AppWorks Demo Day #29 Singapore Highlights Startups Achieving Regional and Global Relevance

AppWorks rolls out AppWorks Demo Day #29 Singapore as part of the AppWorks Accelerator Roadshow program to showcase innovative founders from across the region

SINGAPORE—December 16, 2024—AppWorks Accelerator, Greater Southeast Asia’s largest startup bootcamp, today held its Singapore Demo Day for AppWorks Accelerator #29 (AW#29), showcasing innovative startups from Southeast Asia and beyond, building new products and solutions for a diverse range of industries. AppWorks’ Singapore Demo Day builds off the firm’s efforts to enhance Greater Southeast Asia’s startup ecosystem, connecting ASEAN with Taiwan and North Asia. 

The event marks AppWorks’ fourth startup showcase event in the city-state, and first-ever formal Singapore Demo Day, underscoring the continued regionalization of AppWorks, enhancing the firm’s impact in Southeast Asia to offer outsized support to founders and connect with investors throughout the region. The event follows recent successful Demo Day events in Jakarta and Taipei, as part of the AppWorks Accelerator roadshow program to spotlight startups throughout the region. Moving forward, AppWorks will host marquee Demo Day events in Taipei, Jakarta, and Singapore for each AppWorks Accelerator batch.

Since September 2024, 49 startups have worked closely with AppWorks Accelerator. This batch includes 103 founders from 12 different markets, including Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, and beyond, with 40% being serial entrepreneurs. As part of the event, 28 teams from AppWorks Accelerator #29 (AW#29) presented their solutions to local, regional, and global investors. This diverse cohort includes thirteen teams focused on AI/IoT, eight teams specializing in web3, and twenty five teams from Southeast Asia operating in various sectors such as fintech, healthtech, edutech, and more.

AppWorks Accelerator provides meaningful value to startups across the value creation chain, ranging from seed stage startups building initial traction to growth stage companies expanding their horizons, helping founders at all stages to refine their ideas and improve executions. Of particular note, 22% of AW#29 startups have achieved annualized revenue exceeding US$1 million.

“AW#29 is a force to be reckoned with. These founders are tackling major challenges across diverse sectors with the vision and drive to become regional leaders. At AppWorks, we’re more than just investors; we’re builders of ecosystems, empowering founders with the resources and mentorship they need to succeed across the region and beyond. With 53% of AW#29 startups already operating in multiple markets, we’re seeing a clear shift towards regional strategies for success in Greater Southeast Asia,” said Jamie Lin, Chairman & Partner, AppWorks. “We will continue to bring AppWorks Accelerator Demo Day to Singapore for future batches to help our founders realize this strategy.”

The Singapore event comes as venture capital firms in Southeast Asia reevaluate their investment strategies, recognizing that startups that can create a regionally-viable business model across multiple markets stand to be more competitive and scalable, addressing the limited purchasing power of single country strategies. Successful case studies such as Grab, GoTo, and Sea Ltd. have shown the viability of businesses that can take advantage of multiple markets to build to scale. Of particular note, 26 out of 49 (53%) startups in AW#29 have already established a regional presence across multiple markets.

Traditional Financial Institutions Enter the Crypto Space

With cryptocurrency prices reaching new all-time highs amid a renaissance in digital currency optimism, startups from AW#29 are showcasing advanced, institution-grade solutions that are poised to accelerate institutional investors’ entry into the market. Many solutions being showcased were built during the recent bear market cycle, demonstrating the importance of founder conviction and resilience through tough times.

  • Led by a co-founder of Hummingbot, the QuantAlpha AI team has caught the attention of Singapore’s renowned asset management firm, Raffles Family Office. In Q4 2024, they deployed $500K to test QuantAlpha’s AI-driven trading strategy platform, with plans to market AI strategies to Raffles’ institutional clients in the future;
  • Singapore-based Equitize targets small to mid-sized financial institutions, offering tokenization infrastructure for assets managed in the $25 million to $500 million range. Revenue over the past three months has accumulated to $150,000, with a month-over-month growth rate of 120%;
  • Dexponent, a team focused on institutional markets, has attracted a total value locked (TVL) of $30 million with their yield products, highlighting the growing demand for secure crypto solutions among institutional investors.

Founders and Their Associated Companies Featured Included:




  • (ID) Ryan Wei, SIP Group: Functional nutritious snacks for grassroots Indonesian kids



B2B SaaS Tools

Entertainment, Hospitality, and Travel




With the addition of AW#29, the AppWorks Ecosystem now includes 607 active startups and 1,846 founders. These companies collectively generate over US$16 billion in revenue, employ 24,570 individuals, and have raised US$6.4 billion, with an aggregate valuation reaching US$30.3 billion. 


About AppWorks
Founded in 2009, AppWorks is a leading startup community and venture capital firm built by founders, for founders. We are committed to backing the next generation of entrepreneurs in Greater Southeast Asia (ASEAN+Taiwan) and helping them facilitate the region’s transition into the digital age. Just as how mobile and the internet completely transformed the status quo, we believe the current era of technology is currently being defined by major three paradigm shifts: AI, Blockchain, and Southeast Asia (A.B.S.). 

As such, whether its mentorship, investment, or talent, AppWorks has established a one-stop-shop for ambitious founders willing to bet against the consensus and drive a change they want to see in the world. We help startups build disruptive businesses from even an inkling of an idea into world-class enterprises through our three primary lines of service: Accelerator, Funds, and School.
More information:

初深耕東南亞有成 與印尼最大電信商 Telkomsel 合作經營垂直加速器 Web3 新創助金融機構進軍加密市場 智慧物聯網與教育科技崛起 22% 新創團隊年營收突破 100 萬美元

之初加速器 (AppWorks Accelerator) #29、緯創加速器 #7 與 Telkomsel TINC #9 聯合 Demo Day 今日在台北隆重登場,匯集印尼、菲律賓、越南、新加坡和台灣等地的 34 組大東南亞新創菁英登台,題目涵蓋 Web3 區塊鏈、AI+IoT (人工智慧物聯網)、教育科技和智慧醫療等。值得一提的是,AI+IoT 團隊佔比高達 46%,成為主力,而 Web3 團隊則以 25% 的比例緊隨其後,22% 的新創團隊去年的年度營收已突破 100 萬美元大關,展現蓬勃的發展勢頭。之初加速器深耕大東南亞市場有成,今年三月更聯手印尼最大電信商 Telkomsel 在雅加達共同經營垂直加速器 TINC,最新一屆 (#9) 兩組新創特地飛來台北出席 Demo Day,突顯其與台灣市場合作的熱誠期待。

比特幣突破新高  引領傳統實業與區塊鏈匯集共創金融新趨勢

比特幣在今年11 月突破 9.9 萬美元創下新高,總市值一度接近2兆美元,成為全球第七大資產。美國最具指標性的比特幣儲備企業微策略  (MicroStrategy) 等企業豪擲巨資增持比特幣,並有越來越多民間公司與國家將其納入資產儲備,顯示比特幣作為資產儲備的價值。之初加速器董事長暨合夥人林之晨指出:「進入 2024 年的尾聲,隨著資金持續湧入 Web3 領域,整體產業呈現兩大趨勢 :

1. 傳統金融巨頭們開始尋求 ETF 以外的其他投資工具

據《經濟學人》的報告指出,加密資產的 ETF 熱潮已逐漸退去,近 51%的機構考慮配置現貨加密貨幣,33%考慮質押數位資產 (Staking) ,32%則探索加密衍生品  (Derivatives) 的投資機會。這些傳統金融機構在數位資產的配置更加多樣化,除了直接持有加密貨幣外,更將觸角延伸至質押及金融衍生品。

2. 實質資產代幣化 成為傳統金融巨頭們的新興選擇

實質資產代幣化 (Real World Asset, RWA) ,是指將如股票、債券、房地產等實質資產,轉化為在區塊鏈上做交易的虛擬代幣,代幣化不僅能提高交易效率並降低成本、更增加流動性,提升投資者參與度,在這些代幣化的資產選項中,債券尤其受到歡迎。近期,歐洲投資銀行發行了 5000 萬英鎊的數位原生債券,代幣化的美國國債則逼近 10 億美元,而香港政府則今年三月宣布發行價值 76.68 億港元的數位貨幣債券。」

林之晨強調:「未來將可見更多金融巨頭企業將實體資產投入代幣化市場增加流動性,Web3 和傳統金融領域正在交匯變化,未來金融市場將更加多樣化並融入區塊鏈技術,也為金融市場帶來更多創新的機會。」

Web3 新創為金融巨頭定制加密投資工具 降低波動性 精準提升交易成效

在此趨勢之下,有許多傳統產業起家的投資者期盼進入加密貨幣市場,但對高度波動性仍有顧慮,Web3  新創團隊針對此需求,打造出前沿且量身定制的策略投資工具。

從馬來西亞起家的 QuantAlpha 以深厚硬技術打造出加密貨幣的 AI 交易策略部署平台,包含 AI 數據收集、機器學習流程、高性能回測引擎、以及交易的執行和監控,幫助投資者量身定制交易前後的投資策略架構運行,提升交易效率與精確度。透過 QuantAlpha 不僅能有效降低波動性,還可協助投資者累積特定的加密資產。QuantAlpha 目前已獲得香港知名的萬方家族辦公室 (Raffles Family Office) 青睞採用,今年第四季已部署 50 萬美元資產,後續將進一步開拓市場至傳統金融業者。兩位創辦人皆有電腦科學學位和金融背景,且是成功的連續創業者,兩人曾協力開源加密貨幣交易機器人 Hummingbot 和 CoinAlpha,並被市場廣泛使用,今年機器人交易量達 345 億美金。

來自新加坡的 Equitize 協助傳統金融機構將實體資產 (如法幣、房地產、債券等) 轉換為區塊鏈上的代幣,包括提供代幣發行、托管和轉移等一條龍完整功能,更支援跨鏈互通性,大幅簡化企業進入區塊鏈的門檻,讓資產可在不同區塊鏈網路間流通,增加流動性。Equitize 今年初才成立,三位創辦人擁有豐富的 DeFi 與支付產品的技術與營運經驗,其中一位更是成功的連續創業者。截至今年十月底,Equitize 發行的代幣化資產已高達 1 億 5 千萬美元,過去三個月的營收已累積至 15 萬美元規模,營收月增率 (MoM) 高達120%。Equitize 的客戶主要是中小型銀行和金融機構,資產管理規模在 2500 萬至 5 億美元;其中,在新加坡赫赫有名的資產管理公司 Golden Hill Asset Management 已將其下一隻優異表現的固定收益基金於 Equitize 上進行代幣化。

AI+IoT 帶動大東南亞產業升級浪潮   ESG 節能創新商模台星各出奇招

根據麥肯錫管理顧問公司 (McKinsey & Company) 分析,人工智慧互聯網應用展現出極大潛力,預計至 2025 年的經濟影響可能高達 11.1 兆美元。這一波的 AI+IoT 價值主要來自 B2B 領域,如供應鏈管理、自動化設備維護及智慧製造,不僅提升效率,同時也促進創新商業模式與 ESG 永續發展目標。本次 Demo Day 中即有四個團隊大放異彩:

創新水冷散熱系統節能 35%   獲美光、台電等大客戶青睞

台灣原生的 Ecofirst 使用 AI 技術的水冷散熱商,可為半導體或電子產業以及商辦大樓的冰水主機系統節省高達 35% 的能源,擁有美光、漢民科技、欣興電子、台電以及國家兩廳院等重量級客戶,幫助企業每年省下破千萬台幣的電費。創辦人闕隆一創業前曾是 IC 設計工程師,年輕時的他對台電能源浪費的新聞滿腹批評,直到有一天,他知道單靠抱怨無法改變現狀,他開始深入研究環保產業與廢棄物管理,最終將目光鎖定在台灣最龐大的能源消耗源 — 空調系統。每年台灣的用電中有 45% 來自空調,其中高達 2000 億台幣的電費因為低效能設備而白白浪費,這一發現點燃他想改變現狀的決心。2015 年闕隆一毅然辭去高薪的工作,將積蓄投入開發出 AI 技術的水冷散熱系統 AccuSave AI,他從零開始學習空調技術,並成功取得全台僅有數百人持有的空調技師執照。Ecofirst 在2022 年時雖僅有 7 名員工,但已成功簽下價值 330 萬美元的合約,預計到 2025 年,合約價值將突破 700 萬美元。

符合星國嚴格ESG標準的商用空調     重塑空氣品質未來與環境永續新潮流

港菲混血的 uHoo 是為商用大樓和和家庭空氣設計的空調設備,專注於空氣淨化,同時提供環境數據平台,協助打造更環保的辦公空間與建築。兩位創辦人一位來自香港,一位來自菲律賓,兩人自小便受過敏性鼻炎與氣喘困擾,在香港攻讀 MBA 期間,空氣污染導致他們經常生病,然而學校對建築空調系統的管理並未進行任何改善,兩人最終決定退學創立 uHoo。有別於傳統的大樓空調設備, 特別的是,uHoo 更取得新加坡政府綠建築標章 (Green Mark)、國際WELL建築研究院等認證,更符合台灣的法規要求。uHoo 空調設備已獲得新加坡、澳洲、瑞士、英國和美國各地的商業建築、醫院、長照機構和政府部門採用,成為改善空氣品質與環境永續的核心工具,今年營收預計突破 250 萬美元。

教育科技助攻行政業務自動化  AI 強化線上語言學習口說精準度

近年來高等教育成本逐漸上升而畢業率停滯不前,以教育科技顛改善統教育模式變得益發重要,不僅要有效降低運營成本,還要提高學生參與度以擴大教育普及性。在本屆 Demo Day 中,有三家新創企業在教育科技領域展現出強大潛力,提出已通過市場驗證的創新解決方案:

來自馬來西亞的 Aone 是一家專注於教育業務管理和金流支付系統的 SaaS 公司。創辦人最初希望解決小型教育機構在課程安排、師生出勤及繳費等手動管理上的困難,因此開發了一套針對約 300 名學生的小型教育機構的 SaaS 系統。如今,Aone 的服務已迅速擴展至東南亞 9 個國家,並有超過 2000 家教育機構採用其方案。Aone 目前的年度總交易額已達 6400 萬美元,App 內支付的課程費用每年達 1250 萬美元,月活躍用戶數 YoY 高達 200%,突顯 Aone 的 SaaS 服務精確解決到東南亞教育機構的營運痛點。目前 Aone 正計劃進軍台灣市場,幫助台灣的教育機構提升運營效率,並改善學生管理和支付流程。

來自日本的 SpeakBUDDY 則是運用 AI 打造語言學習應用,幫助用戶透過與 AI 角色對話提升英語口說能力。這款 App 瞄準日常生活、商務和旅遊場景的需求,透過語言模型實現比 Google Translate 更精準的口語對話體驗。 SpeakBUDDY 在日本國內的市場規模相當驚人,註冊用戶超過 400 萬,付費用戶突破 5 萬,年化收入達 1200萬美元,並已取得 普利司通輪胎、瑞穗銀行、三井不動產Bridgestone等知名企業用戶的簽約合作,成為日本最大的 AI 語言學習平台,台灣是 SpeakBUDDY 海外探索的第一個市場。

之初加速器 + 緯創 + TINC 的前瞻展望:連結大東南亞創新生態圈

之初加速器積極布局大東南亞市場,今年3月更與印尼最大電信商 Telkomsel 攜手在雅加達共同運營垂直加速器 TINC。最新一屆(#9)中的兩家新創團隊特地飛抵台北,參加 Demo Day,表達他們對與台灣市場合作的強烈熱忱與期待。其中,Finfra 致力於為企業提供無縫整合的金融服務,旨在構建東南亞的金融基礎設施,推動企業數位化與現代化的發展。而 Primaku 則是專注於為家長打造的數位育兒平台,簡化醫療記錄和追蹤提醒疫苗施打,幫助家長更輕鬆管理寶寶的成長與健康。這兩個印尼新創團隊的出現,不僅展示出 TINC 加速器的成功成果,也進一步強化東南亞市場與台灣市場間的深度聯繫。

由緯創集團與 AppWorks 共同營運的 Wistron Accelerator #7 今日共有三個團隊精彩登場,展現無限潛力與創新能力。來自韓國的 IPIN LABS 提供 AI 驅動室內定位解決方案,利用獨家 AI 應用技術縮短系統導入時間,並提升室內空間的人與物品的定位偵測準確性。台灣起家的 RemoteNC 則是以 AI 識別模型,快速辨識產品零件與圖表,並提供過去相似產品的報價,讓企業更快速完成採購。同樣是台灣團隊的 AEplus Smart Factory 則是針對台灣的製造產業打造雲端解決方案與 AI 軟體,簡化工作流程並提升產能效率。自成立以來,緯創加速器已運行七屆,共培育出 37 個新創團隊,員工人數累計達 384 人,業務範圍已橫跨至英國、美國、日本、韓國、越南、西班牙、以色列、印尼和香港等地,突顯出新創團隊的產品其在全球推動產業升級方面的扮演重要角色。

而之初加速器在今年九月啟動的第 29 屆計畫,經過嚴格篩選,招募來自 12 個國家的 49 組新創團隊,總共有 103 位創業者參與,其中的連續創業者更高達 40%。此外,來自東南亞的團隊佔據總數的 70%,相較於上一屆增長了 3%。而之初加速器的生態系隨著第 29 屆團隊加入,仍在活躍中的新創已達 607 家、共 1846 位創業者。過去一年所有新創公司的營業額加總達 160 億美元,創造 2.4 萬份工作機會;累積募資金額達 64 億美元,總估值則高達 303 億美元。未來隨著之初加速器、緯創加速器,以及與 Telkomsel 合作的 TINC 不斷成長與拓展,孵化的新創團隊必將為全球市場帶來更多突破與機會,並為各行各業注入新的動力與創新思維。




  • (VN) Nhat Luong, DiaB: 整合線上平台與實體診所的慢性病防治方案



B2B SaaS Tools

Entertainment, Hospitality, and Travel



Wistron #7


  • (ID) Markus, Finfra: 為企業提供無縫整合的金融借貸服務
  • (ID) Didit, Primaku: 為家長打造的數位育兒平台


關於 AppWorks 之初加速器集團
2009 年成立,由「創業者」為「創業者」設立的加速器,以及基於加速器發展的新創社群與創投機構,致力在大東南亞地區協助下世代的創業者,抓住數位革命的成長機會。正如同 Mobile Internet 帶來了巨變,我們相信 ABS – AI、Blockchain 與 Southeast Asia 是今日的三大典範轉移。我們認為,創造一個偉大事業的過程中,團隊是主角,而投資人則是配角,我們專注扮演配角,從種子時期開始支持有想法的團隊,一路陪著他們打造區域級、世界級的偉大企業。AppWorks 目前共提供 Accelerator、Funds 與 School 等三項主要服務。


關於 AppWorks Accelerator 之初加速器
2010 年成立,每半年嚴選本區域最具潛力的新創團隊進駐。輔導新創團隊尋找 Product-Market Fit、幫助成長期團隊建立 Sustainable / Scalable Business Models。成立以來,從 AppWorks Accelerator 畢業的活躍新創已達 607 家、1,846 位創業者。AppWorks 生態系所有新創加總營業額達 160 億美元,年增 1%;提供就業數 24,570 位,年增 5%;累積募資金額 64 億美元,年增 12%;總市值 303 億美元。其中,AppWorks 生態系已有 148 家活躍新創來自 Web3 領域、180 家致力於 AI 相關發展,以及 170 家主力發展市場位於東南亞,共計分佈於台灣、印尼、新加坡、馬來西亞、越南、菲律賓與香港等七大市場。


關於 AppWorks Funds 之初創投基金
AppWorks 管理四支創投基金總共募集 3.5 億美元,我們與認同 AppWorks 理念的投資人合作,其中包括在科技製造、金融、媒體、電信等領域領先的企業。我們通常投資種子輪至 C 輪的新創,每年進行 20-30 個投資案,目前為止已投資超過 100 家新創,其中許多在其所處產業或領域中居於領先地位,如:Lalamove、Dapper Labs / Flow、Animoca Brands、91APP、Figment、Carousell、ShopBack、17LIVE、KKday 等。此外,AppWorks Funds 至今已有 6 個 IPO 案 (Uber、隆中網絡、創業家兄弟、松果購物、91APP、17 Live)、6 個 IEO 案,以及 1 隻百角獸 (Hectocorn)、2 隻十角獸 (Decacorn) 與 5 隻獨角獸 (Unicorn) 。


關於 Aiworks by AppWorks School 之初學校
AppWorks School 成立於 2016 年,致力協助渴望投身數位、網路與電商產業的人才,提供高度銜接業界,實作導向、高效的紮實培訓計畫。成立至今,已培訓超過 1000 位學員,協助多間企業包含台灣大哥大、momo、91APP、KKday、WeMo Scooter 與 KKBOX 等知名新創與科技公司培訓數位人才。現提供軟體培訓營、校園培訓計畫、在職進修、企業代訓等服務。

2024 年轉型啟動Aiworks,旨在通過賦能企業員工,來幫助企業加速 AI 轉型。通過提供 AI 自動化課程,提升人才技能,使其能採用 AI 驅動自動化工作流程,顯著提高工作效率並節省成本。


For general inquiries 

Email: [email protected]

AppWorks Hosts Joint Demo Day for AppWorks Accelerator #29, Wistron Batch #7, and TINC Batch #9

TAIPEI, TAIWAN—December 10, 2024—AppWorks Accelerator, Greater Southeast Asia’s largest startup bootcamp, today held its flagship Demo Day event in Taipei for AppWorks Accelerator #29 (AW#29), while also bringing together startups from Wistron Batch #7 and TINC Batch #9 to participate. The joint Demo Day highlights the continued regionalization of AppWorks, acting as a capstone to the firm’s partnership with Indonesian telecommunications group Telkomsel’s TINC accelerator program and longstanding partnership with Wistron, demonstrating AppWorks capability to foster the development of cross-border startup ecosystems and facilitate corporate-startup partnerships in innovation.

The event featured 34 startup teams from Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, and beyond, creating innovative products and solutions from a wide range of sectors, including: web3 & blockchain, AI & IoT, education, and healthcare. Of particular note, 46% of startups utilize AI & IoT solutions, followed by 25% of teams building for web3. Meanwhile, 22% of the participating startups have achieved US$1 million in annual revenue, demonstrating strong product-market-fit (PMF) and business fundamentals.

AW#29 recruited 49 startup teams hailing from 12 countries. A total 103 founders participated in the batch, of which 40% were serial entrepreneurs. 70% of teams came from Southeast Asia. With the addition of AW#29, there are now a total of 607 active startups and 1,846 founders in the AppWorks Ecosystem. These companies collectively generate US$16 billion in revenue, employ over 24,000 individuals, and have raised US$6.4 billion in funding with an aggregate valuation reaching US$30.3 billion.

Web3 Takes Center Stage As Bitcoin Hits New Peak

With Bitcoin exceeding US$100k in December at a new all-time high, AW#29 featured several innovative web3 projects having built themselves during the previous bear market.

“As we enter the new calendar year, investors continue to pour into web3, driven by major shifts in attitudes and allocation strategies—namely greater institutional adoption of web3 investment tools outside of ETFs and the tokenization of real assets as an emerging strategy for traditional financial giants,” said Jamie Lin, Chairman & Partner, AppWorks. “In the future, we will see more financial giants investing physical assets into the tokenized market to increase liquidity as web3 and traditional financial fields cross-pollinate, bringing more innovation to the financial sector.”

In response to the needs of traditional financial institutions, many web3 projects are developing customized crypto investment tools to reduce volatility and improve the consistency of trading returns, including several startups that are part of AW#29, including:

  • Led by a co-founder of Hummingbot, the QuantAlpha AI team has caught the attention of Singapore’s renowned asset management firm, Raffles Family Office. In Q4 2024, they deployed $500K to test QuantAlpha’s AI-driven trading strategy platform, with plans to market AI strategies to Raffles’ institutional clients in the future;
  • Singapore-based Equitize targets small to mid-sized financial institutions, offering tokenization infrastructure for assets managed in the $25 million to $500 million range. Revenue over the past three months has accumulated to $150,000, with a month-over-month growth rate of 120%. Each institution is projected to contribute approximately $84,000 in annual revenue;

AI & IoT Drives Industrial Upgrading in Southeast Asia

AI & IoT are demonstrating potential in supply chain management, automation, and smart manufacturing, leading to greater industrial efficiency and progress towards sustainable development goals. Among AW#29, several companies showcase the applicability of AI & IoT to create positive economic value and environmental impact.

  • Ecofirst is a water-cooling system that uses AI technology to save up to 35% of energy for ice-water host systems in the semiconductor or electronics industries and commercial buildings, attracting major clients such as Micron and Taipower to help them reduce energy consumption and save money;
  • uHoo develops air conditioning equipment for commercial buildings and homes, providing air purification and an environmental data platform to help create more environmentally-friendly office spaces and buildings. uHoo’s air conditioning equipment has been adopted by commercial buildings, hospitals, elderly care facilities, and government departments across Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States;

AI Transforming Education for the Modern Era and Better Student Outcomes

With rapid changes in society and the future of employment being transformed by the digital economy, traditional education systems have struggled to keep up in preparing students for an ever-changing world. For the education sector to keep up and better serve students for the future, schools are adopting technology to increase student participation, reduce operating costs, and improve student outcomes. A number of startups featured demonstrated strong potential in transforming education.

  • Malaysia-based Aone is a SaaS company focusing on education business management and cash flow payment systems. The company has expanded to nine countries across Southeast Asia and serves over 2,000 educational institutions, helping to solve the operational pain points of schools to help collect tuition and manage student enrollment;
  • SpeakBUDDY from Japan utilizes an AI language learning application to help users improve their English speaking skills by conversing with AI characters, helping students learn English they can use in daily life, business, and travel scenarios. The company has over four million registered users, and has corporate clients such as Bridgestone, Mizuho, and Mitsui Fudosan;

Bringing TINC to Taiwan and Facilitating Innovation with Wistron

AW#29 Demo Day was joined by startups hailing from two of AppWorks’ co-operated accelerator programs, including Telkomsel’s TINC Batch #9 from Indonesia, and Wistron Accelerator Batch #7.

Two startups from TINC Batch #9 made the trek to Taipei to participate in the Demo Day, demonstrating strong interest in exploring opportunities in Taiwan, and strengthening connectivity between Southeast Asia and Taiwan, namely:

  • Finfra is committed to providing seamlessly integrated financial services to enterprises, aiming to build financial infrastructure and promote the development of enterprise digitalization and modernization;
  • Primaku is a digital parenting platform focused on helping parents, simplifying medical records, and managing vaccinations, allowing parents to more easily manage their babies’ growth and health;

Wistron Accelerator #7, jointly operated by Taiwan’s Wistron Group and AppWorks, featured three startup teams building AI-driven solutions, including:

  • South Korea-based IPIN LABS provides AI-driven indoor positioning solutions, utilizing AI to improve the accuracy of positioning and detection of people and objects in indoor spaces;
  • RemoteNC, developers of AI for engineering drawing analysis, uses AI recognition models to quickly identify product parts and diagrams, and provides quotations for similar products, allowing companies to quickly complete purchases;
  • AEplus Smart Factory is creating cloud solutions and AI software for Taiwan’s manufacturing industry to simplify work processes and improve production efficiency;

AW#29 Founders and Their Associated Companies Featured Included:



  • (VN) Nhat Luong, DiaB: Phygital Integrated prevention & management platform for combating  chronic diseases;



B2B SaaS Tools

  • (VN) Han The Truong, Peacom: Automating commerce on every messaging platform;
  • (US) Yan Grinshtein, Nsight: Unified data intelligence & decision automation for product and design teams;
  • (MY) TK Chuah, Boostorder: Multi-sales channel order & pay automation for brands & distributors;
  • (VN) Pawel Gorski, Tribee: AI platform helping frontline teams to sell more with data-driven insights;

Entertainment, Hospitality, and Travel



  • (TW) Ken Ho, Tracle: Trash pickup service;
  • (TW) Bill Hsu, Simmpo: World’s No.1 anti-blue light screen protection technology;
  • (TW) CJ Su, Raingo: Taiwan’s leading AIoT shared umbrella provider for smarter urban living;
  • (ID) Ryan Wei, SIP Group: Functional nutritious snacks for grassroots Indonesian kids;

Wistron Accelerator Batch #7 Founders and Their Associated Companies Featured Included:

TINC Batch #9 Founders and Their Associated Companies Featured Included:

  • (ID) Markus, Finfra: Building the financial infrastructure of Southeast Asia by enabling seamless integration of financial services for companies;
  • (ID) Didit, Primaku: Simplifying record-keeping and milestone tracking for new parents with a dedicated newborn baby health platform;


About AppWorks
Founded in 2009, AppWorks is a leading startup community and venture capital firm built by founders, for founders. We are committed to backing the next generation of entrepreneurs in Greater Southeast Asia (ASEAN+Taiwan) and helping them facilitate the region’s transition into the digital age. Just as how mobile and the internet completely transformed the status quo, we believe the current era of technology is currently being defined by major three paradigm shifts: AI, Blockchain, and Southeast Asia (ABS). 

As such, whether it’s mentorship, investment, or talent, AppWorks has established a one-stop-shop for ambitious founders willing to bet against the consensus and drive a change they want to see in the world. We help startups build disruptive businesses from even an inkling of an idea into world-class enterprises through our three primary lines of service: Accelerator, Funds, and School.

AppWorks Partners with Google Cloud to Provide Dedicated Support for the Next Generation of AI and Web3 Startups Across Greater Southeast Asia

Startups in AppWorks Accelerator to receive support from Google for Startups Cloud Program so they can build and innovate at speed and at scale

AppWorks is proud to announce a partnership with Google Cloud to advance its mission of fostering the next generation of entrepreneurs in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. This partnership gives startups in AppWorks Accelerator support from the Google for Startups Cloud Program, including access to a breadth of Google resources designed for early-stage startup founders to unlock the full potential of Google Cloud, including its latest innovations in AI.

Benefits for startup founders in AppWorks include:

  • Dedicated package of Google Cloud credits to enable founders to cost-effectively experiment, build, and scale their businesses 
  • Learning resources including hands-on labs, exclusive workshops, access to Google Cloud experts, and live in-depth classes to help startups build with the latest generative AI (gen AI) solutions, including Gemini
  • Access to a dedicated Startup Success Manager, giving founders a single point of contact for all things Google
  • Discounts on Google products including Google Workspace (Gmail, Drive, Meet), Google Maps Platform, and more

AppWorks is thrilled to partner with the Google Cloud. The dedicated resources and tools from Google for Startups Cloud Program will be valuable assets to help startups in our community succeed. We are particularly excited about Google Cloud’s innovations and developments in AI, and believe this partnership will provide an accelerated path for startups to leverage their AI solutions and power their growth. –Jamie Lin, Chairman and Founder of AppWorks.

“At Google Cloud, we are committed to supporting startups from the beginning of their journey. Partnering with AppWorks to provide dedicated resources for startups in their portfolio is part of our effort to continue that commitment and power the next generation of AI and web3 startups. We are excited to equip AppWorks’ startups community with our open and optimized stack for AI, broad choice of infrastructure solutions, and many important resources tailored for startups.” – James Lee, General Manager, Startups and AI, Google Cloud.

AppWorks has contributed to the success of the frontier startups in Taiwan and Southeast Asia such as 91APP, 17LIVE, ShopBack, and Instill AI. The partnership with Google Cloud will further support early stage startups as they grow and scale.

“At Instill AI, we’re glad to see this collaboration between Google Cloud and AppWorks come to fruition, marking a new chapter for AI innovation in Taiwan. Our experience working closely with both Google Cloud and AppWorks has shown us firsthand the power of their resources, networks, and expertise in accelerating startup growth. This partnership brings exciting new opportunities, providing invaluable support for Taiwan’s AI ecosystem and allowing startups like ours to reach new heights.

With Google Cloud’s advanced technology and AppWorks’ robust regional network, this collaboration will empower AI startups to address complex challenges and scale more effectively. We’re excited to see the impact of this joint effort on the broader AI community in Taiwan, helping startups unlock potential and push boundaries. Instill AI looks forward to witnessing the transformative effect this partnership will have on shaping the future of AI innovation here.”Co-Founder and CEO, Ping-Lin Chang

“The strong alliance between AppWorks and Google Cloud will inject more favorable resources into startups and expand their development opportunities. In the past few years, 91APP has benefited from diverse collaborations and support through both the AppWorks community and Google Cloud. We believe that in the future, regardless of whether startups are developing AI or other innovative solutions, AppWorks and Google Cloud will be able to provide the best solutions and resource support.” CPO of 91APP, Happy Lee

Startups can learn more about the Google for Startups Cloud Program at

About AppWorks

Founded in 2009, AppWorks is a leading accelerator and venture capital firm built by founders, for founders. AppWorks is committed to backing the next generation of entrepreneurs in Greater Southeast Asia and helping them facilitate the region’s transition into the digital age. Just as how mobile and the internet completely transformed the status quo, AppWorks believes the current era of technology is currently being defined by major three paradigm shifts: AI, Blockchain, and Southeast Asia (ABS), and has established a one-stop-shop for founders willing to drive a change they want to see in the world.

There are now a total of 607 active startups and 1,846 founders in the AppWorks ecosystem. Collectively, all companies in the ecosystem generate annual revenue totaling US$16 billion and have created 24,570 jobs. Altogether, the ecosystem raised a total of US$6.4 billion, with an aggregate valuation reaching US$30.3 billion.

Startups building on AI, web3 and facing the Greater Southeast Asia,can learn more about AppWorks and its programs by visiting

About Google Cloud

Google Cloud is the new way to the cloud, providing AI, infrastructure, developer, data, security, and collaboration tools built for today and tomorrow. Google Cloud offers a powerful, fully integrated and optimized AI stack with its own planet-scale infrastructure, custom-built chips, generative AI models and development platform, as well as AI-powered applications, to help organizations transform. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted technology partner.

AppWorks 與 Google Cloud 合作,提供大東南亞地區新一代 AI 與區塊鏈新創公司專屬所需支援

AppWorks 加速器中的新創公司將獲得 Google for Startups Cloud Program 雲端資源與專業輔導,以快速、大規模地建置與創新服務與產品

AppWorks 宣布與 Google Cloud 建立合作夥伴關係,推進其在台灣與東南亞培育下一代創業家的使命。通過這項合作,AppWorks 加速器的新創公司將能夠使用來自 Google for Startups Cloud Programs 的支援,包括為早期新創所提供的完整資源,幫助他們運用 Google Cloud 以及其在 AI 領域的最新技術,加速產品發展。

AppWorks 加速器內的新創團隊將享有以下由 Google 所提供的福利:

  • Google Cloud 抵免額:新創團隊可利用抵免額,以較低的成本進行實驗、構建和擴展產品業務
  • 豐富的學習資源:包括技術實驗室、專屬工作坊、Google Cloud 專家顧問諮詢,及最新 生成式 AI 解決方案,例如 Gemini
  • 專屬 Startup Success Manager:為新創者提供一站式的 Google 支援
  • Google 產品優惠:包括 Google Workspace(Gmail、雲端硬碟、Meet)、Google Maps Platform 等多項產品的優惠

AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人林之晨表示:「AppWorks 非常高興能與 Google Cloud 加深合作。Google for Startups Cloud Program 的資源和開發工具,將成為我們社群中新創公司的寶貴資產,加速他們邁向成功。我們尤其期待 Google Cloud 在 AI 領域不斷推陳出新的創新技術,相信藉由我們的合作,將讓 AppWorks 新創更大膽運用這些 AI,創造突破性的成長。」—。

Google Cloud 新創與 AI 事業總經理 李漢麟表示:「Google Cloud 致力於從創業初期支持新創公司,此次與 AppWorks 合作為其加速器與社群中的新創公司提供專屬資源,是我們延續這一承諾的一部分。我們期待能為 AppWorks 的創業者提供 Google Cloud 最先進、開放且優化的 AI 技術堆疊、廣泛的基礎架構解決方案,以及專為新創公司量身打造的重要資源。」

AppWorks 成功扶植了台灣及東南亞的新創公司,如 91APP、 17LIVE、ShopBack、 以及 Instill AI 等。此次與 Google Cloud  的合作,將能進一步支持早期階段的新創公司,協助他們成長與擴展。

91APP產品長李昆謀表示:「AppWorks 與 Google Cloud 的合作,將為新創公司注入更多有利資源,與拓展更多的發展空間。91APP在過去幾年中,也透過 AppWorks 加速器社群與 Google Cloud ,雙雙獲取多元合作與支持。相信未來新創公司無論在 AI 發展或許多的創新開發上,AppWorks 與 Google Cloud 都能提供最佳方案與資源上的支持。」

Instill AI 創辦人與執行長張秉霖表示:「我們很高興看到 Google Cloud 與 AppWorks 的具體合作,這標誌著台灣 AI 創新的一個全新篇章。我們有幸與 Google Cloud 和 AppWorks 密切合作,親身體驗到他們在資源、網絡和專業知識上的強大支持,這對加速新創成長至關重要。這次合作帶來了令人振奮的新機遇,為台灣的 AI 生態系統提供了寶貴的支持,讓像我們這樣的初創公司得以攀上新的高峰。」

有興趣的新創公司,可造訪 Google for Startups Cloud Program 網站,了解更多資訊: 


關於 AppWorks 之初加速器集團

2009 年成立,由「創業者」為「創業者」設立的加速器,以及基於加速器發展的新創社群與創投機構,為希望改變世界的創業者提供了一站式的服務平台,幫助致力在大東南亞地區協助下世代的創業者,抓住數位革命的成長機會。正如同 Mobile Internet 帶來了巨變,我們相信 ABS – AI、Blockchain 與 Southeast Asia 是今日的三大典範轉移。我們認為,創造一個偉大事業的過程中,團隊是主角,而投資人則是配角,我們專注扮演配角,從種子時期開始支持有想法的團隊,一路陪著他們打造區域級、世界級的偉大企業。

目前,AppWorks 生態系統內有 607 家活躍新創公司和 1,846 位創業者。整體而言,這些公司每年共創造 160 億美元的營收,並提供了 24,570 個工作機會。至今,生態系統內的公司共籌集了 64 億美元,總估值達 303 億美元。

面向大東南亞、致力於打造 AI 與區塊鏈創新應用的創業者,歡迎到 了解更多關於 AppWorks 所提供的服務

關於 Google Cloud

Google Cloud 為企業上雲帶來嶄新方式,提供人工智慧(AI)、基礎架構、開發者支援、資料處理、安全與協作等工具,協助企業應對現今與未來的挑戰。Google Cloud 以龐大的全球基礎架構、客製化晶片、生成式 AI 模型和開發平台,以及 AI 驅動的應用程式,提供功能強大、全面整合且經優化的 AI 堆疊,協助企業與組織實現轉型。目前已有超過 200 個國家與地區的客戶選擇 Google Cloud 作為他們所信賴的合作夥伴。