131 results found for: demo day

Dramatic shifts in consumer behavior and social awareness have created demand for new categories of startups to address emerging consumer demands around social commerce, sustainability, and privacy. TAIPEI, TAIWAN—June 12, 2024—AppWorks Accelerator, Greater Southeast Asia’s largest startup community, today held its 28th demo day (AW#28), unveiling 17 startups embracing AI to transform enterprise and commerce for a new era. The batch featured companies connecting social commerce with offline channel logistics, innovative payment solutions, and new applications for blockchain and AI—building tools and infrastructure for a more socially-connected, privacy-concerned, and digitally-conscious generation of businesses and consumers. AppWorks Accelerator #28 (AW#28) demo day featured a total 16 teams on stage. As a … read more

Featuring 26 Taiwanese and international teams, AW#27 demonstrated the potential of startups in Greater Southeast Asia to build products for global audiences. TAIPEI, TAIWAN, DECEMBER 13, 2023—AppWorks Accelerator today held its 27th demo day for batch #27 (AW#27) in tandem with Wistron Accelerator #5. The event featured 26 Taiwanese and international startups, including over 40% of teams led by serial founders, and 10 teams from Southeast Asia. AW#27 includes startups led by 19 different nationalities, including founders from Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, the United States, Japan, and South Korea. The batch featured startups building solutions for AI digital marketing, the creator economy, ESG, Web3, and legal-tech. The event highlighted … read more

AppWorks Accelerator today held its 26th demo day, unveiling 14 startups targeting Southeast Asia markets and innovative web3 models. The event was held in tandem with Wistron Demo Day #4, which featured five startups in the AI and IoT spaces. AppWorks Accelerator #26 (AW#26) demo day featured a total of 14 teams on stage, with 10 from Southeast Asia, reflecting AppWorks commitment to the region. As a batch, AW#26 founders hail from 15 different countries, including Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Australia—with 37% of which being serial entrepreneurs. The batch included companies innovating in the fields of AI, education, healthcare, IoT, logistics, and web3, among others. … read more

廣受各界期待、由 AppWorks (之初加速器) 主辦的 AppWorks Demo Day #25 + Wistron Demo Day #3,隨著台灣疫情趨緩、逐步解封、國門漸開之際,在今日 (12/15) 於台北登場,有 15 支來自 AppWorks Accelerator #25、5 支來自 Wistron Accelerator #3,共 20 支台灣及國際新創團隊輪番登場,展現過去 3 個多月的加速成果。 過往 12 年半來,每年舉辦兩次的 AppWorks Demo Day,是大東南亞 (東協 + 台灣) 新創圈的盛事之一。舉辦的主要目的,在於為每屆的 AppWorks Accelerator / Wistron Accelerator 團隊提供舞台,並促進新創社群的國際交流、投資、商務媒合,以及創造更多的可能性。AppWorks Demo Day #25 採取線下線上混合模式,讓不管是台灣或國際新創,能持續面向目標市場,呈現他們的產品、商業模式以及創業成果。除了今日登場的台灣實體版本,主要展示目標台灣市場的新創,AppWorks 另外在兩天前,已發佈國際線上版本,展示以國際市場為目標的新創。 本次 Demo Day 實體版為邀請制,超過 300 位來自創投、企業領袖、企業創投、成功新創、媒體代表蒞臨,與處在創新最前緣的創業者進行第一手交流,持續為大東南亞地區的創業生態系挹注能量、創造蓬勃發展。  AppWorks 自 2010 年啟動第一屆創業加速器以來,就持續積極與各方合作,累積更大的影響力,為創業者打造最佳的協助平台。AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人林之晨指出:「儘管今年以來資本進入緊縮循環,AppWorks 仍持續看好 ABS (AI / Blockchain / Southeast Asia) 三大典範轉移的長期顛覆,以及因此帶來的創業機會。以區塊鏈為例,近期許多交易所、儲蓄平台與對沖基金,因管理不當、人謀不臧而破產倒閉,但真正去中心化的 DeFi 等服務仍持續成長,足以證明長期板塊位移的巨大力量。優秀創業者抓住大勢,持續為世界帶來效率革新、賦能弱勢與企業治理的新模式,因此,與新創合作完全符合大企業推進 ESG 的目的,我預期下一階段將有更多企業投入。」 AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人林之晨 AppWorks Accelerator #25 共 15 支團隊登場 從加入 AppWorks Accelerator #25 的新創團隊身上,可看出 AppWorks Accelerator 持續吸引越來越多國際優秀創業團隊參加,繼續引領大東南亞地區創業生態前進。今年 9 月開始加速的 AppWorks Accelerator #25,共招募 31 支新創,其中包括 12 支 Web3 新創、10 支 AI / IoT 新創、以及 9 支新創深耕東南亞的數位經濟。這些新創由 76 位創業者組成,分別來自 15 … read more

AppWorks’ highly anticipated Demo Day brings the best of both AppWorks Accelerator #25 and Wistron Accelerator #3.This particular demo day will feature 20 (15 + 5) startups, with 5 teams in the web3 space to give you a glimpse into the innovative application of blockchain technology and the decentralized future. At the same time, many teams from the AI / IoT field are utilizing frontier technologies to transform our business and life. Among these rising stars, we’ll also have international teams joining us from Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, Canada, France, and the US. This past half year, AppWorks Accelerator recruited 31 teams across AW#25, of which 12 are focusing … read more