings a special passion for the principles of decentralization. 

And with three successful exits under his belt, Lorien brings more than a few battle scars as a tech entrepreneur. He built the first of his many ventures, one of the early internet service providers, with his brother in their 20s, before being acquired by what became the largest consumer ISP in Canada. Their second company, a web hosting service, was another early mover in the web1 days and was acquired by AT&T Canada. And now they’re back at it again with Figment. 

Despite being told by many investors early on that he was building a commodity business, Lorien never gave up, taking it on as a personal challenge to emerge from the pack while always keeping an eye on the long game. In hindsight, it is not the least bit surprising that he and his team have been able to build a unicorn in just a few short years.

But Lorien isn’t stopping here. While the results thus far speak volumes, we are even more impressed by his determination to take Figment into the future. We weren’t surprised to hear that the team never even considered recent acquisition offers, given Lorien’s passion for solving intellectually challenging problems, his warrior-like mentality towards finding a way to emerge from a highly competitive landscape, and his sheer drive to create outsized impact in the web3 ecosystem.

Exploding demand for staking as crypto is legitimized

Figment provides staking infrastructure for institutional asset holders and custodians, allowing crypto asset holders to earn yield by participating in the upkeep of the network. Tokens belonging to this exploding asset class, proof-of-stake tokens, utilize a more environmentally-friendly consensus mechanism while generating yield for holders. 

Staking is not a trivial task and involves frequent node infrastructure updates. High performance and execution is required, as nodes that do not perform as expected are punished financially, hurting staked token holders. As one of the largest players in the space, Figment has the resources to deploy teams of researchers and engineers to ensure high performance across several chains and play a critical role in the governance of each chain.

As staking service providers consolidate into a small handful of dominant players in a market expected to reach US$50 billion in just a few years, we believe in Figment’s ability to emerge as one of the top players and create tremendous value, something we have already recognized as a loyal customer ourselves.

Unlocking the next frontier

We’re excited to see how Figment will evolve under Lorien’s leadership, and we have a feeling that the business will look very different in five to ten years, as any great business does. As an operator of node infrastructure, they are in a unique position to offer indispensable services to web3 developers just as the developer flywheel is beginning to take off. Figment has already demonstrated remarkable promise in their web3 explorer Hubble, developer platform DataHub, and search service. 

At AppWorks, we look for great founders who seek to create significant impact and move their respective industries forward. We’re honored to have the privilege to partner with Lorien and the entire Figment team as they continue to push the envelope on enterprise-grade staking and the rapidly evolving web3 development landscape.

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】

AppWorks Virtual Demo Day #23 Unveils 23 New Startups

TAIPEI, TAIWAN—On December 21, 2021, AppWorks Accelerator held its 23rd demo day virtually, unveiling 23 startups operating across the frontiers of AI/IoT, Blockchain, and Southeast Asia. The event is held in collaboration with AWS Activate, with support from Google Cloud, Flow, and Alchemy, and promptly follows the firm’s in-person demo day held on December 15 specifically for those teams in the batch targeting the Taiwan market.

As one of Greater Southeast Asia’s longest running independent accelerator programs, AppWorks Accelerator built off the success of AW#22’s fully virtual Demo Day earlier this year, attracting innovative founders from around the world. The event will be broadcasted live across the firm’s Facebook page and YouTube channel at 09:00am Taipei Time (GMT +8). 

AW#23 officially kicked off in September 2021, featuring 34 teams and 66 founders from 16 different home markets, including Australia, Hong Kong, India, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam. Reflecting the global embrace of digital work, 67% of the teams are internationally-based outside of Taiwan. 

As an early mover in Blockchain and NFT investments, AppWorks proudly presents 11 DeFi- and NFT-related projects to showcase their products on the virtual demo day, leveraging the firm’s extensive experience in cryptocurrency to provide guidance and best practices in the space. Eight startups addressing dynamic opportunities in the Greater Southeast Asia region were represented in the batch, targeting verticals such as D2C brands, gaming, proptech, retail & e-commerce enablement, and more.

AppWorks is currently accepting applications for AppWorks Accelerator Batch #24, accepting qualified founders in AI/IoT, Blockchain/NFT, and Southeast Asia-related startups. AW#24 will be held from March to July  2022. The accelerator is equity- and cost-free, providing practical and hands-on mentorship to guide founders in achieving better product-market fit, win key business partners, and become a better founder.

For AW#23, the accelerator featured the following companies:


  1. Anyfty: NFT bank
  2. Artizen: NFT grants for art, science, and public goods
  3. Autonomy Network: Decentralized automation- helping DEXes grow their volume
  4. BlockCo Labs: Protocol for creating next-generation NFTs
  5. GranDen: New mateverse social gaming app
  6. Hooky: One-click DeFi and crypto debit card
  7. Limitd: Creating and selling NFTs, made easy
  8. Numbers: A decentralized photo network for Web 3.0
  9. Pictta: Launchpad for NFT collections on Solana and ETH blockchain
  10. Sloika: Photo NFT marketplace

[AI & IoT]

  1. DimOrder: Point-of-Sale, eCommerce, delivery, financing, supply platform for restaurant 
  2. Munin Space: Automation of operations in remote locations with satellites, IoT, and AI
  3. NIFLR: Autonomous checkout technology platform for retail
  4. ROJU: Jump rope fitness app
  5. Voutyque: Immersive online marketplace platform for premium brands


  1. Anyone Lab: A SaaS service empowering Asian creators to become entrepreneur 
  2. Foptics: Technology enabled D2C eyewear brand
  3. MamaHelpers: LinkedIn for foreign domestic workers
  4. Metaco: Marketplace for gaming contents
  5. Nüli App: Asian female fitness app
  6. Partipost: Crowd influencer marketing and commerce platform
  7. WeGoWhere: Marketplace for offline expenditures
  8. YouHomes: An all-in-one cloud based application to help real estate brokers save 50% operating cost and increase 30% sale transactions

The AppWorks Ecosystem Galvanizes in the New Digital Age

As one of Greater Southeast Asia’s largest accelerator programs, AppWorks holds its Demo Day twice a year, welcoming investors and business leaders seeking partnerships with carefully selected digital innovators from across the region and around the world. With the addition of AW#23, there are now 435 active startups and 1,402 founders in the community. Both the total funds raised and valuation have more than doubled in the last year. The AppWorks community now accounts for US$13.9 billion in annual revenues, creating over 20,000 high quality jobs in the digital economy.

Original file for download: State of The AppWorks Ecosystem (December 2021)

“Our mission has always been to help founders be the best they can be, capitalize on mega paradigm shifts and maximize their impact on Taiwan and Southeast Asia. At this current stage, we are most optimistic about the disruptive potential of AI, blockchain/NFT, and SEA (ABS). We are at the cusp of the web3 revolution. 20 years from now, a few of the web3 startups or “DAOs” will become killocorns, and dozens will turn into hectocorns. Many of them can and will be born out of Taiwan and Southeast Asia. When that day comes, I am not sure where today’s tech giants or financial empires will be. Many might have fallen like what AOL, Yahoo and Nokia did. There’s really no better time to be a founder. AppWorks will be here to help them on this long journey, become the best founder they can become and build the most impactful startups/DAOs they can build,” said Jamie Lin, Chairman and Partner of AppWorks.

【We welcome all AI, Blockchain, NFT, or Southeast Asia founders to join AppWorks Accelerator


Founded in 2009, AppWorks is a leading startup community and venture capital firm built by founders, for founders. We are committed to backing the next generation of entrepreneurs in Greater Southeast Asia (ASEAN+Taiwan) and helping them facilitate the region’s transition into the digital age. Just as how mobile and the internet completely transformed the status quo, we believe the current era of technology is currently being defined by major three paradigm shifts: AI, Blockchain, and Southeast Asia (ABS). 

As such, whether it’s mentorship, investment, or talent, AppWorks has established a one-stop-shop for ambitious founders willing to bet against the consensus and drive a change they want to see in the world. We help startups build disruptive businesses from even an inkling of an idea into world-class enterprises through our three primary lines of service: Accelerator, Funds, and School.

More information: appworks.tw

AppWorks Accelerator

AppWorks Accelerator is a launchpad for bold and ambitious entrepreneurs targeting Greater Southeast Asia (GSEA). Every six months, we take in startups with strong potential, equipping founders spanning all walks of life with the necessary resources, mentorship, and guidance to get their ventures off the ground.

There are now a total of 435 active startups and 1,402 founders in the AppWorks Ecosystem. Collectively, all companies produce a turnover of US$ 13.9 billion, an annual increase of 72% compared to the same time last year, and provide 20,169 jobs, 16% more than the year prior. Altogether, the Ecosystem raised a total of US$ 4.7 billion, an annual increase of 100%, with an aggregate valuation reaching US$ 27.8 billion, growing 152% YoY.

More information: appworks.tw/accelerator

AppWorks Funds

AppWorks manages three venture capital funds totaling US$ 212 million. We’ve attracted a diverse array of LPs who believe in our vision, including Taiwan Mobile, Axiom Asia Private Capital, Fubon Life, Wistron, Cathay Life, and Taiwan’s National Development Fund. We fund 20 deals a year, now with more than 70 names in our portfolio, including leading startups in several verticals such as Lalamove, Dapper Labs / Flow, Animoca Brands, 91APP, Carousell, ShopBack, Tiki, 17LIVE, and KKday, while having produced 5 IPOs, 2 IEOs, 1 hectocorn, 2 decacorns, and 4 unicorns.

More information: appworks.tw/investments

AppWorks School

Established in 2016, AppWorks School has strived to cultivate a pipeline of skilled engineers to help our community meet the technical demands of tomorrow. Quality talent has always served as the bedrock of innovation, yet shortages still remain the foremost challenge that tech companies in GSEA face today.

Within five years, AppWorks School has graduated 352 aspiring software engineers; 90% of these graduates went on to pursue successful software development careers in prominent companies such as momo, 91APP, KKBOX, WeMo Scooter, and Gogoro. AppWorks School currently provides five courses: Android, iOS, Front-End, Back-End, and Data Engineering.

More information: school.appworks.tw

Introductions to the Startups Pitching on AppWorks Virtual Demo Day #23

In mid-December, we hosted an in-person Demo Day in Taipei, Taiwan, featuring startups that are facing the Taiwan market. And we thought it would be great for the founders to showcase their product and team to the wider startup community from the region through a virtual Demo Day. 

This past half year, AppWorks Accelerator recruited 34 teams across AW#23, of which 8 are focusing on NFTs specifically, while 5 teams are focusing on DeFi / other blockchain solutions, 11 teams on Southeast Asia, and 14 teams on AI/IoT. It is one of the largest and  most diverse batches to-date, with 66 founders in total who span across 16 different nationalities. Over 20% of them are women and 45% of the founders are serial entrepreneurs. 

This particular demo day will feature 23 startups, with many in the NFT / blockchain space to give you a glimpse into our digital future. Tune into our livestream on YouTube or Facebook at 9 am (GMT+8) December 21st.

You can find a brief introduction to each pitching team and founder below:

1. Sloika: Photo NFT marketplace

Ev Tchebotarev | [email protected] | sloika.xyz

2. Autonomy Network: Decentralized automation- helping DEXes grow their volume

Diego Chui | [email protected] | autonomynetwork.io 

3. NIFLR: Autonomous checkout technology platform for retail

Ankur Sharma | [email protected]niflr.com

4. YouHomes: An all-in-one cloud based application to help real estate brokers save 50% operating cost and increase 30% sale transactions

Julius Cuong | [email protected] | youhomes.vn

5. Numbers: A decentralized photo network for Web 3.0

Sherry Chung | [email protected] | numbersprotocol.io

6. Partipost: Crowd influencer marketing and commerce platform

Jonathan Eg | [email protected] | partipost.com

7. WeGoWhere: Marketplace for offline expenditures

Ty Lertwichaiworawit | [email protected] | wegowhere.com

8. Artizen: NFT grants for art, science, and public goods

Rene Pinnell | [email protected] | artizen.fund

9. foptics: Technology enabled D2C eyewear brand

Raynald Zhang | [email protected]foptics.club

10. Nüli App: Asian female fitness app

Daniel Schreiber | [email protected]nuli.app

11. Munin Space: Automation of operations in remote locations with satellites, IoT, and AI

Jorge Iglesias García | [email protected]munin.space

12. Anyfty: NFT bank

Igor Syromolotov | [email protected] | anyfty.io

13. ROJU: Jump rope fitness app

Pak Cheung | [email protected]roju.app

14. DimOrder: Point-of-Sale, eCommerce, delivery, financing, supply platform for restaurant 

Ben Wong | [email protected]dimorder.com

15. Limitd: Creating and selling NFTs, made easy

Kim Hoang | [email protected]limitd.co

16. Voutyque: Immersive online marketplace platform for premium brands

Michael Liang | [email protected] | voutyque.com

17. MamaHelpers: LinkedIn for foreign domestic workers

Amanda So | [email protected]mamahelpers.io

18. AnyoneLab: A SaaS service empowering Asian creators to become entrepreneur 

Rebecca Leung | [email protected] | anyonelab.com

19. Metaco: Marketplace for gaming contents

Jaime Djuhar | [email protected]metaco.gg 

20. Pictta: Launchpad for NFT collections on Solana and ETH blockchain

Linda Chan | [email protected] | pictta.com

21. Hooky: One-click DeFi and crypto debit card

Reno Duh | [email protected]hooky.fi

22. BlockCo Labs: Protocol for creating next-generation NFTs

Andy Chan | [email protected] | blockcolabs.com

23. GranDen: New mateverse social gaming app

Dochin Lai | [email protected] | granden.rocks / parazen.world

If you are an investor or corporate representative and need more detailed information about the teams or want to connect with AW#23 founders, please email us at [email protected].

We welcome all AI, Blockchain, NFT, or Southeast Asia founders to join AppWorks Accelerator.