Business & Product Development Master
Ronnie Tseng
Before joining Team AppWorks, Ronnie was a Co-founder of iBeengo, an AppWorks #4 startup and successfully launched two online travel services, DingTaxi.com and AirPoPo. As a full-stack engineer, Ronnie wrote the codes of the MVPs and directed the web development team. In addition, during his time working at Taiwan Mobile, Ronnie successfully led a major revamp of the telecom’s mobile app, receiving exceptional user ratings from a base of over 1 million MAUs. Ronnie holds a Bachelor of Computer Engineering from University of British Columbia and worked abroad in Japan for seven years, where he also received an MBA degree from Nihon University. Ronnie has a passion for surfing and has watched countless sunrises from the shores of Taiwan.
負責產品開發及營運。曾以 iBeengo 共同創辦人身份,加入 AppWorks #4。在創業十年期間,負責公司營運兼全端工程師,主導產品開發並成功推出 DingTaxi.com 與 AirPoPo 機場接送 App,更早之前曾旅居日本七年並服務於 IT 產業。在加入Team AppWorks 之前,擔任過台灣大哥大的產品經理,並且主導了台灣大客服 App 的 UI / UX 大改版.成功改善了百萬名用戶的使用體驗,納入品牌新元素,也讓新版 App 評分優於過往。 面對 Web 3 來臨,帶著過去的創業經驗加入 AppWorks,期待能與年輕創業者一同成長,將所學經驗貢獻於創業圈。擁有日本 Nihon 大學企管碩士、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學電子工程學士學位,熱愛衝浪與旅行。
Are you a passionate perfectionist? Join us!
We love entrepreneurs and we are passionate about helping them. We believe in Internet’s ability to keep reinventing the world and make it a better place. We want to set an example for a decent venture capital firm. We are on a mission to push Taiwan and Southeast Asia forward. We’re always striving to do better. If you’ve got the energy, attitude, and appetite for making a difference, join us!