混血新創打群架 B2B 創新商模前進大東南亞市場 Web3 再現橫空出世新商機 成雲端巨頭亞太區合作夥伴

AppWorks(之初加速器)主辦的AppWorks Demo Day #26與協辦的Wistron Demo Day #4今日於台北登場,共有19組新創團隊輪番展現成果。登台團隊中,有10組來自東南亞團隊,與台灣團隊五五波相互較勁,印證AppWorks正擴大融入大東南亞(台灣+東協)市場。此外,Web3與AI/IoT更是本次團隊最吸睛的軟實力,分別在軟體工具平台打造、廣告投放、無人機與資安等領域,以亮眼的數字成績印證產品的
市場成績 (Traction)

經濟蕭條+資本緊縮 = 獨角獸孕育期  正是投資新創最佳時機 

伴隨今年全球景氣逐漸復甦,OECD(經濟合作暨發展組織)於6月初再次上調今年世界經濟成長率預估值到2.7%,AppWorks看好的ABS (AI/Blockchain/Southeast Asia) 三大典範轉移,更將展現更明顯且強勁的成長/顛覆動能,AppWorks也因此在今年將專責鏈接東南亞的Beacon Funds升級為事業單位,深化AppWorks在東南亞的觸角。

Beacon Funds負責人若林純 (Jun Wakabayashi) 長期走訪東南亞,與各國的創投、新創生態系的頻繁交流,今日也在現場分享他的市場觀察與深度剖析:「自2022年起資本進入緊縮循環,大東南亞的投資交易活動,整體而言深受重創,其中新加坡、印度和台灣受到的打擊最為嚴重,越南和菲律賓受到的影響相對較淺,新創生態仍有正向萌芽。在典範轉移與資本緊縮的時空背景下,投資方態度更加謹慎,採更嚴格的估值標準,更看重新創的產品盈利能力與投報效益。」

若林純指出:「然而從歷史的角度來看,當經濟衰退且風口不再,反而有助於新創自我整頓,更鼓勵大膽的新創跳出來解決市場的新興痛點。2000年dot-com泡沫後的經濟衰退期間,誕生了 LinkedIn, mailchimp等巨獸;2008年金融海嘯後的蕭條期間,也陸續誕生Uber, Airbnb, Square等獨角獸;如今大東南亞(台灣+東協)市場也正邁向高利率環境的『新常態』,在今日登場的新創業者當中,也必定有部分人才將在數年後成為下一代的產業佼佼者。」

Beacon Funds負責人若林純


AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人林之晨

AW#26 新創大混血  以 B2B 商模邁進大東南亞市場  助企業無痛轉型 Web3

本次AppWorks Accelerator #26(AW#26)共有14組團隊登台,當中10組來自東南亞,已佔AppWorks登台團隊總數的7成,彰顯AppWorks深耕東南亞的耀眼成果。AW#26的新創們分別來自15個國家,包括台灣、菲律賓、印尼、越南、新加坡、香港及澳洲等,並有37%為連續創業者,創業題目含括Web3、 AI、IoT等,以及在醫療、教育、物流等領域的垂直產業經營。

值得關注的是,AW#26的新創團隊多以B2B商業模式發展,當中已出現能將產品在東南亞各國快速複製、快速滲透的越南新創Quqo,主攻街邊雜貨店App進貨管理服務。而Tokban則幫助印尼的五金建材行提供數位化進貨服務,使其能輕鬆快速對接供應商進貨,更在去年創下500萬美金的驚人年營收。而在Web3領域,更有Growing3發展出全新的廣告投放技術,為客戶創下CPA(Cost per Acquisition, 獲客成本)降低79%,轉化率提升376%的驚人成效。Morpheus Labs則是打造出亞洲第一個整合Web3開發工具與方案模組的開放式平台,不僅能跨行7大主鏈,更是知名雲端企業在亞太區的官方合作夥伴。

Wistron Accelerator #4 展現成熟商用實力  儼成企業與新創合作的效仿指標 



Wistron Accelerator #5 現正招募中,向AI、物聯網、雲端、資安、教育與醫療相關新創招手,入選新創由緯創高階主管親自輔導並提供新創PoC實驗場景、商模成長等集團資源,幫助新創大幅降低試錯成本。緯創與AppWorks攜手合作迄今已長達9年,更在2021年啟動Wistron Accelerator,由AppWorks協助營運。Wistron Accelerator迄今已遴選出24組團隊,累積不少企業與新創的合作經驗。

和泰聯網 x 三維人:攜手擴大 MaaS 車聯網生態系的創新應用 

本次Demo Day的企業與新創對談,邀請到和泰聯網執行副總經理邱威凱,以及車聯網軟體新創三維人 (3drens) 共同創辦人暨執行長余嘉淵同台,分享雙方如何攜手合作,打造yoxi車隊管理平台與構建 MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service) 生態系,讓彼此皆得到雙倍的收穫。



和泰聯網執行副總經理邱威凱(中)、三維人 (3drens) 共同創辦人暨執行長余嘉淵(左)

AppWorks 將在東南亞 4 國陸續展開新創業者的實體交流活動

AppWorks #27正在招募優秀的創業者,申請截至7月10日。AppWorks #27加速器將在2023年9月啟動,依據每位創業者的需求,計劃在印尼、越南、新加坡、菲律賓、台灣等市場推出專屬於創業者的交流與學習活動。其中包括與同屆創業者交流、與Mentors及AppWorks Partners Office Hours、面對台灣或是東南亞投資人的Demo Day,以及客製化市場的探索行程。旨在協助創業者銜接到創業者校友社群的人脈網絡,一起扶持及互相學習。

AW#26 登台新創團隊介紹 
  1. Allos(香港):透過因果關聯人工智慧協助藥廠模擬臨床試驗、協尋適合的受試患者。
  2. DashoContent (菲律賓):以AI驅動的行銷內容生成、為品牌媒合內容創作者的平台。
  3. Encoredays(台灣):主打40歲以上熟齡受眾的社群媒體,為品牌客戶提供高品質的 UGC(用戶原創內容),曾為全家便利商店的產品擊出200%舊客回購率、41%導購率的安打成績。目前Encoredays註冊會員數已突破4萬,更擁有300名以上的活躍創作者。 
  4. Forte Biotech(新加坡):主要為東南亞的養蝦業者提供低成本且快速的蝦活體健康檢測模組。全球養蝦業近9成產量來自亞洲,其中是越南、泰國、馬來西亞更是重點產出國,加總這三國的市場產值已高達130億美金。然而,蝦農場也存在高風險,若未能即時檢出病蝦,一隻病蝦即會迅速感染整個蝦池,導致該期養殖完全報廢。Forte Biotech的檢測模組,取代傳統又貴又慢的實驗室送驗,幫助蝦農們降低8成的檢測成本,更可直接在養蝦場用2小時得出檢驗結果。
  5. Gocochain(台灣):冷鏈物流的環境監測解決方案。
  6. Growing3(台灣):以創新技術為Web3項目方打造高效的廣告投放策略,透過分析鏈上數據分析、以獨創AI演算法匹配出錢包地址的Twitter身分,並以Twitter Ads整合目標受眾的投放策略,幫助項目方找出真正的高淨值用戶,高效增加粉絲量和網站轉化量,無需再仰賴空投、任務獎勵等傳統辦法。該團隊一推出此創新技術,不到半年已收穫XREX等7家付費客戶,客戶類型包含gameFi、NFT、Defi等,曾創下CPA降低79%,轉化數提升376%的驚人成績。
  7. InvestEd(菲律賓):透過AI演算法,提供開發中國家沒有銀行帳戶的學生客製化貸款。
  8. Keedle Education 籽樂教育(台灣):針對3-12歲孩子的社交情緒能力發展打造的適性學習平台,能讓家長和老師共同追蹤孩子現況,並獲得最適合孩子的日常教育方法。目前已打入台灣新竹、宜蘭等五大縣市的教育局處與特教中心,更獲得91%用戶的正向回饋,有效改善孩童的社交情緒與適性發展。籽樂的評量系統使用國際醫療鑑定等級的資料庫,運用AI解決過往數據老舊、無法保存等問題。籽樂今年將整合銜接教育端與醫療端資源,期望幫助更多孩子的情緒教育能在學校與家中無縫接軌。
  9. Kodifly(香港):專注於開發3D感知技術,提供交通移動系統即時監測與分析方案。
  10. Morpheus Labs(新加坡):打造亞洲第一個整合Web3開發工具與方案模組的開放式平台Morpheus SEED,幫助企業無痛進行Web3轉型。Morpheus SEED 不僅能以AI來驅動程式編碼,並拖曳各種工具模組加以組合,並可跨行以太 (Ethereum)、Hyperledger Fabric、VeChain等七大鏈。Morpheus Labs已連續2年百萬美締造金的營業額成績,是騰訊、華為、JP Games 亞太區雲端業務的官方合作夥伴,日前更拿下指標性客戶Staynex (當紅的NFT技術平台,專為為跨國連鎖飯店、高端酒店集團、渡假村提供會員住宿管理服務,是英國足球超級聯賽中最知名的阿森納球隊指定合作夥伴),並協助Staynex縮短70% 的NFT項目開發成本與時間。  
  11. Quqo(越南):為越南的街邊雜貨店打造進貨App服務,讓店家輕鬆完成快消品的採購,App去年剛上線,至今已快速累積近6000家客戶,正逐步滲透越南百萬間雜貨店的龐大市場,並將進攻泰國與柬埔寨。Quqo目前已和40家以上的FMCG供應商合作,近期更拿下指標性供應商DKSH(旗下品牌包含阿華田、立頓、殼牌等)。創辦人是來自拉丁美洲的連續創業家,在創立Quqo前已有三次新創出場經驗,有獨到眼光與強悍的營運管理能力。
  12. Soltera (菲律賓):提供新興市場公共事業體訂閱制的智慧電表管理平台 (Smart Metering-as-a-Service)。
  13. Sylk (新加破):創作者的Shopify,並幫助品牌媒合創作者,進一步協助品牌提供使用者原創性內容 (User-generated content)。
  14. Tokban (印尼):幫助印尼街邊的五金行建材行提供數位化進貨服務,使之能透過網站與App向供應商進貨,讓價格更透明、庫存管理更穩定。Tokban自2021年開始營運,2022年已創下驚人的500萬美金年營收。
Wistron Accelerator #4 登場團隊介紹
  1. AIpoint 臥龍智慧 (台灣): 將AI應用在水源處理與回收,研發友善環境工程技術。
  2. AiSeed 艾知科技 (台灣):結合AI應用、打造VTOL無人機產品,提供AI即時分析、自動化登艦等全方位解決方案。其最新機型不僅飛行高度達1000 呎,速度更快至每小時160公里,是一般無人機的3倍速,在續航力、抗天候風阻、障礙物判斷皆突破市場水準。
  3. DeepWave 迪威智能(台灣)AI聲學辨識SaaS模型,提升語音自動化辨識與處理精準度,不僅可應用在Koisk多媒體機台的人機互動,更可提升Chat GPT語音指令轉化精確性。
  4. Chelpis 池安量子(台灣)以「後量子加密」先驅技術,超前部署國際資安標準,提供企業長期資安服務。Chelpis也是國發會迄今唯一全額直接投資的新創團隊,目前已和中研院等全球學術前鋒合作,將於8月1日成立亞洲第一家「量子安全遷移中心」,為台灣增強「資安防護國力」。
  5. LongGood 龍骨王(台灣):提供數位長照/復健服務的醫病互動軟體公司,產品已受日本前兩大長照集團青睞採購,並逐漸導入近300家醫療長照機構落地應用,目前聚焦擴大日本市場。
關於 AppWorks 之初加速器集團

2009年成立,由「創業者」為「創業者」設立的加速器,和基於加速器發展的新創社群與創投機構,致力在大東南亞地區協助下世代的創業者,抓住數位革命的成長機會。正如同Mobile Internet帶來了巨變,我們相信ABS–AI、Blockchain與Southeast Asia是今日的三大典範轉移。我們認為,創造一個偉大事業的過程中,團隊是主角,而投資人則是配角,我們專注扮演配角,從種子時期開始支持有想法的團隊,一路陪著他們打造區域級、世界級的偉大企業。AppWorks目前共提供Accelerator、Funds與School等三項主要服務。

關於 AppWorks Accelerator 之初加速器

2010年成立,每半年嚴選本區域最具潛力的新創團隊進駐。輔導新創團隊尋找Product-Market Fit,幫助成長期團隊建立 Sustainable/Scalable Business Models。成立以來,從AppWorks Accelerator畢業的活躍新創已達490家、1,589位創業者。AppWorks生態系所有新創加總營業額達153億美元;提供就業數23,999位,年增6%;累積募資金額57億美元,年增10%;總市值318億美元,年增2%。其中,AppWorks生態系已有120家活躍新創、279位創業者來自Web3領域,整體營業額達16億美元;累積募資金額9.9億美元,年增8%;總市值131億美元,年增5%。

#關於 AppWorks Funds 之初創投基金

AppWorks管理三支創投基金總共募集2.12億美元,我們與認同AppWorks理念的投資人合作,其中包括在科技製造、金融、媒體、電信等領域領先的企業。我們通常投資種子輪至C輪的新創,每年進行20-30個投資案,目前為止已投資100家新創,其中許多在其所處產業或領域中居於領先地位,如:Lalamove、Dapper Labs / Flow、Animoca Brands、91APP、Figment、Carousell、ShopBack、Tiki、17LIVE、KKday 等。此外,AppWorks Funds至今已有5個IPO案 (Uber、隆中網絡、創業家兄弟、松果購物、91APP)、4個IEO案,以及1隻百角獸 (Hectocorn)、2隻十角獸(Decacorn) 與 5 隻獨角獸 (Unicorn)。

#關於 AppWorks School 之初學校

AppWorks School 成立於 2016 年,致力協助渴望投身數位、網路與電商產業的人才,提供免費、實作、高效、與業界結合的紮實

培訓計畫。成立至今,已培訓超過 800 位學員,其中 90% 投身於網路界,在台灣大哥大、momo、91APP、KKBOX、Line TV、WeMo Scooter、Line Taxi、Hahow、VoiceTube 與 Gogoro 等知名新創與科技公司擔任軟體工程師。現提供軟體培訓營、校園培訓計畫、在職進修、企業代訓等服務,經營iOS、Android、Front-End、Back-End、Data Engineering、Automation Test、System Design、Blockchain 等課程專班。

AppWorks 活動聯絡人(含發稿後媒體聯繫):Michelle Lin | +886-928-038-997 | [email protected]

AppWorks #26 + Wistron #4 Demo Day Features B2B Startups Targeting Southeast Asia and New Web3 Models

AppWorks Accelerator today held its 26th demo day, unveiling 14 startups targeting Southeast Asia markets and innovative web3 models. The event was held in tandem with Wistron Demo Day #4, which featured five startups in the AI and IoT spaces.

AppWorks Accelerator #26 (AW#26) demo day featured a total of 14 teams on stage, with 10 from Southeast Asia, reflecting AppWorks commitment to the region. As a batch, AW#26 founders hail from 15 different countries, including Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Australia—with 37% of which being serial entrepreneurs. The batch included companies innovating in the fields of AI, education, healthcare, IoT, logistics, and web3, among others.

Of particular note, the majority of AW#26 startups focus on B2B models. This includes Vietnam-based Quqo, a digital supply chain solution developer for SMEs and mom-and-pop shops; and Tokban, a marketplace for construction materials in Indonesia connecting local hardware stores with suppliers, which achieved US$5 million in revenue in 2022. In the web3 space, Growing3 has developed on-chain digital marketing solutions that reduce customer acquisition costs by 79% and improve the conversion rate by 376%; and Morpheus Labs, which has created an open platform that helps businesses integrate web3 tools through cross-chain low-code solutions, acting as the official partner of well-known cloud companies throughout the APAC region.

For 2023, the global economy has demonstrated durability, as the world has largely adjusted to sudden and elevated higher interest rates and an end to easy money while staving off the threat of recession. The OECD has raised estimates for world economic growth to +2.7%, reflecting a positive outlook for investment and growth. Under this context, AppWorks sees its A.B.S. (AI, Blockchain, Southeast Asia) strategy as uniquely suited to capture opportunities in this macro environment. During this cycle, AppWorks has strengthened its Beacon Funds strategy, partnering with local venture capital firms to tap into emerging opportunities in Southeast Asia and create synergies between the region and Taiwan.

“The bullwhip effect stemming from sudden and elevated rate hikes is only just now hitting private markets, impacting founders and investors alike across Greater Southeast Asia. Startup and technology hotspots like Singapore, Indonesia, and Taiwan have experienced a material pullback in investment activity, whereas markets like Vietnam and the Philippines exhibited some degree of insulation, reflecting the sheer nascency of these ecosystems. We’re now seeing a complete reset on how startups are viewed and valued, with investors displaying a renewed focus on profitability, margins, and overall business fundamentals,” said Jun Wakabayashi, Principal of Beacon Funds, AppWorks. “We believe this shifting paradigm will not only help existing founders clean house and recalibrate their business models, but also forge a new generation of bold and ambitious entrepreneurs looking to tackle the plethora of pain points emerging as the rising tide of free-flowing capital recedes. There is never a better time to be a founder than now.”

Jun Wakabayashi, Principal of Beacon Funds, AppWorks

AW#26 demo day featured the following companies:
  1. Allos: Explainable medical insights through Causal AI (Hong Kong);
  2. DashoContent: AI-powered content subscription platform for marketing (Philippines);
  3. Encoredays: Creator community for micro-influencers aged over 40 (Taiwan);
  4. Forte Biotech: Accessible diagnostics for farming risk management (Singapore);
  5. Gocochain: Environmental monitoring solution for cold chain logistics (Taiwan);
  6. Growing3: On-chain data analytics and marketing solutions for web3 (Taiwan);
  7. InvestEd: Algorithm-based financing products for unbanked GenZs (Philippines);
  8. Keedle Education: Personalized behavioral and emotional learning for K-12 (Taiwan);
  9. Kodifly: Intelligent mobility and transportation system (Hong Kong);
  10. Morpheus Labs: Enabling web3 transformation (Singapore);
  11. Quqo: Digital supply chain solutions for SMEs (Vietnam);
  12. Soltera: Smart Metering-as-a-Service for utilities (Philippines);
  13. Sylk: Shopify for creators helping brands match with creators (Singapore);
  14. Tokban: B2B marketplace for construction materials (Indonesia);

In partnership with AppWorks, Wistron Accelerator has been running since 2021 and has featured 24 teams so far, focusing on companies in AI, cloud, healthcare, information security, IoT, and other cutting-edge sectors. Wistron Accelerator allows startups to conduct Proof of Concepts within real-world scenarios in Wistron Group and together explore avenues of growth over the next decade.

Wistron Demo Day #4 featured the following companies:
  1. AIpoint: AI no-code smart water treatment and recycling platform (Taiwan); 
  2. AiSeed Tech: Full autonomy eVTOL solution (Taiwan);
  3. Chelpis: Quantum safe solutions (Taiwan);
  4. DeepWave: AI-powered audio processing service (Taiwan);
  5. LongGood Meditech: Empowering lives through digital rehabilitation (Taiwan);

“Entrepreneurship is a long and unique journey of learning by doing and often from failures. What may appear as a miraculous overnight success is often the result of 5-10 years in the relentless making. Today’s tech giants all have endured arduous times in the past, with the support of investors and partners playing a big part in their path to victory. With our 26th batch, AppWorks Accelerator has brought yet another carefully selected group of future star founders to the broader venture community, and we’re proud to continue to play a part in nurturing these changemakers over the next 10 years,” said Jamie Lin, Chairman, AppWorks.

Jamie Lin, Chairman, AppWorks

With the addition of AW#26, there are now a total of 490 active startups and 1,589 founders in the AppWorks Ecosystem. These companies collectively generate US$15.3 billion in revenue, employ 24,000 individuals, and have raised US$5.7 billion with an aggregate valuation reaching US$31.8 billion.

AppWorks #27 is currently recruiting for its cohort, with applications closing on July 10, and will launch in September 2023. AW#27 will offer founders intensive exchange and learning activities in Taiwan and Southeast Asia to learn from entrepreneurs throughout the region. These include exchanges with fellow founders, office hours with mentors and AppWorks partners, demo days with investors from Taiwan and Southeast Asia, and customized market exploration itineraries. The batch will help entrepreneurs connect with AppWorks’ founder and alumni network to support and learn from each other.


Founded in 2009, AppWorks is a leading startup community and venture capital firm built by founders, for founders. We are committed to backing the next generation of entrepreneurs in Greater Southeast Asia (ASEAN+Taiwan) and helping them facilitate the region’s transition into the digital age. Just as how mobile and the internet completely transformed the status quo, we believe the current era of technology is currently being defined by major three paradigm shifts: AI, Blockchain, and Southeast Asia (ABS). 

As such, whether it’s mentorship, investment, or talent, AppWorks has established a one-stop-shop for ambitious founders willing to bet against the consensus and drive a change they want to see in the world. We help startups build disruptive businesses from even an inkling of an idea into world-class enterprises through our three primary lines of service: Accelerator, Funds, and School.
More information: appworks.tw


AppWorks Accelerator

AppWorks Accelerator is a launchpad for bold and ambitious entrepreneurs targeting Greater Southeast Asia (GSEA). Every six months, we take in startups with strong potential, equipping founders spanning all walks of life with the necessary resources, mentorship, and guidance to get their ventures off the ground.

There are now a total of 490 active startups and 1,589 founders in the AppWorks ecosystem. Collectively, all companies in the ecosystem generate annual revenue totaling US$15.3 billion and have created 23,999 jobs (+6% YoY). Altogether, the ecosystem raised a total of US$5.7 billion (+10% YoY), with an aggregate valuation reaching US$31.8 billion (+2% YoY). The AppWorks web3 ecosystem now has 120 startups and 279 founders. AppWorks web3 companies generated revenue totaling US$1.6 billion, and raised US$990 million (+8% YoY), with an aggregate valuation of US$13.1 billion (+5% YoY).
More information: appworks.tw/accelerator

AppWorks Funds

AppWorks manages three venture capital funds totaling US$212 million, collaborating with investors who share our vision, including leading enterprises in sectors spanning technology manufacturing, finance, and media and telecom. We invest in startups ranging from Seed Round to Series C and fund around 20 to 30 deals a year, now with 100 names in our portfolio, including leading startups in several verticals such as Lalamove, Dapper Labs/Flow, Animoca Brands, 91APP, Figment, Carousell, ShopBack, Tiki, 17LIVE, and KKday, while having produced five IPOs (Uber, GameSparcs, Kuobrothers, Pcone, 91APP), four IEOs, one hectocorn, two decacorns, and five unicorns.
More information: appworks.tw/investments

AppWorks School

Established in 2016, AppWorks School has strived to cultivate a pipeline of skilled engineers to help our community meet the technical demands of tomorrow. Quality talent has always served as the bedrock of innovation, yet shortages still remain the foremost challenge that tech companies in GSEA face today.

AppWorks School has trained over 800 aspiring software engineers; 90% of these graduates went on to pursue successful software development careers in prominent companies such as Taiwan Mobile, momo, 91APP, KKBOX, WeMo Scooter, and Gogoro. AppWorks School currently provides Coding Bootcamp, Campus Program, Upskill Program, and Corporate Training Program with courses in several domains: Android, iOS, Front-End, Back-End, Data Engineering, Automation Test, System Design, and Blockchain.
More information: school.appworks.tw

AppWorks Event Coordinator: 
Michelle Lin | +886-928-038-997 | [email protected]

For Media Inquiries:
John | +1-614-441-5191 | [email protected]

AppWorks Announces Key Promotions, and Establishment of Two New Business Arms for Southeast Asia and Beacon Funds

Today, we have some good news and major developments to share. We at AppWorks have recently completed a new round of institutionalization and internal promotion. Following the establishment of Accelerator and web3 arms in 2022, AppWorks has further upgraded our Southeast Asia venture practice and Beacon Funds as business arms. To support this process, we have made a number of promotions, including (L-to-R): Sophie Chiu, Principal for AppWorks Southeast Asia; Jun Wakabayashi, Principal of AppWorks Beacon Funds; Jack An as Associate; and Vanessa Lu as Operations Director.

With over a decade of continuous development, AppWorks offers a dynamic startup community with 472 active startups and 1,522 entrepreneurs, dedicated to providing founders with the capital and support they need to realize their entrepreneurial dreams and promote sustainable growth for the venture community in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and beyond. This institutionalization process is designed to enhance the professional service capabilities of AppWorks to provide targeted support for entrepreneurs operating in different verticals and geographies.

A Dedicated Southeast Asia Practice

By establishing a formalized Southeast Asia arm and building off the firm’s successful track record in the region, AppWorks aims to deepen the firm’s presence throughout the region, continue to recruit outstanding startups in Southeast Asia to join the AppWorks Accelerator, and support founders throughout the value creation lifecycle via AppWorks flagship funds. With its unique position in Taiwan, AppWorks bridges opportunities between Southeast Asia and Taiwan’s digital economies, providing natural opportunities for market expansion, talent development, and capital-raising for entrepreneurs in both markets. AppWorks’ notable Southeast Asia portfolio companies include: Lalamove, ShopBack, Carousell, Tiki.vn, and EdenFarm, among others.

The formalized Southeast Asia arm is overseen by Principal Sophie Chiu.

AppWorks Beacon Funds

The Beacon Funds arm has become an important bridge connecting AppWorks with venture capital peers in Southeast Asia and around the world. Over the past few years, AppWorks has invested in over 20 successful venture capital firms, such as AC Ventures, Openspace Ventures, Ascend Vietnam Ventures, Foxmont Capital, Pantera Capital,  Animoca Ventures, and others—focusing on a variety of different strategies including Southeast Asia regional, country-specific, vertical-specific, and web3 mandates—sharing the firm’s knowledge and expertise to source new investment opportunities, generate upround capital for AppWorks portfolio companies, support due diligence, and exchange best practices. Currently, more than one-tenth of all AppWorks investments are sourced from Beacon Funds-backed VC firms. In the future, AppWorks is expected to invest in more than 10 venture capital funds per year to accelerate the growth of the Beacon Funds ecosystem and expand AppWorks’ reach.

The AppWorks Beacon Funds initiative is led by Principal Jun Wakabayashi.

To support the institutionalization of the AppWorks ecosystem, we have made the following promotions, recognizing their hard effort and contributions to the firm.

Sophie Chiu (Principal – AppWorks SEA)

Sophie oversees AppWorks’ Southeast Asia investment practice, leading efforts to source, invest in, and support outstanding entrepreneurs in the region. Sophie joined AppWorks as an Associate in 2020 and was promoted to Principal in 2023. Before joining AppWorks, Sophie covered public equities for over a decade. She was part of the portfolio management team at Neuberger Berman, focusing on emerging market opportunities. Prior to that, she served as a research analyst at Credit Suisse, JPMorgan, and London-based Autonomous Research. Sophie holds a Master of Finance with distinction from Warwick Business School and BS Finance from National Taiwan University. At AppWorks, Sophie has worked on several notable investments, including 91APP, KKday, Tiki.vn, and EdenFarm.

Jun Wakabayashi (Principal – AppWorks Beacon Funds)

Jun is a Principal leading the Beacon Funds arm—in charge of meeting, helping, collaborating with, and investing in emerging venture capital managers to grow the venture ecosystem in Southeast Asia and web3. Joining as an Analyst in 2017 and then promoted to Associate in 2022 and to Principal in 2023, Jun has been pivotal in turning AppWorks into a household name across the region. By immersing himself in local markets and engaging with both founder and investor communities across Southeast Asia, Jun has established an extensive network that keeps AppWorks top of mind for startups seeking funding, community, and support. Prior to AppWorks, Jun attended NYU’s Stern School of Business where he received a B.S. in Finance, and spent the following several years conducting sector-based market research at Focus Reports. Outside of work, Jun is an avid meditator and invests meaningful time maintaining both his physical and spiritual wellness.

Jack An (Associate – AppWorks)

Jack became an Associate in 2023 and focuses on meeting, helping, and investing in promising web3 founders. Before joining AppWorks in 2019 as an Analyst, he co-founded an InsurTech startup and through the experience, he developed a deep interest in product design and user experience, and has since been passionate about these areas. During his time as a founder, he purchased his first BTC as well as ETH, yet subsequently paid dear tuition to the 2017 go-go ICO era. Prior to embarking on the entrepreneurial path, he worked as an underwriter at Chubb Insurance in New Zealand. Jack earned a Bachelor of Music degree from Waikato University, where he studied classical piano and developed a deep appreciation for Mozart. He loves to cook, read, and is a practicing stoic. He’s on the hunt for the next web3 application that will onboard millions of users and make the world more open, permissionless, censorship-resistant, and trustless.

Vanessa Lu (Operations Director – AppWorks)

Vanessa is an Operations Director at AppWorks. Before that, Vanessa held the role of Operations Manager at Foxconn Group’s Sytrend Startup Foundation, where she spearheaded their incubator, co-working space, and community events planning programs. Prior to that, she covered lead generation and premium customer support for the APAC region at Evernote. Vanessa joined AppWorks in 2018 as Space Director and was promoted to the role of Operations Director in 2023. Vanessa holds a Master Degree in Russian Studies and a Bachelor Degree in Russian Language, both from National Chengchi University. As a devoted mother of a son, she delights in discovering innovative ways to spend quality time with her family, all while ensuring that her work is of the utmost quality.


As the AppWorks organization continues to grow, we warmly invite outstanding talent to join us.

Our latest openings include: associate, analyst, crypto native analyst, and fund finance and administration manager.

In addition to providing generous salary packages in line with international industry standards, We have created an open, transparent working environment that rewards hard work and effort—appreciating the contributions of every team member and allowing them to reach their potential. As a collaborative platform, we strive to find consensus among investment and operational decisions from all team members, encouraging constructive feedback and diverse opinions, and reaching alignment with the firm’s mission to better serve founders. At the same time, we are striving to create a system that allows colleagues to balance work, life, and family, including unlimited annual leave, flexible remote work, annual health checks, annual employee travel, and providing a 0-6 years old per child annually subsidy of US$12k—as we have welcomed five AppWorks babies over the past three years, reinforcing AppWorks’ commitment to supporting the families of our team members.

The lodestar of AppWorks has remained consistent since day one—to help entrepreneurs reach their potential and create more successful businesses, and improve the competitiveness of GSEA’s digital economy—bringing together an institutional-grade team under one mission.

“A well-deserved congratulations to Sophie, Jun, Jack, and Vanessa for their promotions—they will play a more prominent role in the next stage of AppWorks’ development. Looking ahead, AppWorks can make a more systematic effort to support founders and create greater impact for the development of Taiwan and Southeast Asia. We sincerely welcome more experts to join us, and work together to make the region’s startup ecosystem stronger, and into a tech powerhouse admired by the world,” remarked Jamie Lin, Chairman, AppWorks.

AppWorks 宣佈新成立 SEA、Beacon Funds 兩事業單位,並完成新一輪內部晉升,在熊市中持續擴大招募人才

AppWorks 今天宣佈完成新一輪組織機構化及內部晉升,並擴大對外招募優秀人才。繼 2022 年分別成立加速器與 Web3 事業單位後,AppWorks 在 2023 年初進一步將 SEA 與 Beacon Funds 升級為事業單位,同時內部晉升 4 位同事 (由左至右):Sophie 邱敬媛由投資經理升任協理,將帶領 SEA 事業;Jun 若林純由投資經理升任協理,將帶領 Beacon Funds 事業;Jack 安良方由分析師升任投資經理;Vanessa 呂瑾玟由空間總監升任營運總監。 

AppWorks 長期經營新創的社群,累積達 472 家活躍新創、1,522 位創業者,在對的時間、為對創業者帶來對的幫助,是推動這個社群持續成長茁壯的核心工作,透過本次組織升級,我們期望系統化的擴大服務能量,讓不同領域的 AppWorks 創業者,都能得到最專業的支持。

AppWorks SEA 事業單位的策略目標,是深化 AppWorks 在東南亞數位經濟的佈局,持續招募東南亞的優秀新創團隊加入 AppWorks Accelerator,並透過 AppWorks Funds 資金支持這些優秀創業者,以及持續發展 AppWorks 的大東南亞生態系與創業者社群,幫助台灣與東南亞數位經濟的連結,讓台灣的企業、新創與人才,有更多元機會參與蓬勃發展中的東南亞市場,打造國際化格局。

AppWorks Beacon Funds 事業單位的策略目標,則是成為我們與創投同業連結的重要橋樑。過去幾年來,AppWorks 以管理公司自有資金,陸續投資包括  AC Ventures、 Openspace Ventures、Ascend Vietnam Ventures、Foxmont Capital、Pantera Capital、Animoca Ventures 等在內,專注 Web3 與東南亞不同國家、領域、階段的超過 20 支創投基金,除了輸出 AppWorks 長期經營創投、加速器、新創生態系的 Know-how 外,也透過與各創投的合作,掌握優異投資機會,交換盡職調查成果,並協力輔導共同投資的新創。目前,AppWorks Funds 超過十分之一的投資案,案源來自 Beacon Funds 所投資的創投基金。未來,AppWorks 預計將以每年投資超過 10 支創投基金的速度佈局,加速 Beacon Funds 生態系成長,擴大 AppWorks 的觸角。

AppWorks 本輪 4 位獲得晉升的同事,簡介如下:

Sophie 邱敬媛 (AppWorks SEA 事業協理)

東南亞事業負責人,主導在該地區結識、幫助與投資優秀的創業者。2020 年加入 AppWorks 擔任經理、2023 年升任協理,加入 AppWorks 前在倫敦、香港、台灣金融圈有十年的證券投資、分析經驗。曾經在瑞士信貸、摩根大通、英國 Autonomous Research 擔任分析師,在美商路博邁基金擔任新興市場投資經理。英國華威大學財務碩士、台灣大學財務金融系學士。在 AppWorks 期間,代表主導 91APP、KKday、越南最大本土電商平台 Tiki、印尼最大 AgriTech 平台 EdenFarm 等重要投資案;經常往返大東南亞地區,透過講座、活動,經營 AppWorks 大東南亞創業者社群。

Jun 若林純 (AppWorks Beacon Funds 事業協理)

Beacon Funds 事業負責人,主導結識、幫助、投資區域與 Web3 新興創投基金經理人,並與他們充分合作。2017 年加入 AppWorks 擔任分析師、2022 年升任經理、2023 年升任協理。長期經營東南亞新創社群,贏得創業者、投資人、生態系建立者信任,使 AppWorks 成為區域內創業者尋求各種創業支持的首選。擁有紐約大學史登商學院財務學士學位,畢業後任職於 Focus Reports 完成多個深度市場研究。工作之餘熱衷冥想以維持平衡的身心。

Jack 安良方 (AppWorks 投資經理)

負責結識、幫助與投資 Web3 創業者。2019 年加入 AppWorks 擔任分析師、2023 年升任經理。加入 AppWorks 前,曾在 Insurtech 新創擔任共同創辦人,對用戶體驗與產品設計充滿熱情,在此期間,首次買入比特幣、以太幣以及多種 ICO Tokens,當然,損失不少。更早之前則在紐西蘭 Chubb Insurance 服務。畢業於紐西蘭懷卡托大學,主修古典鋼琴,最喜愛莫札特。熱愛煮菜、閱讀以及實踐斯多葛哲學。正在尋找下個百萬用戶等級的 Web3 應用,讓人類社會更開放、無需許可、抗審查、無需信任。

Vanessa 呂瑾玟 (AppWorks 營運總監)

負責加速器相關營運工作,確保我們能提供最貼心的服務給創業者,同時經營 AppWorks  Coworking 共同工作空間,打造最符合創業者需求的工作環境。曾任職於鴻海集團三創育成基金會,除了維運與調度共同工作空間和活動場地,也協助引薦專業顧問輔導進駐的新創團隊、提供資源串接及社群經營。此外,是矽谷新創 Evernote 在台灣的第三號員工,從此著迷於以高轉速的工作效率完成團隊目標。2018 年加入 AppWorks 擔任空間總監、2023 年升任營運總監,畢業於政治大學俄文系及俄羅斯研究所。2020 年升級為新手媽媽,積極在育兒及工作之間找到事半功倍的方式,營造親子間的精心時刻。


隨著 AppWorks 組織持續升級,我們熱情邀請優秀人才加入,最新開出的職缺包括:投資經理、分析師、Crypto Native 分析師、基金財務經理。

在公司文化以及各個工作環節上,我們對人才有高度的重視與誠意,除了提供持續拉齊國際同業機構的薪資待遇,同時也強調內部資訊公開、制度透明、比想法不比位階的工作環境。例如,從每一支加入 AppWorks Accelerator 的新創團隊、每一個投資案,到內部的政策與制度,我們每一個策略與行動,非常重視大家的意見而採取共識決議,同事們不受限職稱皆有提供建議、表達不同意見的平等權利,藉由充分的溝通與交流,讓擁有不同專業與工作內容的同事們,都能因為共同參與、且完全理解團隊的所有決議,一起準確對齊目標,方能加速前進。同時,AppWorks 也努力打造讓同事們可以兼顧工作、生活、家庭平衡的制度和福利,包括年假無上限、彈性安排遠距工作、年度健康檢查、年度員工旅遊,以及提供 0-6 歲每胎每月 3 萬新台幣的生育補助,過去三年來已「催生」了 5 位 AppWorks 寶寶,為逆轉台灣的人口危機貢獻綿薄之力。

「透過幫助創業者成為更優秀的自己、開創更成功的事業,進而讓台灣成為數位強國」是 AppWorks 自成立以來就不曾改變的北極星,所有同事也是因為認同這個理念而聚集在一起。因為當台灣有一波又一波的優秀創業者出現,可讓新創因此而生生不息的發芽與茁壯,台灣的經濟與社會才得以加快新陳代謝,快速疊代出新產業內涵,並會帶來財富的重新分配、大量的優質就業,以及年輕世代上進的機會,為國家與社會帶來希望。在 AppWorks,我們每位同事都必須不斷思考,如何在自己日常的工作中協助創業者,除了個人可因此與掌握科技最前緣變化的創業者共同交流、學習與成長,也在這樣的過程中,透過每一次、協助每一位創業者將事業往前推進一些,點點滴滴匯聚成讓改變發生的力量。 

AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人林之晨表示:「在此恭喜 Sophie、Jun、Jack 與 Vanessa 獲得晉升,將在 AppWorks 下階段機構化過程中,扮演更重要角色。展望未來,AppWorks 將有更大的力量,支持更多創業者、為台灣與東南亞發展創造更大 Impact,在此誠摯歡迎更多好手加入我們的行列,一起努力讓台灣新創生態更蓬勃區域化,成為國際稱羨的數位強國。」

AppWorks Announces New Business Arms and Key Internal Promotions

AppWorks’ a number of key internal promotions, including 2 Principals Alyssa Chen, Ching Tseng, and Associate Jun Wakabayashi (from left to right).

AppWorks, a leading venture capital firm and accelerator in Greater Southeast Asia, today announced a series of institutional and organizational developments in tandem with a number of key internal promotions. 

As part of its organizational upgrades, AppWorks has established new arms that encapsulate the firm’s core mandate components, including dedicated arms for its accelerator and web3 practices. To drive these programs, AppWorks made a number of key promotions, including Alyssa Chen, from Associate to Principal to oversee AppWorks Accelerator arm; Ching Tseng, from Associate to Principal to lead the newly created web3 arm; as well as Jun Wakabayashi, from Analyst to Associate to head AppWorks Beacon Funds operations. These promotions reflect AppWorks commitment to cultivating talent and recognizing and rewarding excellence within the firm.

In addition to these developments, AppWorks will begin its fundraising process in Q2 for AppWorks Fund IV at a target size of US$360 million.

As the foundation of the AppWorks ecosystem, the AppWorks Accelerator is held twice annually, welcoming entrepreneurs focused on the firm’s core mandate of AI, blockchain and Southeast Asia (“A.B.S.”) to attend and gain close mentorship from the program to build founder fundamentals, accelerate business growth, and gain access to funding opportunities. Since its establishment in 2010, AppWorks Accelerator has built a community of 1,402 alumni entrepreneurs, operating 435 active startups spanning across the region with combined revenues of US$13.9 billion, cumulative fundraising of US$4.7 billion, and 20,169 jobs created.

The firm also runs the bi-annual Wistron Accelerator, a joint collaboration between Wistron, one of the world’s largest suppliers of information and communications products, and AppWorks, that recruits outstanding founders across AI, IoT, cloud, information security, education and medical verticals. As more corporates aspire to establish their own vertical accelerator to bring them closer to startups as well as help startups partner with traditional industries, AppWorks decided to further institutionalize its accelerator arm to bridge the gap and amplify the firm’s existing efforts to cultivate the next generation of founders.

For the firm’s web3 investment strategy, as a new paradigm in technology transforming the digital economy, by establishing the web3 arm, AppWorks will focus on providing entrepreneurs with targeted resources to drive web3 mass adoption and support innovation in new business models. The firm will also assist founders in web1 and web2 spaces of its founder community to pivot to web3 models, bridging traditional startups into the blockchain space. Since its entry into blockchain in 2018, AppWorks has accelerated and invested in a total of 75 active new startups and 141 entrepreneurs in the web3 space, including Dapper Labs, Figment, Animoca Brands, Blocto and XREX, among others.

As part of AppWorks commitment to building a comprehensive venture ecosystem connecting Taiwan with Southeast Asia and the global blockchain industry, the firm has launched the AppWorks Beacon Funds strategy, to date backing  more than 20 venture capital funds off AppWorks GP’s own balance sheet. Select AppWorks Beacon Funds include Pantera Capital, Animoca Ventures, AC Ventures, Asia Partners, Golden Gate Ventures, and others. In addition to sharing know-how, through cooperation, AppWorks Beacon Funds strategy generates co-investment opportunities, provides global due diligence and landing support, and builds portfolio company synergies throughout the ecosystem. Roughly one-third of all AppWorks investments are now sourced from AppWorks Beacon Funds. The firm plans to invest in 10 more funds every year aligned with AppWorks’ core investment mandate.

“Through the combined effort of the AppWorks portfolio company founders and our team, the AppWorks ecosystem has experienced remarkable growth since its inception. We are proud of the performance and contributions of Alyssa, Ching, and Jun—and we have decided to put on their shoulders greater responsibilities as part of our institutionalization process,” said Jamie Lin, Chairman and Partner, AppWorks. “With these structural improvements and our upcoming Fund IV, AppWorks will be more ready to create an even greater impact on the development of Taiwan and Southeast Asia, supporting more entrepreneurs, and accelerate emerging and innovative new segments of the digital economy.”

The organizational upgrades come with the firm’s recent success in key investments, such as 91APP and FLOW, designed to accelerate the firm’s momentum in key investment areas. With a 2014 vintage, AppWorks Fund II (US$51 million) has achieved an annualized internal rate of return (IRR) of 29.3% and a distribution to paid-in multiple (DPI) of 1.34x. The firm’s AppWorks Fund III (US$150 million), vintage 2018, currently posts an annualized IRR of 92.9% and has also begun to generate substantial distributions.

To further drive the growth of the AppWorks ecosystem, the firm is actively recruiting investment associates passionate about venture capital in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the global web3 industry. AppWorks offers globally competitive pay and packages, with salaries ranging between US$92,000 to US$180,000, and annual childcare assistance of US$12,000 for each child 0-6 years old. 

Alyssa Chen – Principal

Alyssa Chen oversees the AppWorks Accelerator, Wistron Accelerator, as well as AppWorks alumni, mentor network, and community programs. Alyssa joined AppWorks as an intern during university, later returning to the firm as an Analyst in 2016 and promoted to Associate in 2019. During this period, Alyssa drove the rapid growth and regionalization of AppWorks Accelerator, incorporating the core mandate of AI, blockchain, and Southeast Asia (“A.B.S.”) and successfully implementing a hybrid in-person/digital model for the accelerator in response to the global pandemic. In 2021, Alyssa successfully launched the Wistron Accelerator vertical accelerator in cooperation with Wistron.

Ching Tseng – Principal

Ching Tseng oversees AppWorks investments in global web3 projects, and started with the firm as an intern in 2015. Joining the firm after graduation as an analyst, Ching was promoted to Associate in 2019. With a passion for blockchain and its associated applications, Ching has built the firm’s web3 practice from the ground up as an early mover in Asia’s web3 ecosystem, bridging Taiwan to global projects and teams. Select investments include Dapper Labs, Animoca Brands, Blocto, and CHOCO TV (acquired by LINE), among others.

Jun Wakabayashi – Associate

Jun Wakabayashi leads the day-to-day operations of AppWorks Beacon Funds, overseeing investment activity in Greater Southeast Asia and coaching the accelerator team. Born and raised in the United States, Jun joined AppWorks as an Analyst in 2017, driving the regionalization process of the AppWorks platform, and engaging with startup communities in Greater Southeast Asia, gradually winning the trust of entrepreneurs, investors, and ecosystem builders. Jun’s efforts have enabled AppWorks Accelerator to attract outstanding entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, generate tangible results for the AppWorks Beacon Funds, and investing in regional startups including EMQ and Beam.

【If you are a founder working on a startup in SEA, or working with AI, Blockchain, and NFT, apply to AppWorks Accelerator to join the largest founder community in Greater Southeast Asia.】