AppWorks Demo Day #12 出場團隊簡介


AppWorks Demo Day #12 將於今天下午隆重登場,無法親臨現場的人,可以到 YouTube 觀賞本次活動的實況轉播

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以下是本次 AppWorks Demo Day #12 出場的 21 支 AW#12 新創團隊簡介:

1. WeMo

WeMo Scooter 威摩科技以共享數位電動機車車隊,開創新型態智能交通服務,帶給都會人經濟實惠、暢行無阻、充滿樂趣的騎乘體驗。

Jeffrey Wu|[email protected]

2. AsiaYo

AsiaYo focuses on room booking services in Asia, targeting non-hotel stays including vocational houses, short rentals and
room sharing.

CK Cheng|[email protected]

3. KeylessOK 客來喜

KeylessOK 客來喜研發的 RFID 轉藍芽技術貼片,是一個就地升級且與房卡並行的簡易解決方案,可快速升級飯店門鎖,簡單又安全。我們幫助飯店從硬體升級出發,進一步打造友善的行動端經營環境,同時,還可挖掘旅客大數據,記錄賓客的喜好。

鄭守益|[email protected]

4. Mr. Living 居家先生

我們相信,好的家具並不一定要有昂貴的價格。市面上的家具之所以昂貴,是因為家具從生產到販售的過程中經過了貿易商、批發商以及零售商,最後才到消費者手上,所有的中間商在過程中都提高了產品的價格,卻沒有增加產品的價值。所以,Mr. Living 希望改變家具販售的方式,透過網路,直接連結消費者及工廠,繞過層層的中間商,用市價 3~5 折的價格將好的設計帶到消費者家裡,幫助每一個人用負擔起的價格擁有自己最愛的家具。

Victor|[email protected]

5. 耳酷點子 acousdea

Delivering fabulous sound by using wood / bamboo crafted cabinet.

Jeff Yu|[email protected]

6. Law4TW

Law4TW is an easy-to-use online service to provide high-quality legal documents including contracts, attest letters and etc.

James|[email protected]

7. Racbit Sport

我們為賽事主辦單位建置管理系統,主辦單位可以建立一個符合自己形象的Google表單,設定加購的商品,使用 coupon 行銷,甚至可以串接自己的網址。

Tim|[email protected]

8. 920 揪愛啉

Order beverages (bubble tea, coffee) online (APP).
Take out later or deliver by the vendor.

Joe Liao|[email protected]

9. Zuker

共生住宅 (Share House) 平台,讓房東與房客皆能打造出更好的租屋價值與生活。我們希望讓租客們參與生活上的分享,與公共空間的設計規劃,帶大家離開孤獨的房間,讓室友、房子,甚至社區之間的關係更加緊密。

Robyn Huang|[email protected]

10. LetsRide

LetsRide 是一個透過 crowdsourcing ,為需要搭乘機車的消費者與司機進行媒合的 App。

陳彥廷|[email protected]

11. SketchyNotebook

SketchyNotebook provides creatives with a new way to write, sketch or draw on notebooks. By using uniquely designed templates, the user can draw with freedom and precision at the same time.

Tim Tu|[email protected]

12. Voxel+

Voxel+ is like Github for 3D designers. It is a visual version control tool for 3D CAD, 3D Printing, Maker, Industrial Design, Product Design and so on.
Besides, voxel+ can track all design timeline to make 3d design easier and better!

黃茂宇|[email protected]

13. Ooly

Ooly 是一個可調節軟硬度,並實現無穿戴睡眠偵測的智能床墊。床的兩側可根據使用者喜好,獨立調整屬於自己的軟硬度。接到訂單之後,Ooly 會將床墊壓縮進如小冰箱大小般的紙箱內,送至消費者家。拆封後不需組裝,只要插電就可立即享受每個獨特的舒適夜晚。

Calvin Chang|[email protected]

14. MOSi Technologies

Our manufacturing shop floor solution helps enterprises initiate their digital transformation to smart factories. Our solution is so easy to adopt even enterprises without knowledge or experience in IT could harness the power of analytics to better manage their factories.

David Yeh|[email protected]

15. KiWi New Energy

1. The WW 1st P2P Online New Energy Trading Platform Company.
2. KiWi operates an innovative online energy e-commerce and investment platform, which enables individual and institutional investors to purchase innovative Solar-based investment.
3. KiWi has its operating headquarter in Delaware/ U.S and will establish global operations in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia.

Dr. Steve Huang|[email protected]

16. 永動科技

RunningQuotient is a runner’s virtual coach. RQ provides runners the true information and useful guidance about their running according to their training records. Coaches can follow and analyze their trainee quickly on RQ.

Hsu Hung-Wei[email protected]

17. Risingreens Technologies

Groundproduce 以跨境電商的模式,將在台灣找到的加工食品銷售到東南亞。目前專注於把台灣、日式和韓式商品銷售給馬來西亞的消費者。

Rax|[email protected]


ISAY AROMA 聊療打破芳香療法= SPA 按摩或居家香氛等 ONE FOR ALL 精油產品的刻板印象,將諮詢概念導入網路科技,找到個人專屬精油配方產品的芳香療法品牌。

廖子齊|[email protected]

19. 癒善坊


張煥基|[email protected]

20. Fugle

Fugle is a fast and smart investment research workspace.
With the advanced vertical search engine and recommender system.
Fugle is also an info-card platform to sell their data to
investors for finding insights from heterogeneous info/data.

Anyway Yeh|[email protected]

21. Omninsight

The social monitor and advertising systems on the market nowadays are split. The advantage of our products is in integrating these two functions in one system to respond needs of social strategies and precisely advertise bidding.

Sandra Chen|[email protected]

AWDD#12 感謝以下協力夥伴




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